Sunday, April 19, 2009

The TV Blog Coalition - @tapeworthy

You may have noticed that I've been twittering for a while now (as seen on the sidebar in twitterworthy) way before @Oprah but way after @aplusk. Or maybe you haven't noticed. I still think it's the most ridiculously idiotic thing sometimes so I keep it limited to things I would blog about but that don't really warrant a full post (or need one or am too lazy to post something full), and I avoid detailing every living moment of my day (because I seriously don't care what you're eating right now or that you have to pee now or what not, plus, that's for Facebook!) and I don't make every tweet a link to every new blog post I do (sorry, I know most of you do this and obviously it works to drive more traffic since I actually do click on them, but I figure if you're following my tweets, you probably already check in here from time to time and don't need an additional reminder on top of your igoogle or whatever you may use).

So yes, I've started using Twitter just to keep up with the @joneses but I promise I won't go crazy with it and usually limit myself to one or two a day. Plus I'm not crazy about the continual responses back and forth @whoever because personally, I don't want to read your shitty conversations with each other so why would you want to hear mine? Seriously, there's a few people I'm "following" but considering they update about every 20 seconds and fill up my homepage everytime I check in, I might have to unfollow them soon. (Seriously, some of you @people are just not that interesting. I hope I'm not the pot calling the kettle @black).

Anyways, here's what the TV bloggers (many who are twittering away as well) talking about this week:

Buzz took a look back at some of the best engagements (some broken, some still going strong) of the past TV season. (BuzzSugar)

This week, Sandie spoke with Eric Lange better known as Radzinsky on Lost about what is coming up for his character, his career, and more. (Daemon's TV)

There really is no reason to debate if Friday Night Lights is the best show currently on television, instead after seeing the third season finale, it may be time to debate if it was the best show this decade. (Scooter McGavin's 9th Green)

Vance seriously can't get enough of the trailers for the new FOX musical TV show Glee. (Tapeworthy)

This week, Jace took an early look at HBO's Grey Gardens, a dramatized version of the cult 1973 documentary film, which stars Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange as Big Edie and Little Edie Beale. (Televisionary)

Jesse took issue with the tired old re-hashed formulas employed by the SNL folks on the most recent Zac Efron-hosted debacle. (TiFaux)

This week, is your source for Paley Festival '09 coverage with reports from DR. HORRIBLE, THE BIG BANG THEORY, THE MENTALIST, DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, PUSHING DAISIES and BATTLESTAR GALACTICA/ CAPRICA (The TV Addict)

After listening to the latest music on 90210, Matt knew he had to include a section for it on TV Fanatic. (TV Fanatic)

Vance at

1 comment:

  1. I like your Twittering! I'd Twitter except that I have nothing interesting or witty or clever to say and I'm sure no one would want to follow me. But other than that!
