Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The TV Blog Coalition - One Step Forward, One Step Behind

It's amazing how a few days sick at home and I can catch up with everything on my TV backlog and a few days away and out and about for the holiday weekend and how easily it was fall behind again. Still watching the way I've noted on my Tapeworthy sidebar and so far the new season has been good to most returning shows, but I'm really going to need to purge a few since my system can't handle taping 4 shows in one time slot. It's almost enough stress to get me sick again. Oy!

Here's what the other TV bloggers were talking about this week:

We keep hearing that the only thing keeping us from an Arrested Development movie is scheduling conflicts, so BuzzSugar checked in on what each cast member is up to now. (BuzzSugar)

For those that may only know The Avett Brothers from providing the soundtrack to Landry and Tyra hooking up will want to check out their latest album I and Love and You. Scooter even points out how you can download the title track for free and legally. (Scooter McGavin's 9th Green)

Vance agrees with Mia Michaels who said that the remaining Top 4 Girls in the current So You Think You Can Dance Canada Top 8 is the strongest ever. But Vance still loves Vincent best. (Tapeworthy)

If the idea of George Clooney with ridiculous 21 Jump Street hair make you excited, you might want to learn about Sunset Beat. (TiFaux)

Vance at http://tapeworthy.blogspot.com

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