Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Office - Heroes

The Negotiation

That was a lot of making out in the office on The Office! First Ryan and Kelly which bugs the bejeezus out of Toby and then Dwight and Angela which Jim sees!

But first, back to the beginning, when Roy comes in and tries to punch out Jim but Dwight comes to his defence with pepper spray. Roy is fired but this leaves Darryl the chance to ask for a raise, which leads to the revelation that Michael doesn't actually make that much. Darryl prompts Michael to ask Jan for a raise but has to bring along his arch nemesis Toby along for the ride, who is happy to leave Ryan and Kelly and their couple bickering.

Finally The Office is back to fine form after a few eps where I thought it was starting to rely on its laurels. I almost even dipped it down from a 5 stars show to a 4! GASP! I know. I can't believe I almost caved. I'm sorry. But alas, The Office is great as ever with the little glimpse of Angela listening to the heroics of Dwight, the continuation of Kelly and Ryan's coupledom. Michael wearing a female business suit and not realizing it, and Pam enjoying it all. Jan secretly giving Michael negotiation tips to get him a salary raise and Michael not really getting the point.

Still, does this mean Roy is gone? Just as I was starting to like the poor dude.

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