Monday, March 27, 2006

Desperate Housewives – Could I Leave You?

Mrs. Applewhite is back, Caleb tries to give Danielle a birthday present, Bree attends AA meetings but then catches Andrew at the mall with her credit card, free spending with bf Justin, leading Bree to drink even more, pass out in the department store and then try to bust out only to get stuck in the barricades. The Solis’ meet their first pregnant mother, who Gabrielle rejects because of her white trashiness, only to be replaced by a curvy thin trashiness which they accept. Only this beautiful pregnant woman manipulates the Solis’ into getting more gifts, something that seems will be further developed in future episodes since we find out she has a partner in crime, the greatly underused Eddie McClintock (I guess Crumbs is over?).
Susan, in a wheelchair, has dinner with hot doc Ron and Karl, only Karl makes sure the plumbing goes badly so that he forced Ron to get help from Plumber Mike Delfino. Man fight begins, Ron ends up leaving Susan lying on the street, with Mike back as Susan’s protector, and Karl smiling through the window.
All this however is completely overshadowed by the ew factor when Lynette’s coworker breastfeeds her child. Her WALKING child. Her Child who is about the same ages as the twins. EW.

1 comment:

  1. Hubert -what did you think of the show? D.H. is the only show I watch and thus the only one I can comment on - I love it! I think that Andrew's boyfriend will come to Bree's rescue. And have you seen that HBO show Big Love? I'd love to watch it but I don't get HBO ;( Lynds.
