So You Think You Can Dance - Faves of Season 2, Get Ready for Season 3!
So You Think You Can Dance is back (check here for Season 3 updates and Song and Performance Lists, Comments and Rants) and back to two nights a week starting tonight on Wednesdays at 8pm and Thursdays at 8pm on FOX and CTV. YEY! While I don't love the audition process, I loved last years show so much, I'll probably watch the auditions this year anyways in anticipation for the Top 20 when it REALLY gets good. Or at least, it did last year in season 2 with a great cast of Top 10's. Who knows if they can replicate that success this year but in the meantime, here's some favorite video clips (since some of my original postings were taken down) to relive some of the glory of SYTYCD Season 2 (in particular order, and some faves I just can't find right now. I'll add on as I find them, so this is in no way a comprehensive list of the routines I loved last year):
Travis Wall - Solo - "Konstantine" Something Corporate
Ivan and Allison - "Sexy Love" Neyo choreographed by Shane Sparks
So many good memories... so many bad memories...
I really wonder if season 3 will hold my interest, without Travis.
ah yes, Travis. The reason why I started watching Season 2 to begin with...
I just hope he makes a guest appearance to with his little sister or whoever...
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