Sunday, March 26, 2006

Rest of the Week

The New Adventures of Old Christine - Open Water
Blind Date HELL but HILARITY for US. The sad thing is, You KNOW some guy pulled out homemade chicken on a date with one of the writers on this show. Kudos to Matt Letscher as guest star Burton as the perfect blind date (just not Christines) for making us forget he was on Good Morning Miami.

Scrubs – The Extra Mile
“The TODD” is the SECOND BEST SURGEON competing for the Surgical Resident spot?

Sons & Daughters – Family Finance, Karaoke
I’m totally impressed with ex-Much Music VJ Amanda Walsh. Didn’t think she could pull it off. I think my favorite moments are with her, Whitey (the always funny Greg Pitts) and Wylie, together or separately in scenes.

Boston Legal – Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
William Shatner’s Denny Crane tells guest star Tom Selleck’s Ivan that they are just like two big stars that had their own shows… LOVE that this show is where former TV Icons get to play now.

Out of Practice - Model Behaviour
FINALLY, Christopher Gorham changed that godawful mullet hair he had in the first half of the season. Henry Winkler's former Happy Days Co-star (and Grandma Gilmore) Marion Ross guest stars as a visiting friend who still doesn't know that Lydia and Stewart got divorced. Oliver still steals the best lines.

The George Lopez Show/Freddie – George Gets Cross Over Freddie, Freddie Gets Cross Over George
A Crossover with The George Lopez Show and Freddie where George’s son chats online with Freddie’s niece, only Freddie and George thinks the other is some sicko pedophile, and each try to trap the other. The second half was not as funny as George is invited to Chicago after all the misunderstandings are resolved.

Heist – Pilot
Man, Dougray Scott must hate Tom Cruise more than Katie Holmes does. Poor guy misses the X-Men start date due to delays on Mission Impossible 2, and loses his job as Wolverine, to be given to then unknown Hugh Jackman, and as they say, the rest is history. Well. Dougray Scott stars in this new pilot from Doug Liman (Go, Swingers, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, The OC), about a group of criminals planning to rob three jewellery stores on Rodeo Drive on the night of the Oscars. More entertaining than I would have thought, though with a slightly disturbing scene where poor pizza delivery guy is taken hostage (from another group of criminals) and blown up. Kinda doesn’t jive with the slick, fast paced humourish action the rest of the story was going for (think Get Shorty, or other Doug Liman projects). I’m wondering if they can hang on to a series about a bank robbery and keep it interesting, then again, who knew Lost would be so great? Not as clever as Lost, but still watchable.

The Loop - Tiger Express
I'm still annoyed by Eric Christian Olsen as Sam's brother Sully, but the rest of this show is totally hilarious. I will give you that the Sully's invention of the meat version of Sam (you have to see it to understand) during the launch of Tiger Express (a new Asian airline Sam's company is launching) was great though.

My Name is Earl – Y2K
One of the funnier episodes of a very funny show, where we get flashbacks of Earl and gang circa 1999 right before Y2K is about to happen. The reveal about Crabman’s past was hilarious and clever, and the entire apocalyptic-living in the local K-martish store, FANTASTIC.

The OC – The Undertow
Why did they bring back that slut Jess just to cause problems for Ryan only to have it all resolved again at the end of the episode so he could finally hook up with Nikki which was inevitable anyways? Finally they get Marissa out of the loop and then they bring Jess back? UGH…Still, leaves us with some GREAT Seth and Summer moments, with Taylor trying to help their sex life. When did Taylor become the poor joke? Do they always do this to an original nemesis? (See Chris Carmack’s Luke)

Free Ride - Procrasti-Nating
I know why I get annoyed with this show. Nate's friend, the straight-out-of-80's-headbanger-band is VERY Annoying and not funny like Sebastian Bach is on Gilmore Girls. Plus, the parents sex issues are a little tiring and kinda give me the creeps. Which is too bad because Josh Dean as Nate is VERY likable and his flirtations with Amber are very cute and amusing.

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