Top 6 Results - The Cut Down To The Final Four
Lauren is out. No surprise.
Pasha is out. I'm pissed.
Final Four is Neil (yey), Lacey (woop), Sabra (YAY!!!), and Danny (ugh).
I'll expand on this more but just got back from Vancouver and need to go catch my flight to New York now. UPDATE: OKAY, I'VE FINALLY UPDATED EVERYTHING BELOW LIKE MY NORMAL LAYOUT WITH VIDEOS
The opening Top 6 Group Dance was choreographed by Wade Robson to "2:19" - Tom Waits
Here is the video clip:
Soooory but since top 10 dancers, i don't like Lacey! She's just like, well ok .. and she can't dance solo verry well because che always dance samba or something like that! That's my opinion. And I hope the top 2 dancers his Neil AnD SAbra <333
Ugh I was sooo mad when Pasha got booted. He's been my favorite since the very first episode. And I'm mad Danny got it instead of him. Pasha, although he might not have been a good of a dancer as Danny, deserved it more for being a good person and always being there for his partners.
I bet Sabra or Neil are going to win the whole thing =]
Danny better not win.
Lacey kinda knew she was going through. She has that snobby aura.
Go Neil and Sabra!
If Danny wins, I'm gonna flip a $h*t!
Man, Pasha having to leave was such a bummer. I was really hoping that Danny would be bumped off--I mean, eliminated--I mean, kicked off. Man, bad terminology.
Lauren was no surprise, except that it took this long.
The finale won't be as fun as I expected without Pasha--he always guaranteed solid dances. With Lacey and Danny as half the competition, it could turn out pretty cutthroat.
Sh!t pashas OUT!! Now I really Hate danny!!!! if i had my way the top 4 dancers would be sarah, anya, pasha, and jesus and they all got the boot? sad this show really stinks now that pashas out and dannys still in reeking up the competion! !
Wow , All This Hating On Danny Is Geeting Old.
I Mean I Love Pasha Too But Tje Show Is Called So You Think Yopu Can Dance & Not So You Think You Have A Good Personality.
Besides That You People Don`t Even Know Danny. He`s Just A Quiet Person, Not Arrogant At All.
& Danny Is NOT The Only Person Who Isn't Always " There " For His Partners.
I HIGHLY Doubt Neil Will Win
I AM getting to like Danny BETTER, at least more than the start, but again, I prefered the other boys MORE, which is not to say Danny didn't belong in the tops.
Still, I rewatched the Top 16 and 18 and Danny wasn't as perfect as I remembered him.
you could say Pasha isn't good when he does things like Hip Hop and stuff but neither has Danny. Danny is only good in contemps, things he can get away with his contemps, and I think gets away with a lot of things because he's so long and tall that everything seems a bit more graceful because of it.
I didn't like Danny in the beginning, but as the dancers have had to do more and more solos, I've become more and more impressed with him. I think he deserved to make it to the finals. I've liked Neil from the beginning, but his solos kind of look the same everytime. Enough about the boys though, this year, I think it's time for a girl to take home the title! I'm kind of anti-Lacey because I think she is smug, and her solos haven't been great, but I do think she deserved to make it to the finals; however, I will be really mad if she wins. Sabra all the way!!
I have to admit I'm a huge Sabra fan... To be honest, I think she's the only dancer that really coreographs a good solo. Her music and movement always work well together and she's stunning to watch. I do love Neil, but neither of the boys grab me the way the girls do... Lacey is pretty fabulous - a bit of a sex pot - but a wonderful performer. It will come down to the girls... Guarantee it. Danny's solos are uneventful and boring... Neil's are better, more interesting coreography, but still not as fun as the girls'...
you people are insane and have NO idea what you're talking bout!!!!!!!
Danny was amazing he has so much control and his solos were always fabulous
Lacey was NOT smug nor a sex pot she's a good dancer!
Lauren deserved to get that far but she should have gotten farther!!!!
Neil...i loved him from the start and he grew sooo much during this competition but he relied to much on his tricks
Pasha was amazing but he didn't do great in some of the dances
and Sabra she TOTALLY deserved to win she is an AMAZING dancer and could do basically anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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