Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Dancing with the Stars - What a Tucker!

Okay, so we've been spoiled with the amazing dancing on So You Think You Can Dance this summer and now we have to take a step back to watch "celebrities" trying to dance again, which is sad and of course, thus totally entertaining.

Still, can we ever really go back? After last night? Not quite, but this is still totally not a write off.

I thought Dancing with the Stars Season 2 was particularly GREAT but I kinda knew it was partially due to the casting of Drew Lachey, Stacy Keibler and Lisa Rinna who we all fell in love with and had THREE people to root for. They danced far better than we could hope for, and their pairings, with Cheryl, Tony and Louis all had CHEMISTRY.

This season? Well, it's hard to tell after just one show, with only a few easy standouts like Mario Lopez and Emmitt Smith. Still, except for early lead Mario, everyone seems so far away from dancing well that they all had better improve quick or else there's only so much mockery one can sustain before I move on. Vivica A. Fox was passable but I think more I just feared she would kick anybody who knocked her down. I do find it funny that Harry Hamlin is there, since mini-Harry Louis Van Amstel is there too and I actually get confused as to who I'm watching when they pan to either one.

Oh and Springer and Tucker Carlson? I'm actually kinda wanted Tucker to remain. I'm not sure if it was because he was so bad, the fact that I usually hated the little pundit prick, or that it was actually fun to watch him have fun embarrasing himself. Oh well, he had his little bowtie and tossed it away, and now, we toss you away.


  1. Hmm...the prospect of rooting for Tucker just to see him humiliate himself on national television hadn't occurred to me (although he's definitely done that before on his actual show), but I think the humiliation of being voted off first is even better. That, and I'm afraid I'd damage my TV by throwing stuff at it every time he was on.

  2. I know. I don't know whats wrong with me lately. I must be a glutton for punishment. First I love "Far Away" from Nickelback, then I watch the finale of Big Brother with Boogie winning the lot. Now I just felt that I wanted Tucker in Dancing more than I wanted Springer on the show (or even Sara Evans who I adore but was REALLY boring on the show so far). Of course, I just heard a song on the radio that seemed really good until I found out it was American Idol quitter Mario Vasquez. Patoooeee... I need to wash out my mouth, ears and eyes now.
