Monday, August 20, 2007

So You Think You Can Dance - Season 3 Recap

So I Know They Can All Dance and season 3 is over but I won't rest until the tour comes around Toronto and I get to see my faves (Sabra, Neil, Pasha, Sara, Kameron, D-Trix, Lacey...) in person so I can stalk... er... congratulate them. Meanwhile, I'm sure Ducky will have his tour blogging updates as it all starts. (In the meantime, which city DIDN'T SELL OUT? How come I live in one of the ones that sold out right away? Ugh... I have decent tickets but I want better (but can't afford the Bid Tickets. Hey, I currently work in Canadian television, that's like one step up from welfare practically)).

I finally updated last weeks Final Four and Final Six Results with all the videos (I know, a little too late but whatever, it's for posterity) and hopefully I'll finish up the finale tonight, but here are all the links to all the main postings for So You Think You Can Dance Season 3:

Finale - Winner Result
Top 4 Performances - Finals
Top 6 Performances, Top 6 Results
Top 8 Performances, Top 8 Results
Top 10 Performances, Top 10 Results
Top 12 Performances, Top 12 Results
Top 14 Performances, Top 14 Results
Top 16 Performances, Top 16 Results
Top 18 Performances, Top 18 Results
Top 20 Performances, Top 20 Results

Thanks again for (most)Videos Uploaded by mickeymcc

See you on the tour! Thanks for reading!

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