So You Think You Can Dance - Cedric Brings Down The House, And No, I Don't Mean That In A Good Way
Top 14 Results - The Cut to 12 - Week 4
Seriously. This group is FIERCE. Last night was (mostly) AMAZING. Even Cedric was half decent (note: I said HALF). Things are going to go down to such slim margins, and audience votes are going to go overall performances and personalities more than ever now and one slip, one bad choreographer will kill any dancers chances at this point.
The opening Top 14 Group Dance was choreographed by awesome guest judge Adam Shankman to "We Can't Stop The Beat" from Hairspray (Soundtrack).
Here is the video clip:
SYTYCD Opening Dance Week 4
LOVE the song (though as much as I love Queen Latifah, I loved the Broadway Cast Recording version more) but was slightly underwhelmed by the choreography. Adam Shankman seemed to take it a bit easier on these kids. He sure could do the splits though.
So, the Bottom Three Pairs are:
Danny and Anya (well it BETTER not have been Sabra and Dominic)
Cedric and Shauna (well, if it were Pasha and Sara I would start a riot)
Hok and Jaimie (oh thank goodness Neil was finally great (like I knew he could be) and stays)
Wow, I finally predicted correctly. And before we get to the solos, we get a great big plug for Hairspray the movie! I'd be appalled if I didn't want to see it so bad. And Niki Blonski is ADORABLE and who can resist her plucked-from-Coldstone-Creamery-to-star-in-a-Hollywood-movie story?
The Solos:
Anya solo dances to "Magic Carpet Ride" - Mighty Dub Katz
Anya's Solo Week 4
Shauna solo dances to "Zombie" - The Cranberries
Shauna Solo Week 4
Shauna has become one of my favorite females and while it was mostly the same has her last solo performance, I can't blame her. If it ain't broke. Don't fix it.
Jaimie solo dances to "Childhood Dreams" - Nelly Furtado
Jaimie Solo Week 4
I didn't WOW me but I still thought it was quite beautiful.
Danny solo dances to "Delirious" - Mario Spinetti
Danny Solo Week 4
He's shirtless. How shameless. Again, at this point, how many times can we say that he's technically amazing but lacking SOMETHING. Showing skin can help but it results in another type of "connecting with the audience".
Cedric solo dances to "Circus" - Kelis
Cedric Solo Week 4
Okay. He sort of belongs more in a circus than on the dance floor. Then I just realised the song he danced to. haha... way too easy. Is it me or does he just have a gumby body that moves to a beat? I'm not being impressed at this point anymore.
Hok solo dances to "Ease On Down The Road" - The Wiz (soundtrack)
Hok Solo Week 4
Way more fun than Cedrics. The song helps. So does not having a hatred for Hok.
Hillary Duff performs. Okay. Time to get a snack. I don't need to listen to this snivelling b*tch (at least when she was on the set of The Perfect Man). Who would have thought Heather Locklear would have been the nice gracious grounded one? That really IS acting when Heather Locklear plays the queen diva bitches she's so known for.
So the judges deliberate and vote out Shauna. WHAT???????????
THERE'S NO GROWTH CAUSE SHE WAS ALREADY AWESOME. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT NIGEL? HAVE WE NOT LEARNED OUR LESSON FROM CEDRIC? OF ALL THE GIRLS, SHAUNA WAS MY ONLY SURE PICK TO STAY. WHA??? Apparently she should have fixed it. FIXED WHAT.Oh, and Cedric is finally out. There wasn't even a build up. We can finally breathe that sign of relief. Too bad I'm not fuming again over Shauna. Um, Cedric just brought everyone he was with down didn't he?
SHAUNA better be the substitute on the Live Tour.
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This was our chance to get rid of Jamie. WHHHYYYYYY?! WHY Nigel? Why?
I liked Shauna's solo, but she is smiling through the whole thing and the song is about war.
I was a little surprised but mostly because all 3 women were so blah in their solos. (I'm no Hok fan, but his was the only of the six to be at a "dance for your life" level.)
And frankly the only compelling reason to keep Shauna at this point would be to see if she got better (or showed even a vaguely different aspect/versatility) with a better partner.
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