Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The New Adventures of Old Christine - It's A Real Thing


Christine KNOWS her body and KNOWS she's pregnant. With Twins. After sleeping with Richard at the motel last week. Of course Mr. Daniel Harris (Blair Underwood) changes schools, allowing for him to finally date Christine. As Christine likes to say: "You've got to be freakin' kidding me".

Richard gets back with New Christine, who apparently has been dating (only Emily Rutherford can somehow pull off this bubble headed act with charm and smarts all at the same time) but has come back to Richard, who only slowly realizes about Christine's possible pregnancy.

After finally waiting long enough for morning pee (yeah, you just have to watch), buying the home pregnancy kit (after being grilled by Marly and Lindsay at the pharmacy), and taking the test. She's pregnant. With one blue line. The same one blue line that Matthew also got when he played around with another pregnancy kit. Again, Hamish Linklater as Matthew? Freaking fantastic in his monotone line readings. Matthew: (eying pharmacy shelf) "Hey, look, a douche bag's a real thing".

Alas, Christine is not pregnant, Richard and her won't have another baby together (and as Barb points out, the only thing they do right together), and Christine can once again date Mr. Harris, which she accidentally does publicly in front of his students.

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