Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Degrassi TNG - U + Me = Us (Calculus)

Free Falling Part 1 and 2

Seriously, was university ever really that hard? Okay, that first week of December in third year, yes. Still, I got through it and Aced it all (yes. I'm showing off). Paige continues her fumbling at Banting University and is caught plagiarizing off the Internet on her paper, meanwhile, Peter is still wooing Darcy and all I can say is... RUN. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE DARCY. Preferably, run back to Spinner.

Meanwhile, Paige runs back to Alex and away from Banting U to Toronto University and no one really buys it, and they shouldn't cause she's FLUNKING OUT OF BANTING and FLAMING OUT (literally). Alex rats on Paige to Mrs. Michalchuk so there goes that lesbian love. So now what will Paige do?

Tidbits: The song they sang in the Karaoke room was from Instant Star.

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