Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Big Brother Trifecta - Dollerama Daze, God's Ways And Again, More Crying

Ah, dollar stores, memories of my college days in Montreal. I don't know if it's because Montreal actually has more dollar stores than anywhere else in the world (because it sure felt like it) or that I was a poor student so they were essentially our department stores, but good times good times! But more on that later. In the meantime on Big Brother, we need to go back to post-nomination time when Kail is assured by Dustin that she's not the final target (even though she kind of is, at least 1 of 4 that he want's out), and Jen is crying about her nomination. Was there always this much crying on previous seasons? Or does Amber make up for the previous 7 seasons alone? With Danielle, Jen and Dustin (love ya but I sort of laughed when you started bawling the other day) topping over the tear meter?

Danielle, Jameka, and Jessica are chosen along side Dustin, Jen and Kail to play in the POV. Eric becomes the host again. Hmm... does the rest of the house notice anything about that? Don't they see these "quiet" players are becoming a foursome (Eric, Jam, Jess, Dust) to reckon with and who hold the real power?

Jameka promised Jen that she would play for her if her name was pulled, and she will hold her word, which pisses off Evil Dick of course cause it doesn't go his way. God comes into the picture but personally, I think he has better things to do. Like saving Lindsay Lohan.

It's an art related Veto competition to basically recognize puzzle art that are Big Brother slogans to win money. The most money at the end wins. Except you can also spend your money for prizes. Dustin becomes the first person to buy the trip to Barbados, looking all adorable in that beret (I'd do that for a dollar! See above). Who knew someone can look good in a beret? The rest of the gang is appalled but Dustin takes the lead again, then spends his money again to win $5k (see above, contemplation over what to splurge on), again, pissing off the rest of the household, and especially a crying Amber (which in itself is a redundant adjective). This leaves Jameka to win POV, who now regrets promising God to fight for Jen.

Amber is not liking selfish and greedy Dustin. She cries about it. (Roll my eyes). Dustin is sorry about it, about being caught up in the moment, meanwhile the rest of the house quickly turns against Dustin. Um. Gay man. Free money for Prada shoes. Hello? Was that even a surprise? I give Dustin credit for not pouncing on it even faster. Dick is furious, again, no surprise. It's all getting repetitively funny isn't it?

Danielle whines, Amber cries, Dick gets angry, Kail denies, Eric mugs, Nick shows his pecs, Jameka shrugs, Zack is creepy, Jessica is barely shown, Amber is still weepy, and Dustin continues to win my heart.

So Eric has to convince at least 3 people to say "I'd do that for a dollar" 5 days in a row, and it's so cute when he tries, and starts succeeding. He get's Dick into the mission so I'm sure we will see more of that later this week. Again, Jameka gives Eric that EYE after he says it at the oddest time, which despite her God-love, is why I still love Jameka. Eric meanwhile continues being adorable and hasn't gotten into our earlier fears as a truly annoying guy. His eyebrows could be less dramatic in it's movements but I guess that's part of his charm. Now let's see more of this Eric and Jessica interaction they've been hinting at.

Dustin, Evil Dick, Danielle, Jameka, Eric, Jessica and Amber discuss the options for Jen's replacement since Jameka will not go against her word against Jen or God (I'd do that for a dollar! Okay. I wouldn't, wait. am I at double negative or triple? I'm Jen confused now), and Nick's name comes up. NOOOOOOOO Didn't you hear what ModFab had to say last week? What happened to creepy Zach? But the house wants stronger Nick out while they can still get him. Well, I guess I wasn't buying that facial hair which I find ugly but STILL. So Jameka takes Jen off the block and Dustin puts a dazed Nick on. Danielle cries, and Dustin calls out the bitches to cut the ties (well, in the diary room at least). You say it! Still, this is three weeks in a row now that the Veto has been used, hasn't it? Finally some action for the great power of Veto! Next project. ME!

So, who shall Eric vote for? Nick or Kail? Seems like the house is moving towards a Nick vote-out but we know who America will vote for (or at least, I hope). So don't forget to read on to see what happens Thursday at ModFab and Sunday with QTA.

My Boys - Just Jack, Oh, And Of Course Kyle

I'm not going to recap My Boys but I forgot to say yesterday that another reason why I love the show is because it has Kyle Howard on it. The guy is always good. I especially remember him from Opposite Sex (with him, Milo "Peter Petrelli" Ventimiglia, and Chris "The Flame" Evans. Can you imagine that combo NOW? HOT. ) and one of the best unknown shows around, Grosse Point.

Kyle hasn't gotten as big but he plays the friend-who-really-belongs-with-the-main-girl-but-she-doesn't-know-it-yet so well. One day Kyle. One day.

The other reason My Boys rocked last night was from a blinked-and-you-missed-it cameo from Jack McBrayer or better known as Kenneth the Page on 30 Rock. And even in his 20 seconds last night, he was a riot.


OH MY GOD. Thanks to ModFab for the news: De La Guarda is coming to New York with a new show called Fuerzabruta (and is currently in Europe touring. I knew they had something new in South America but finally, they will be back in Union Square (at the Daryl Roth Theatre again) this fall starting Oct. 11th for 18 weeks!)

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, check out their websites for the video of the show. Or see pictures after the jump.

The last time they were in New York, I went to see the show several times, and I would bring friends and I loved watching their mesmerized faces. The shows are... well... EXPERIENTIAL is the best way to put it.

Part theatre, part circus, part rave, part party,ALL wild and fun! Something you must experience for yourself.

They will have their rush deal again, with $25 tickets sold 2 hours before the show but the show is so much fun it's actually worth full price (and I rarely say that, because, well, I'm a cheapass).

So You Think You Can Dance - Spoilers Week 7 - Top 8

Here are this week's spoilers for So You Think You Can Dance (Week 7, Top 8) after the jump.

Highlight if you want to know.

Third judge was Adam Shankman. Every new pairing had to do two dances. Wicked!
1. Danny & Sara: Argentine Tango by Alex DaSilva, Hip-Hop by Shane Sparks
2. Lauren & Dom: Krump, Rumba
3. Lacey & Neil: Latin Jazz by Maria Torres, Contemporary by Mia Michaels
4. Pasha & Sabra: Broadway by Tyce, Quickstep. by Tony Meredith

I didn't put the comments again cause I'll let everyone (and myself) judge for ourselves when we watch. THEN we will discuss!

Thanks to IDF

For More on Season 3 of So You Think You Can Dance:
Check here for the most Recent current postings and Latest News on SYTYCD
Top 10 Performances, Top 10 Results
Top 12 Performances, Top 12 Results
Top 14 Performances, Top 14 Results
Top 16 Performances, Top 16 Results
Top 18 Performances, Top 18 Results
Top 20 Performances, Top 20 Results
For So You Think You Can Dance Season 2:
Favorite Video Clips
Song List
Live Tour - Toronto
Live Tour - Buffalo, Pics, More Pics

Monday, July 30, 2007

Taking A Flight To See Take Flight (The Musical) - Review

Take Flight - Menier Chocolate Factory - London, UK

The Menier Chocolate Factory has been quickly establishing itself in London for churning out great productions of some classic musicals including Sunday in the Park with George and Little Shop of Horrors (both moved to the West End, Sunday moving to Broadway next season) out of their little space in the back of a gallery and restaurant. Since I missed seeing tick, tick, Boom and Sunday, I thought I would check out their latest production, a brand new musical called Take Flight, about the legends of aviation, The Wright Brothers, Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart and is produced and directed by the same team that just did the Sunday in the Park with George revival that was so lavished with awards and critics love.

The book is by John Wiedman who worked with Sondheim on Assasins, Pacific Overtures and the upcoming Bounce, the lyrics are by Richard Maltby Jr. who did Miss Saigon and created Ain't Misbehavin and Fosse, while David Shire (scores for films Zodiac, All the Presidents Men, Norma Rae) wrote the score, so Take Flight has got quite the pedigreed creators who are already quite established in the business. Which may be its problem.

First of all, Miss Saigon, upon later repeat viewing when I was no longer a teenager wowed by the helicopter, was not as great as I remembered it with pounding of overdramatic schmaltz, and Fosse was WAY overated and overpraised. Second, it interweaves the three separate stories/history lessons back and forth intercutting each other, kind of like Assasins but unfortunately, the stories of aviation don't interlink as well as they would like to, and even the themed links seem a bit of a stretch. While Sam Kenyon and Elliot Levey as Wilbur and Orville Wright (above) make the most of their (slightly) comedic roles (the best being "The Funniest Thing"), there really is no inherent drama to their story. They try and fail, they try and fail, realise the calculations they have been basing their airplanes on must be wrong, recalculate and finally figure out how to fly. When the big plot point is recalculation, there are problems, and the thought of being the first to fly in no way makes up for the earlier lack of drama.

The stories of Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart intertwine a little better, but mainly because it's the same story, only Amelia was trying to be the first woman to cross the Atlantic following Lindberghs journey, even to be nicknamed Lady Lindy (shown above when the press turns her into an icon, even back then). Michael Jibson as Lindbergh (centre below) and Sally Ann Triplett are amiable in their roles in a great cast of a great production of a musical still looking for its destination.

The score has some lovely moments that seem grander than the small Menier theatre would accomodate, and some simple and ingenious staging, especially when Amelia Earhart attempts her round-the-world flight or during the "The Funniest Thing" Wright Brothers number, but it all comes crashing down with moments like Amelia's lovelife that seems squeezed in from out of nowhere, and the Wright Brothers moments during Act 1 when they also seem interjected at random moments. Act 2 works a lot better (though my friend thought the opposite, liking the first act, and finding the second falling apart) and the rest of the cast, especially Ian Conningham and Christopher Colley in rotating roles are hilarious.

On a side note, it's funny that last week I watched My One and Only, which had a storyline about a pilot that was trying to be the first to fly from New York to Paris, which eventually Lindbergh won the recognition for. Plus the fact that I flew to London (for work) back and forth over the Atlantic over the weekend sort of made seeing Take Flight even more appropriate.
So alas, here in lies the problem. Another so-so musical. Performed marvelously by a great company. It's getting to be repetitive. It's nice when in this day and age, someone tries to write an original musical, one not based on a movie or strung together my a band/singer's music catalogue, but the team of Maltby Jr., Shire and Weidman have written a great history lesson set to music, but that has little emotional impact that pulls in my heart along with my brain. On the other hand, have a lot of older "classics" done the same? Oklahoma! was cute but didn't grab me as much as Cabaret, Rent or Spring Awakening did. Are more modern takes on musicals "better" or just what I personally like? And has the attempt at the modern musical been mostly failures because the balance of a great story with great songs that is both dramatic and funny enough an extremely difficult thing to write, especially when our current expectations are high for fully rounded stories with depth in characters, songs that are hummable and lyrics that are witty? Have most musical ever reached that level? (Well duh, of course, or else Spring Awakening wouldn't have been such a standout, or Ragtime, which Taking Flight reminded me of, except a much much lighter version). Take Flight seemed like a valiant attempt but doesn't quite get to the heights of a great musical, but I did enjoy it enough, and give them enough credit for trying. Maybe they just need to recalculate a bit?

Here's a couple of other reviews that seemed to hit the mark, although I think I liked it slightly more than they did, despite all the problems with the show.
- Variety
- The Daily Telegraph
- The Guardian
- The London Times

My Boys - Better Than Men

I know I've never actually talked about it but I really enjoyed watching Season 1 of My Boys. It was like witty comfort food (can food be witty?) and it seems like it somehow vaulted from lamish cable show to a maintstream type favorite comedy with the bloggers and critics, except without the mainstream popularity and success, partially due to the fact that its on TBS and partially because actual mainstream success for comedies now consists of Two and a Half Men, so maybe actual mainstream success isn't what we want to strive for nowadays, is it?

Anyways, Season 2 of My Boys starts tonight on TBS at 10pm (9:30pm on CH in Canada). I'm actually kind of excited. Maybe it's because its summer and there's nothing else on TV but I watched it over this past TV season with all the competition, so there goes that theory.

Speaking of cable shows, Weeds starts soon (yey!), though I'm SO far behind on Entourage (though because I don't actually get it on the cable channels I get) that I worry that I'm falling too far behind and the TV fall season is just about to start again soon. And I haven't even had time to start on all the other new summer shows like Damages or Greek. Plus I still haven't managed to have time to watch The Wire, Big Love, Rome or Battlestar Gallactica on DVD yet. I know. Shamefull. I feel like a failure. Meanwhile, I already slather on the sunblock and yet I'm still getting really dark. I know people generally love that but I don't. I'm that guy under the palm tree at the beach (well, when I'm not in the water, which I guess is where the dark comes from?). I need to start hiding out indoors again and catching up on TV before I get crispy burnt.

The Geeks Like It! - Shoot 'Em Up Might Not Be A Total Bomb After All!

So Shoot 'Em Up seems to be getting some good buzz out of this past weekends Comic-Con in San Diego. (quietly in my head, oh thank god... and for more reasons than you would think). Well, I'm glad I apparently don't really know how to read a script (um, wait. that DOES worry me), although I guess the whole point of the film really isn't about the words. It's really about Clive Owen being cool (which, I think comes off WAY too easy for the jokester (yes, quite the prankster actually)).

I'm guessing Monica Belucci playing a character named DQ (Dairy Queen, I'll let you make the inferences) doesn't hurt getting the nerd boys to the box office either.

Big Brother - What DOES A Dollar Buy You Nowadays?

"Greetings all! QTA here with your Sunday Big Brother wrap-up. Shall we begin with Zach and with his unbridled nerve at calling anyone... much less S&M practitioners at Dragon Con... "FREAKS"? Seriously... this is the man who is Jameka's least favorite person in the house... and since Jameka is my Big Brother Goddess, this doesn't help his case...

neither does his creeping in to join Dustin and Amber's hug... thus forcing a group hug... "awkward" is an understatement (creeeeeeeeeeeepy). Add to this that Eric (wait. I thought it was Dustin? Well, either or, I like both) called him Eeyore,which would be accurate if Zach were lovable instead of just ridiculous."

Continue reading about the rest of the weirdness and breakdowns at QTA, I'll be back Tuesday with the Veto stuff, and ModFab finds out who finally gets kicked out on Thursday.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Big Brother Trifecta: From Now On, Please Evict The Ugly People First

You SAY IT ModFab! I'm laughing at the title of his post already!

On a side note, did anybody notice Evil Dick passing gas in the HOH bathroom (with door still open) as Eric continues droning on about strategy of voting out Kail, while Jameka reacts disgustingly to Evil's breaking wind (with full-on sound effects)? The aerosol spray was a nice touch. Classy.

Here's an excerpt (after the jump) of tonight's happenings in the Big Brother house (which also had the live eviction and HOH challenge).

"Think you know what happened last night on Big Brother? I thought I knew what was going down, but boy, did I miss it. Because being trapped in that house must do some kind of crazy mojo on people's brains, convincing them that the really stupid idea is actually the best one. Read on, and I'll explain." Continue reading at ModFab where you can see this photo and more...

Don't forget to read QTA's thoughts on Sunday's nominations.

In the meantime, who didn't love Dustin's T-shirt "Define Girlfriend"? Who didn't love Mike's shocked face as the Chenbot interviewed him upon exit? Who didn't love Nick's new mafioso look? Actually, I didn't.

So You Think You Can Dance - Anti-Cutting The Bottom Two

Top 10 Results - The Cut to 8 - Week 6

The opening Top 10 Group Dance was choreographed by Mia Michaels to "The Moment I Said It" - Imogen Heap

Here is the video clip:

SYTYCD Opening Week 6
Oooh, another Mia Michaels dance to Imogen Heap! Not as good as the one last year, and it seemed like a bit of a showcase for Danny to help him catch up with audiences hearts (and dialing fingers), and the stupid camera work didn't really help to see the entire dance.

There was controversy over yesterdays anti-war routine (as well as Mia's wardrobe) and Nigel does his British explanation that is basically the same reasonable Canadian sounding explanation I keep hearing. Just because someone is anti-war, doesn't mean they are anti-patriotic or anti-troops. GAWD. Get over yourselves. And for the record, I am anti-war, anti-Bush, anti-stupid people, anti-Walmart, anti-China, anti-sugar substitute, and anti-tax cuts for the rich. Yes, I'm a socialist practically falling into commieville. Except I'm kind of anti-union too if that makes any sense. Ha! (I'm in TWO and both seem pretty useless to me at this point).

Speaking of which, I'm also anti-Mika even though I love the song he sings "Love Today" and his album Life in Cartoon Motion is pretty good. Mika performs the song to fill in time since the results have already been tabulated and we now have another 50 minutes to fill.

So, I forgot it's only the bottom 2 girls and bottom 2 boys that are announced. It's America's votes anyways so the solos are just for one reminder of why you didn't vote for them. The Bottom Four Dancers are:

Argh... I know. I think I was the only one at work and of my friends that still like Kameron and while I'm liking Danny more, he still has a lot of ground to gain with me. Okay fine. I want to sleep with Kameron so MAaaaaaybe my judgement is a little clouded but whatever. :P

The Solos:
Jaimie solo dances to "Your Ex-Lover's Dead" - Stars

Jaimie Results Solo Week 6
She seemed to have already given up, and that she already knew, because it wasn't as great as she normally is.

Lauren solo dances to "I Can Only Imagine" - MercyMe

Lauren Results Solo Week 6
I know many still don't love her but as I said last night, she has this franticness in her solo's yet she's also very strong at hitting the beats and is actually quite controlled. Yet, with that Tarzan Jane outfit, it felt a bit stripperish.

Dominic solo dances to "It's Only Just Begun" - Jimmy Castor Bunch

Dominic Results Solo Week 6
Holy camoly, that last head spin that seemed to last for ages was incredible. That doesn't damage the brain in any way? Holy camoly. That was just SICK!

Kameron solo dances to "Oh Timbaland" - Timbaland

Kameron Results Solo Week 6
Oh baby cheeks, I guess we won't be seeing you anymore. He looked frazzled and knew he was going home already.

And the lowest votes kicks out Jaimie and Kameron. Oh well, see you on the tour!

For More on Season 3 of So You Think You Can Dance:
Check here for the most Recent current postings and Latest News on SYTYCD
Top 10 Performances
Top 12 Performances, Top 12 Results
Top 14 Performances, Top 14 Results
Top 16 Performances, Top 16 Results
Top 18 Performances, Top 18 Results
Top 20 Performances, Top 20 Results
For So You Think You Can Dance Season 2:
Favorite Video Clips
Song List
Live Tour - Toronto
Live Tour - Buffalo, Pics, More Pics

Videos Uploaded by mickeymcc

I'm A Nerd But Not That Kind of A Nerd

So Comic Con starts today in San Diego. [crickets]

Still, there seems to be enough influx of Hollywood trying to suck up to the comic geeks with Bionic Woman, Heroes, Lost, Battlestar Galatica etc. etc. that there should be interesting news coming out of there this weekend.

I've mainly noticed though because oddly enough in timing, I've had to track down some comic stuff for work and all the offices are deserted this week at all these different comic places because they are all down at Comic Con. It's like a giant Nerd exodus from the rest of the continent to the great pilgrimage in San Diego. God forbid I need I.T. help this week.

New Line will show clips (at 2:15pm Friday the 24th, in Hall H) of Shoot 'Em Up so it should be interesting to hear how it seems so far (I'm being cautiously optimistically cynical) and I forgot to post the general poster the other day so here it is.

New Line will also show The Golden Compass, which I'm excited about. Though I haven't read Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials, I hear it's good and very dark and NOT like The Chronicles of Narnia. It's almost the flip version. The poster isn't very enticing but from everything I've heard from the book, (and subsequent stage version from The National Theatre in London), it is.

Plus we get evil Nicole Kidman and a very handsome looking Daniel Craig (the best Bond EVER and apparently one that will be compensated very well for being so) (hey, wait? Aren't they in The Invasion together too?)

On a side note, according to Reel Fanatic, Naomi Watts is going to be Narcissa Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies? Belatrix Lestrange's blonde sister and mother of Draco Malfoy? How FANTASTIC!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

So You Think You Can Dance - Movers And Shakers, This Is The Top Ten!

Top 10 Performance - Week 6

The Judges are: Nigel Lythgoe, Mary Murphy and Mia Michaels (WAIT. That means we don’t get a dance from her? Wait. Didn’t I scream this last week about Wade too?)

It's new pairings tonight and individual votes and America's votes ALONE will determine the dancers (one male, one female) that get cut. Everyone will perform as a pair and then their own solo. In an interesting experiment this week, everyone does the same solo choreographed by Wade Robson about the war, being anti-war, each are given a word to work with, each must scream in the middle, all to the same song, John Mayer's "Waiting for the World to Change". Wait, didn't I just talk about John Mayer? At least I like this song enough to hear it 10 times over, sorry to those who don't. It'll be interesting to see everyone do the same dance, giving us a good chance to compare all the dancers (though it DOES give a slight advantage to those originating in Wade's style, though I guess at this point, the dancers better be good at everything).

Lauren Gottlieb and Pasha Kovalev - Hip Hop - choreographed by Shane Sparks - "Fuego " - Pitbull

Here is the video clip of Lauren and Pasha’s Hip Hop routine:

Lauren and Pasha Week 6
I was ready to hate on Lauren and though Pasha is currently my favorite male at this point, I sort of expected him to finally fail. No hating here! No failure there! I mean, Pasha isn't the best hip hopper that's been on this show, but that was still so much fun, and they hit those beats together so well that it makes me almost forget about Pasha and Sara together. (Almost). The transformers moves was so cool and these two are definitely keepers. Great. Now which female am I going to hate on?

The solos are interspersed throughout the show, but in another interesting move, they will all be judged together at the end of the night. Jaimie is the first to go:
Jaimie - Solo - Honesty

Jaimie Solo Week 6
Technically, Jaimie is amazing, but as the judges will later say, there's something that seems lacking in her emotions. I mean, when we've heard her speak, she seems a little bubble headed, and her face sort of reflects that in her dancing. Like nothing is really going on up there but her body takes over with those amazing and technically proficient moves.

Dominic - Solo - Love

Dominic Solo Week 6
The judges thought Dominic was a little tight, even though he seemed to be really emotional in his dance. At first I would bring it up to the fact that he IS dancing about WAR. Wouldn't that make everyone uptight? Then I just noticed he was dancing about Love. (Again, I'm sure some people could say. Wouldn't that make everyone uptight? haha) Could have been looser, but he still impresses me.

Sabra Johnson and Kameron Bink - Contemporary - choreographed by Tyce DiOrio - "Amazing Grace" - Crystal Lewis

Here is the video clip of Sabra and Kameron’s Contemporary routine:

Kameron and Sabra Week 6
I still like Kameron's heavyness, but I totally was watching Sabra in this routine and I thought Kameron was good but not fantastic. Sabra is simply mesmerizing week after week and this week is no different.

Sara - Solo - Hope

Sara Solo Week 6
LOVE HER! LOVE HER! (Picture me singing this bravato style). It was deep and emotional and she just dances way beyond her b-girl original style. LOVE HER! (It's quite the battle between my love for Sabra and Sara right now).

Pasha - Solo - Communication

Pasha Solo Week 6
My favorite male. Not my favorite solo but not as bad as the judges would later hate on. Yes, his facial expressions seemed like he was about to perform some Chekhov but most of the dance moves were still pretty great, thought there were some loose threads happening in his stylings.

Lacey Schwimmer and Danny Tidwell - Samba - choreographed by Dmitry Chaplin (with Heidi) - "Hip Hip Chin Chin" - Club Des Belugas

Here is the video clip of Lacey and Danny’s Samba routine:

Lacey and Danny Week 6
Is it me or does this new pairing seem somewhat unbalanced from the rest? Oh sure, put the two best technical dancers together. Or is it the relatives of last years top 2? Still, it was a great performance again, but I found myself watching Lacey the entire time. She seems looser, in that good "Dancey" way. I mean DANCE. Not the other loose. Get your mind out of the gutter. She's Benji's sister. Ew.

Lauren - Solo - Patience

Lauren Solo Week 6
As frantic as it looked, it was amazingly controlled. You got to give it to her, she fought to stay in the top 10 and now she is killing it! Awesome.

Neil - Solo - Humility

Neil Solo Week 6
Like his former partner Lauren, he can do frantic, but with lots of control. however, maybe just slightly too much control as this felt a bit tight too, like Dominic's. Still, pretty impressive and he's seemingly less hollow.

Sabra - Solo - Unity

Sabra Solo Week 6
Hmm... now that I've seen Sabra, who seems controlled and yet loose, the entire thing seems more passionate somehow and thrilling. It's interesting that Wade throws in those cheesy moves mostly near the end where the dancers point to the time, draw the world, and hearts and finally end off in the peace sign, yet, by doing that, it almost makes it easier to see who avoid making it look pedantic. Anyways, just saying because I find I just rapture lovely whenever I talk about Sabra and it must get boring at this point. What bad can I say about her?

Kameron - Solo - Trust

Kameron Solo Week 6
... and THAT'S WHY I love Kameron and THAT'S WHY he was a former top male pick for me, and why he still remains out of my bottom spot, and THAT'S why I can't WAIT to see him live on the tour.

Jaimie Goodwin and Dominic Sandoval - Viennese Waltz - choreographed by Toni Redpath - "Man of La Mancha" - Linda Eder

Here is the video clip of Jaimie and Dominic’s Viennese Waltz routine:

Dominic and Jaimie Week 6
I found it was Dominic's worst week yet I still kept looking at him, while Jaimie is good but again, and she became sort of a prop for him. The whole costumes was kind of overkill and I guess the judges agree, that it was way over the top with no chemistry between the two of them. Let's hope Dominic was good not just because he was paired with Sabra before.

Lacey - Solo - Peace

Lacey Solo Week 6
You can't deny that this girl is good and no wonder she's never been voted into the bottom 3 (her and Kameron have been the only ones). I still think I preferred some other solos better but Lacey is always great. It's almost getting boring to say.

Danny - Solo - Understanding

Danny Solo Week 6
Too bad he didn't to this in the first couple of weeks, because that was amazing and he injected the most personal style into the routine. If this was a purely solo show without interviews (seriously. SUNGLASSES? I still laugh at that), he would win. Sadly, since this is still a partner show until the last week, I like the other four guys better. Still, that was the best male solo of the night, if not the best solo of the night.

Sara Von Gillern and Neil Haskell - Disco - choreographed by Doriana Sanchez - "Knock On Wood" - Rachel Stevens

Here is the video clip of Sara and Neil's Disco routine:

Sara and Neil Week 6
Wookie Love! Neil's kind of a dork isn't he? That makes him even cuter. Seriously FUN FUN FUN dance routine from fave Sara and from potential fave Neil who is finally starting to live up to my early call that he was this season's Ivan. Finally a Doriana Sanchez routine that was GREAT, though was it because it was Sara and Neil? Either way, my favourite pairing dance of the night.

Wrap Up

Best Pairing of the Night - : Sara and Neil with Lauren and Pasha in 2nd, Lacey and Danny and Sabra and Kameron fall into 3rd and 4th by default though I think part of the blame for Sabra and Kameron's routine was the song itself (or should I say, the version of "Amazing Grace"), but they only just graze under Lacey and Danny, which was mostly saved by Lacey and better choreography (which again, has nothing to do with the dancers decisions).

Worst of the Night - Jaimie and Dominic

Best Solo of the Night - Male - Danny
Best Solo of the Night - Female - Lauren

Best Dancer Overall - Male - Neil (surprised?)
Best Dancer Overall - Female - Sabra

So here is my new rankings of the dancers, which I'm still separating into male and female because I'm afraid of combining them because there are still too many amazing dancers to really choose (plus I still kind of think the girls are slightly stronger this year, though that just means some of the boys have had a bad night whereas a few of the girls have had none really so far) . Biggest movers being former partners Lauren and Neil.

Favourite Male - From Favourite to Least (last week's position)
1. Pasha (1)
2. Neil (4)
3. Kameron (3)
4. Dominic (2)
5. Danny (5)

Favourite Female - From Favourite to Least (last week's position)
1. Sara (3)
2. Sabra (2)
3. Lacey (1)
4. Lauren (6)
5. Jaimie (4)

Again, the race is so tight now, I can probably be swayed almost any way at this point. Anybody totally disagree? Agree? Anybody convince me of a different order to the lists?

Well, the good news though is that these ten will all be on the tour! (November 1st in Toronto!, ACK, No Bufalo date... hmm... maybe I can go to Detroit?)Man... who am I going to stalk? Er... I mean... chase after for autographs and pictures?

The bad news is we are going to lose someone. Jaimie and Danny are both technically great but I will probably miss the least, even after Danny did that amazing Solo tonight. These are also my predictions for tomorrow, with bottom 3 being hmm... Pasha, Kameron and Danny? and Jaimie, Lauren and Lacey? AHHH... SO DIFFICULT!

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Having Tea(bagging) with John Mayer - He Said It, Not Me

This is why I love John Mayer. I mean, he sometimes gets a little self-indulgent with his guitar, and I'm just going to block that whole Jessica Simpson fiasco out of my mind and chock it to the fact that he's just like every other horny male my age. And while he's had some good stuff out, none has been as good as Room for Squares. The guy is still a hoot. His new Gap ad ain't too shabby either (after the jump). Plus, maybe I was a bit emotional this weekend or something but I sort of needed the new single "Dreaming With A Broken Heart". Not his best song but due to the right timing, I kinda love it.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Big Brother Trifecta - Mike Finally Gets Noticed... As A Doofus

So Evil Dick is HOH in the Big Brother House this week, homophobe (unless they are nice gays) Kail and loopy Jen (and if you need more proof, check her HOH diary if you haven't already, where she deals with her BILLS from back home!?!) are the two former HOH's and both are up on the block, and things are going just as planned and thus, uneventful right? Oh how we forget how much can happen in 24 hours trapped within the walls full of cameras. Let alone 48 hours. So let the scheming begin!

Dick makes it clear that Jen's not even his main target. Kail is, and she seems to be latching onto homo Dustin for help. Ironic eh?

The trying-to-be-cool-and-part-of-the-boys-but-is-kind-of-a-trying-too-hard-nerd Zach decides to streak but takes way too long in the attempt, and when he finally does, the rest of the house makes the last joke on him when they lock him outside in the yard without his towel. And um, according to the live feeds, there wasn't that much to look at (um, not that it matters, it's how you USE it, or so people delude themselves into saying).

I love that Dick totally calls out Kail. Not in her attitude, but in her poor plays in the game from the get-go, who at this point is still scattering around trying to save herself, trying to get Mike to help her in the POV challenge. Kail spills that Jen is after Danielle still (well, duh) but problem is, YOU WENT AFTER EVIL DICK, so why WOULDN'T EVIL DICK go back after you? Duh.

America is making Eric vandalise Jen's property, which at this point seems too easy. America, I thought we moved on? Let's stir the pot with some other members of the household! Let's get Mike in the mix. Let's get him to do SOMETHING (though standing there is not bad on the eyes). Eric squirts mustard on one of Jen's Jensa Member shirt. THAT'S IT? THAT completes the task? Maybe I'm more sadistic than I thought but I wanted full on VANDALISING. I wanted SCANDAL and BLAME and SCREAMING MATCHES. I'm going to hell aren't I? Oh wait. According to Kail, I'm already going to hell anyways. So bring on the evil!

Being the robot that Jen is (seriously, think about it. She doesn't understand empathy. Shows little emotion. Is confused by all. Show's little emotion to her "mother". Can only compute photos if people look attractive in them. It's like an episode of Small Wonder only funny) she isn't really pissed, just confused by the whole grade school prank and lightly pokes and prods everyone, while Eric literally swears away his diversion tactic and remains undiscovered.

Evil Dick slowly starts to power trip, making sure Jen knows of Kail's backstabbing. The POV competition starts and Jessica, Zack and Nick join Dick and the two nominees. It's a Mad Hatter Tea Party game of endurance (good to see whose will is stronger, bad for exciting TV). The competitors must stand on a pedestal while also balancing a glass on top of their Mad Hatter's hat, and Kail fails right away. Bye bye homophobe! The rest of the house then comes joins the gang in the garden to jeer them on, with a disturbing looking Mike in a pink wig and tight maids outfit. Shudder. It comes down to Evil Dick and Jen left standing, but since Dick wants Kail out anyways, he tries to convince Jen to drop out, but a kookoo as she may be, she's a stronger player than one would expect. Dustin attempts to frazzle Jen by wearing her red uni'tard, while Mike sucks on a baby bottle. Uh, I don't EVEN want to know. Of all the houseguests, only Mike is trying to disrupt Dick with all his lame attempts failing miserably. Maybe it was better when we didn't see much of Mike? Some pretty boys should only be seen. In 2D. Frozen. Of course why Mike is trying to frazzle Dick and not Jen, I have no idea. He claims honesty. Oh PLEASE. Stating your honesty in the house is like stating your virginity in a bathhouse, it's sort of futile and the jig is up. Plus people kinda just want to get you even more. So Dick gives up on purpose to let Jen win, thus letting her take herself on the block letting Dick put Mike up on the block. Mike. Smart move. So honest of you. ??? What a doofus.

Evil Dick, who had been letting the rest of the household sleep in the HOH room all week, is getting furious that Zach and Jen are together in the HOH conspiring with Nick in a perceived alliance. Dick's basically pissed at Nick for hanging out with Danielle and taking it out on the house. Danielle tries to calm Dick down and instead it turns into one of their father daughter fights, though doesn't it seem like EVERY teenage daughter/father fight? I'm just saying, their communication problem isn't exactly unique and that there is hope for reconciliation. At least right after Nick is out of the picture, or so Dick thinks. Though I'm sure Dustin doesn't complain.

So surprise surprise, Jen uses the Veto on herself after a waste-of-time speech (though live-feed viewers are starting to suspect that this dumb act is an act, which would make her the most amazing player this year so far). Evil Dick thus puts honest and truly dumb ass Mike on the block, which leaves Mike and Kail as Eric's two options for us to choose to vote out (cough, not that I even need to state it but, cough, Kail, just to be sure).

So be sure to check ModFab on Thursday to see Kail get voted out (okay, fine. whichever household member gets voted out), and QTA on Sunday to see who the new HOH will put up for nominations. Also, maybe Jameka and Jessica will make an appearance on television soon? Though they probably don't want to make their big TV splash like Mike. I am glad we stopped seeing Amber crying. Not that she has stopped. Apparently from the live feeds, that's all she's done. So thank CBS for editing THAT out for now.

This Is Real TV - When Kids Get Life

When Kids Get Life
Written and Directed by Ofra Bikel

So since Big Brother and So You Think You Can Dance only occupies my Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, I had more time to catch up last night on TV from MONTHS ago (uh, I've been actually busy. okay? As much as I love watching TV, I actually do go out! I'm not a complete hermit! So to all those who claim they have no time for TV, I can attest, yes there is. (Again, 2 full time jobs, this blog, 4-5 nights out a week, gym... plus lots of TV! Totally doable! ha! Again, as long as you tape things, things that are TAPEWORTHY. GET IT?)

So I finally had time to watch the entire documentary When Kids Get Life on Frontline that aired on PBS a couple of months ago. The entire thing can also be viewed online at their site and I highly recommend it. It's quite a disturbing report following 5 kids that were sentenced to life without parole and questions this practice. Yeah, just a leeettle bit different than Big Brother or SYTYCD.

This is such a weighty issue and with some of the recent shootings and murders in Toronto, as well as the media frenzy over kids gone wild and dangerous, it's a serious concern that the media milks to frighten adults. When Kids Get Life zereos in on the full story of 5 such cases in Colorado, and offers some horrifying details about each case, and what led to each kid to murder. While murder is never really justified, do children, up to 18, fully understand the consequences, and does an unstable household (including abusive parents (sexually, mentally and physically)) justify what some of the kids did to end their situations? Does a robbery gone awfully wrong mean it was intent to murder? Does a friend caught at a bad time and place when his friend murdered his controlling mother, deserve the same sentence for essentially, not stopping his friend when he only had seconds to react, understand the situation and process what was happening before his eyes? And then, do these kids deserve LIFE in prison? Do kids EVER deserve LIFE? What happened to second chances? Bikel weaves through some of the laws that force judges to place these young people away for life, and the interviews show confused kids that are intelligent enough now, in their 20's, understanding of the graveness of their situation.

On the flip side, we hear the opposition to the empathy for these kids, and particularly the families of the victims, and again, my rage sympathizes for them too. However, is revenge or retribution actual justice?

Some heartbreaking and fascinating stuff and in certain cases (particularly Jacob Ind's and Erik Jensen's case, while Medina didn't really seem to get a fair trial) the punishment was far too harsh for the situation. Yes, I hear of random stabbings (I'm still horrified by those recent random stabbings by gangs in Calgary, as well as all the incidences that have been happening around the entertainment district in Toronto (there's an interesting article "Club Land" in this month's Toronto Life not available online)) and yes I want those people put away. In the same manner, are some kids just stuck in a horrible situation and find themselves making the biggest mistake of their lives? And should this cost them the rest of theirs from that point on?

The film itself is done quite simply, mostly through quiet interviews. You can tell there was none of that hardhitting style the cable news networks and nighttime news magazines usually go for. It's contemplative, honest and let's the story roll out without ever feeling like it was handled. Maybe the kids are the best liars in the world, and get Bikel, and be extension, us the viewers, to feel sorry for them and believe their stories, or, Bikel has uncovered a flaw in the justice system that unfairly sweeps the young and troubled away from the rest of society.

Okay, I need something light again. Thank goodness Big Brother is on tonight. A house full of fools who chose to lock themselves in a compound (for the summer).

So You Think You Can Dance - Top 10 Spoilers

Here are this week's spoilers for So You Think You Can Dance (Week 6, Top 10) after the jump.

Highlight if you want to know.

Third judge was Mia.
1. Pasha & Lauren :: Hip-Hop (Shane Sparks)
2. Kameron & Sabra :: Contemporary (Tyce Diorio; “Amazing Grace”)
3. Dominic & Jaimie :: Viennese Waltz (Toni Redpath)
4. Danny & Lacey :: Samba (Dmitry & Heidi)
5. Neil & Sara :: Disco (Doriana Sanchez; “Knock On Word”)

Everyone did the same solo choreographed by Wade, and it was all about letting their frustrations out about the war. They each had a different word on them, and they were all supposed to scream in the middle.

Jaimie :: Solo - Honesty
Dominic :: Solo – Love
Sara :: Solo – Hope
Pasha :: Solo – Communication
Lauren :: Solo – Patience
Neil :: Solo – Humility
Sabra :: Solo – Unity
Kameron :: Solo - Trust
Lacey :: Solo – Peace
Danny :: Solo – Understanding

I didn't put the comments cause I'll let everyone (and myself) judge when we watch.

Thanks to IDF

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Shakespeare? I Came To See Some Singing and Dancing - Reviews of Oklahoma! and My One And Only at the Stratford Festival

Oklahoma! - Festival Theatre - Stratford Festival - Stratford, ON
My One and Only - Avon Theatre - Stratford Festival - Stratford, ON

So I go all the way to Stratford and instead of seeing Shakespeare, uh, I go see the two musicals they are offering this season. I mean, they are even renaming the Stratford Festival to the Stratford Shakespeare Festival later this year. But what can I do? I like it when random singing happens. Just like in real life!

Oklahoma! is of course the classic 1943 musical from Rogers and Hammerstein (their first collaboration together) about cowboy Curly (my fave Dan Chameroy) wooing (and really, wooing is the most appropriate word here) Laurey (Blythe Wilson), but Laurey for some reason seems to go for Jud (David W. Keeley), the loner farm hand. That's pretty much the plot, add in some psychoanalytics of Jud as the id and Curly as the ego, a "wild" girl Ado Annie (Lindsay Thomas) who can't decide between good boy Will Parker (an excellent Kyle Blair) and exotic Persian travelling salesman Ali Hakim (Jonathan Ellul), some slightly dated themes on feminism and sexuality (or more like, now stereotyped to death in the 21st century), and we have the bases for Oklahoma!. A quaint little musical about the countryside, with farmers and cowboys, surreys (now I know what a surrey is) and ducks and geese and so on.

So what can I say about some of these "classics"? I'm finding that a lot of times, I will see these "classics" and be bored, slightly offended, or mildly entertained but not moved. Oklahoma! falls into the last category. Classic simple love story but I never REALLY got the Jud character (even in the National Theatre version with Hugh Jackman shown on PBS), because Jud seems so fleshed out to represent the BAD and DEVIANCY in sexual behaviour that I kinda feel sorry for him in these times. As we would say now, he's misunderstood. They paint Jud as such a villain while the cocky Curly wins the girl, Ali Hakim is of course scheming while good ol' white boy Will Parker is the bland simpleton that we know will win Ado's heart, it's all rather un-PC in a post PC times (or is that PC in an un-PC time? I can't even tell anymore). Which means it should work again, except, it sort of doesn't for me. I wasn't offended, I just wasn't moved emotionally and I kind of require that now from a good musical.

Luckily, the production is amazingly done and I've been a big fan of Dan Chameroy since he so slickly played the Wolf/Prince in the CanStage production of Into the Woods years ago (hmm, he was Gaston to Kerry Butlers's Belle in Beauty and the Beast in Toronto? Kerry Butler was in Toronto?). If he were on Broadway, he would be a MUCH BIGGER star by now. The handsome guy is musical comedy gold, and he was a great Curly. David W. Keeley (Toronto and Broadway's original Sam in Mamma Mia, Officer Lockstock in the CanStage's Urinetown) made the most of Jud, but again, I've never really understood the character (or at least cared for him). Kyle Blair was a surprise making Will Parker as fully rounded and funny as he could, and had some amazing dance tricks up his sleeve (and roping techniques). In fact, the entire company kicked up a storm, which I did not really expect from Stratford (even though I know they've been milking the musicals for the last while now). Nora McLellan was a great Aunt Eller and again, the rest of the cast continued Stratford's image of great actors. It's an enjoyable classic musical, that especially starts off strong because of the beautiful classics "Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin'", "The Surrey With the Fringe On The Top" and "Kansas City". It muddles a bit in the middle but then is truly enjoyable again in Act 2 with "The Farmer and the Cowman" and of course, "Oklahoma!", all which the Stratford company does an rousing great job of singing and dancing to. Which makes again for a conundrum in my review. How do you review a great production of a show when I only like the actual musical so-so?

It becomes even more difficult after seeing My One and Only. At least Oklahoma! is in the canon of great American classics and I can see at the time of it's incarnation in 1943, that it was a revolutionary thing for the musical theatre. My One and Only is a cute trifle of a musical, one I had never heard of, and basically an early version of the jukebox musical that stole from within the theatre. My One and Only premiered in 1983 and basically took Gershwin songs and re-arranged it with a bare thread of a storyline, probably as a vehicle for the original stars, Tommy Tune and Twiggy (yes. THAT Twiggy. I didn't realise she COULD sing or dance).

The story is barely existent and a bit ridiculous, the characters are completely stock characters. You know when the Narrator notes of all those long forgotten musicals he loves that were meant only really for an evening's worth of entertainment in The Drowsy Chaperone? All before playing "The Drowsy Chaperone", itself a semi-ridiculous light diversion of a musical? My One and Only IS one of those musicals. Except without the added Narrator to make sarcastic remarks upon it. Entertaining while watching it. Forgotten within days. So it's odd that Stratford chose this musical to produce while they have a huge catalog to choose from. Or maybe it was just a vehicle to showcase Cynthia Dale? Stratford's only female "star". And by star I mean someone Canadian who has been on a Canadian TV show that lasted a few years and is thus sort of recognizable (plus she married The National's anchor Peter Mansbridge (oddly handsome and sexy in person btw. Who would have guessed? Cause it sure does NOT translate on TV) so that always helps keep the fame alive in Canada).

Cynthia Dale DOES show off quite a bit though, and is an incredibly impressive dancer. Who knew she could be such a hoofer? How old is she? She was the bitchy lawyer on Street Legal (with JAG's David Elliot Smith) when I was growing up. Isn't she like. OLD? But man, she can TAP. And along with Laird Mackintosh, the two lead a tap dancing cast that click and clack away on the polished floor in this Art Deco styled musical. It's been a long time since I've seen a purely 40's styled toe tapping dancing musical (the last one must have been the OTHER Gershwin mishmash musical Crazy For You, though that at least had a better storyline and more of their famous songs) but while it's light on the story, it's truly fun to watch the dancing. That makes Stratford 2 for 2 now on the impressive dancing quality for their shows. Who knew they weren't just about "To be or Not To Be"?

So again, another mediocre musical that is performed excellently by the company of Stratford. Even more impressive are the actors who appear in BOTH shows, including David W. Keeley again (very funny as the Evil Prince Nikki in My One and Only) and Kyle Blair again (who is relegated to a smaller role, but with even more impressive dancing in MOAO). My One and Only is a kind of reincarnation of Funny Face and while I haven't seen that, I'm thinking, why wouldn't they have done that musical instead? Still, entertaining and the tap dancing on water (yes, WATER) is truly fun to watch.

Here's some other reviews that almost all seemed to love Oklahoma! (maybe I just don't get "classics"?)
- The Globe and Mail
- The Star
- Variety (although it's the same reviewer as The Star)
- The London Free Press
- The Associated Press via The Washington Post
- Now Toronto (This review pretty much nails my thoughts, only in much fewer words and thus, far more succinct than my run on sentences)