Tuesday, February 21, 2006

American Idol - Girls night

Is it me or is this years top 24 a better looking bunch than previous years? I noticed that last week when they dropped most of the "uglier" people. All the judges have really been pushing the "package" part of the Idol as oppose to just the singing abilities like Simon usually does.

Well, Mandisa started off things with a Heart song and tore the song apart! She's classy, she can belt it out and she played her cards perfectly by singing a rock song, and not being pidgeonholed into the R&B sector which I still think failed Jennifer Hudson, LaToya Jacskson and Fantasia (yes, she won, but where is she now? She even lost out the Dreamgirls role to Ms. Hudson). Still, Mandisa may be too good for her own good and have peaked too early.

Kelly the poor country girl took to the stage next, and man, she's pretty, she's cute, she's down to earth and humble, but eh, her singing was only okay. Judges were right, we will keep voting for her as long as she keeps her aw-shucksness to the midway point but unless she improves her nerves, she won't make final four.

The next two girls, Ayla and Becky were more of the same, pretty girls that could barely sing (at least relatively speaking by this point in the competition). Totally forgetable and interchangable but still might slip through depending on how the next few girls sing.

I thought Paris was going to bop her head off singing that song, but personally thought the judges were a little too generous.

I didn't think Opera singer Stevie Scott was that great either but there's something about her I totally love and I would build a WB show (oh, sorry. The CW?!) around her. An opera singer who was secretly a spy detective operating around the world while on tour, with her drama theatre group of friends.

Oh god. Now Brenna. I HATE HER. Her singing? I'm cringing just thinking about it. HORRIBLE (and that's totally unbiased!).
Heather Cox. More pretty, less singing. Please for the love of my ears.
Melissa McGhee. Who again?
Lisa Tucker. She's 16??? Pretty good but I have a thing against the young ones. They might be able to sing but can they handle the pressure? Can they survive the fame?
Kinnik, eh, she was kinda boring. Cool name though. Reminds me of Kenickie from Grease.

And finally the gambler's choice Katharine McPhee sang last. She's cute but not overly done up. She can sing, not perfect, but enough to last for a long while. Maybe. Mandisa was better but Katharine has the perfect bland middle of the road likeablity that could lead to success!

So, did we just see The American Idol? I think Randy was right, it's going to the boys year this time. At least I hope so since only Mandisa or Katharine might have the right stuff for Idol but still didn't give me any of the chills like when we first took notice of Kelly.

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