United 93
More After the Jump...
Life's too short to waste on bad entertainment. Well, unless it's so bad, it's good. Or you're stuck in an airplane.
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Sunday, April 30, 2006
Labelworthy Movie Reviews
What can be funnier than drug testing at Dundler Mifflin? One would think nothing, especially with Dwight being so vigilant, and with Michael having something actually to hide, but the shot of Kevin and Oscar’s looks after Angela is questioned on her previous night’s activities by Dwight probably topped the whole drug testing. What topped THAT was Pam and Jim’s jinx game, leaving Jim speechless for most of the episode. I just thank god NBC was/is in such a funk that they NEEDED this show last year and got its’ second season renewal.
Posted by
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Labelworthy The Office
Terry wins the reward, and the immunity, but again, who cares, cause CIRIE stirs the POT and with the imminent voting of a fellow Casaya member, the dealing is in full swing. Still, everyone thinks they are in control, but we all know that Cirie played her chess move and got Courtney out and no one still hates her. I knew she was the one to contend with and why I like her the most! Now if she and Aras can make their way to final 2, this would have been one of the best seasons around.
On Earl, Mike O’Malley shows up as a disgraced cop (disgraced by yours truly) and almost makes you forget The Mike O’Malley Show. Still, he has years of penance to make up for Yes Dear. (Is My Name Is Earl, the Karma make up for creator Greg Garcia creating Yes Dear? Yes dear, that’s why Mike got his guest spot though amazing how better material can make a better performance).
Posted by
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Labelworthy My Name Is Earl, Survivor
A week after everything gets tossed upside down, with Old Couple Fran and Barry coming in first, everything gets tossed back to normal again with one fell swoop to Perth Australia with Team Abs leading the way again, and Fran and Barry finally getting screwed out of a cab, and ending up last, and eliminated. I didn’t love them but I wanted to see them go further. Now we are left with 2 teams of All boys again, 2 couple teams, all young. Boring.
Still, was that prison tunnel thing not cool/creepy? This is what Prison Break should have done.
Posted by
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Labelworthy The Amazing Race
Let me first get ANTM out of the way. I hate that show, but sometimes, the trainwreck must be watched. Those “Aswirl” Twins, Ron and Richard, where DO they FIND these people?
Now, back to the singing.
Finally caught the performance episode of American Idol, and there was some great singing. Yes I love the show and all it’s cheese, but then so do 30 million other North Americans, but then I tune into South Pacific In Concert From Carnegie Hall on PBS, and there was some GREAT singing. Now, its hard to fault American Idol since these are basically amateurs from everyday America, who are young and generally untrained, and basically looking for that raw undiscovered talent (Kelly Clarkson, Elliott this year), but man, do those GREAT singers on South Pacific shame everyone else, granted, they’ve been doing it for years on the stage and these were the best of the best (and I’ve heard some BAD singers on Broadway too)
Heading up South Pacific was Reba McEntire. Yes, the country singer. But Thanks to her performance a few years back in Annie Get Your Gun, taking over Broadway Diva Bernadette Peters, and UPSTAGING Bernadette’s performance, Reba has somehow quickly and deservedly became a Broadway Icon herself. Plus, I actually like her show Reba and thinks she has incredible good comedic timing, but that’s just me.
Reba was joined by Alec Baldwin, Brian Stokes Mitchell(Trevor on Fresh Prince of Bel Air), Lilias White (so good with Megan Mullaly and Matthew Broderick in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, which also, in one show, made Matthew a Broadway Icon), and Dylan Baker. It’s amazing what good performers can do to enliven a musical, since I’ve never really liked, or understood South Pacific, with its silly Happy Talk and Bali’hai, but these performers totally made me understand (still didn’t love it but at least I could appreciate it now).
As for the other performers, I’m glad I was wrong and Kellie was booted. Now if only Taylor gets booted next week, we will have the best Final Four ever.
Posted by
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Labelworthy American Idol, Guilty Pleasures, Theatre
So I've been sick and missed most of TV over the past few days, and still haven't caught up with last week, but I heard on last nights House, that Wilson sports a McGill T-Shirt! Just as I was talking about Colin Ferguson on Teachers., a McGill alum (along with other "GREAT" actors Cameron Matheson (B.Eng) and "GREAT" writers, like the writer of Catwoman... haha).
Woo woo to my Alma Mater!
Posted by
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Labelworthy House
Jane Jacobs died, so sad. Rent is 10 years old. Wow. To that guy I knew that never thought it would last past 2000, HA!
Posted by
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Labelworthy Theatre
The Todd comes out… to be just a crazy hornball, and was I the only one excited to watch Teachers. (am I the only one watching this bad show?) to see the Coupling Universe collide with Susan from UK Coupling (Teachers. regular Sarah Alexander) and Patrick from US Coupling (McGill Alum Colin Ferguson)? Weird watching them start a relationship since I’m like, didn’t they kind of go out already in some weird-alternate-TV-across-the-pond universe? I think I watch too much TV.
Posted by
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Luke throws April a birthday party, becomes the typical “dad” to every pre-teen daughter, and Lorelai comes and saves the day, only for Luke to be lashed out by April’s mom for leaving April with a total stranger. Lorelai talks with April’s mom, where she gets the full explanation as to why the mom doesn’t want Lorelai apart of April’s life just yet. Oh and Logan is in the hospital and Rory lashes out at Mitchum for not seeing his son.
This was written by D. Rosenthal, who will be the new showrunner for next year, so basically we got a taste of what next year might be like, and thankfully, it might not be that bad, despite all the rumors that Rosenthal is a total nutcase.
Posted by
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Labelworthy Gilmore Girls
Stupid Allergies so not in the mood to recap, and didn't manage to catch up with everything anyways. All I DO want to say is though... PEOPLE. GET WITH IT and watch Veronica Mars. SO FANTASTIC...
Posted by
Monday, April 24, 2006
Labelworthy Veronica Mars
Monday April 24
Prison Break – Fox/Global 8pm
What About Brian – CTV 8pm/ABC 10pm
How I Met Your Mother – CBS 8:30pm
24 – Fox 9pm, Global 10pm
Everwood – The WB 9pm
The New Adventures of Old Christine – CBS/CH 9:30pm
Tuesday April 25
Gilmore Girls – The WB 8pm, Global 10pm
American Idol – Fox/CTV 8pm
Veronica Mars – UPN 9pm
Scrubs – NBC/SUN 9pm
House – FOX/Global 9pm
Pepper Dennis – The Wb 9pm
The Bedford Diaries – CITY 9pm
Teachers – NBC 9:30pm
Boston Legal – ABC/CH 10pm
Wednesday April 26
Lost – New Recap Episode – CTV 7pm, ABC 9pm
Alias – ABC 8pm
The Amazing Race – CTV/CBS 8pm
Bones – FOX/Global 8pm
Everwood – Achannel 8pm
American Idol – Fox/CTV 9pm
Thursday April 27
The OC – CTV 8pm, FOX 9pm
Survivor: Exile Island – CBS/Global 8pm
Supernatural – The WB/City 9pm
My Name Is Earl – NBC/Global 9pm
The Office – NBC/Global 9:30pm
ER – NBC/CTV 10pm
Commander in Chief – ABC 10pm
Without a Trace – CBS/Global 10pm
Sunday April 30
Alias – CTV 5pm
The West Wing – NBC/SUN 8pm
Desperate Housewives –ABC/CTV 9pm
How I Met Your Mother – CH 9:30pm
Grey’s Anatomy – ABC/CTV 10pm
Posted by
Monday, April 24, 2006
So, Julia ain't getting the great reviews but did anyone really expect her to? Still, who cares, as the New York Times review notes, its JULIA ROBERTS people and I am also a Juliaholic. Plus, Bradley Cooper! and Paul Rudd!
Still, over 9 blocks away at Studio 54, Threepenny Opera isn't getting that great reviews either and I'm not surprised either, even though it had such great pedigree (Alan Cummings, Ana Gesteyer, Jim Dale, Cindy Lauper, with director Scott Ellis, and writer Wallace Shawn (of The Princess Bride fame)). Sounds like something I would like but Oh well. I didn't really plan on seeing it anyways.
I REALLY want to see The History Boys and The Drowsy Chaperone, both should be opening in the next two weeks. (Both in previews right now).
The Drowsy Chaperone - darn it, could have seen it in my hometown for so much cheaper, though without Sutton Foster in the lead.
I'm not even going to talk about Tarzan or The Wedding Singer, although now that I know the guy involved in De La Guarda, is also doing Tarzan, I'm a little curious.
Posted by
Friday, April 21, 2006
Labelworthy Theatre
Posted by
Friday, April 21, 2006
Labelworthy Survivor
Oh yey! I think I yelped out something when Fran and Barry came running around that corner towards Phil. What a surprise! Especially right after Monica mentioned not being first anymore, usually a sure sign indicator that they would be proven wrong. Oh those pesky Amazing Race editors. Not that I don’t like Mojo, they are growing on me. Finally Team Abs and Hippies are last, although with only 5 teams left, that can change quickly, and since it was a non-elimination round, it still meant really nothing, since teams are now prepared to give up their cash and bags. Also happy to see Yo and Ray in third, and not trailing behind as always.
Posted by
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Labelworthy The Amazing Race
Oh thank god I was wrong. Oh thank god. Whew. Goodbye Schmarmy man! Enjoy the Daniel Powter song on your way out!
Posted by
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Labelworthy American Idol
I can’t find ANY copy of Tebey’s Shook Hands (Man to Man) (legal or illegal). If anybody can, let me know.
I must give my props to Tony, finally after 3 years, I’ve embraced Embrace. Also props to "Ricky" for Josh Rouse, which I had the hardest time finding for some reason. Kept forgetting to list Gnarls Barkely’s Crazy (which was featured on the last Grey’s Anatomy though that felt like so long ago now). Only a few new songs this week. Most are old favorites or last weeks stuff. Oh, but to start off... NEW KEANE!!!
Keane - Is It Any Wonder *
Matt Kearney - Trainwreck *
The Boy Least Likely To – Monsters *
Embrace – Gravity *
Embrace –A Glorious Day *
All American Rejects – Move Along *
Gary Allan - Best I Ever Had *
Gnarls Barkley – Crazy *
Teddy Geiger’s Underage Thinking Album.
Dixie Chicks – Not Ready To Make Nice
aHa – Analogue (All I Want)
Three Days Grace – Animal I Have Become
The Frays – Over My Head (Cable Car)
Rascal Flatts - What Hurts The Most
The Veronica’s – I Could Get Used To This
Josh Kelley – Almost Honest
Josh Turner – Your Man
Josh Rouse – Sad Eyes *
Kanye West ft. Adam Levine – Heard ‘Em Say *(yes, I buckled, I hate Kanye but it’s a good song, along with the new Superfly "Touch the Sky" song).
Hoobastank - If I were you *(I know. Shameful. Wait til below)
Mobile – Out of My Head
City and Colour’s Sometimes Album (or anything Dallas Green sings on, including Neverending White Lights - The Grace which I've mentioned before and is now being overplayed on the radios).
Suits XL - Play *
Nick Lachey – What’s Left of Me * (Again, Shameful, I know…)
* New Songs On the List
Posted by
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Labelworthy iPod Playlist
Love Monkey is dead (but final 4 eps remain on VH1) and we know this because Christopher Wiehl and Larenz Tate are signed onto new pilots, but even more important, so is Tom Cavanagh (I guess that is still good news) on a new show My Ex Life, which WAS supposed to star Gillian Vigman (who is SO hot and classy and funny without being slapstick on Sons & Daugters), but she's just been replaced by Cynthia Watros. Which means her character Libby on LOST won't be back next year? (Though maybe Gillian was unavailable because Sons & Daughters will be back next year? Doubtful but one can hope).
LOST by the way will have a 2 hour finale this season focussing on Desmond!
So I never got around to writing that post about the new pilots but HEROES sounds good (with Milo Ventimiglia) and of course Studio 60 on Sunset Strip by Aaron Sorkin and stars pretty much everybody not currently on a TV show (and even then some) (including Matthew Perry, Steven Webber, D.L. Hughley, Bradley Whitford, Nathan Corddry, Evan Handler, Sarah Paulson, Amanda Peet and Timothy Busfield)
Also excited by the prospects of Giles (Anthony Head) and Samantha (Kim Catrall) together on Him and Us.
So what? You thought I was going to talk about TomKat and their kitten Suri? Though there is a funny article announcing the birth.
Posted by
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Labelworthy Lost, Scheduling
So not really Rod Stewart actually…thank god.
I missed half the episode actually and won’t have time to catch up until tonight or later this week, but based on the second half, and the clips, it seemed like generally an all-right night.
I still was not buying Ace, who at this point is the definitely the worst of the bunch, because the other five remaining, Elliott, Paris, Katharine, Taylor and Chris are all pretty great and deserve to be the final five.
I (along with what seems to be a lot of others on the net already) didn’t think Katharine outshone everyone else last night, but yes, it was VERY good and she looked great and all, but better than Chris, Elliott or Paris? It didn’t make me think she was any more American Idol than the others still.
So, at this point? Who will go? Somehow I have a bad feeling tonight…
Posted by
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
1 Commentworthy
Labelworthy American Idol
Lane and Zack get married and we watch as Brian notices Kyon, to full make out session. Terrific! Grandma Kim who is Buddhist, appears for the wedding, causing Mrs. Kim to hide all of her 7th Day Adventist stuff away under the floorboards, much as Lane hid her Rock and Roll records back in the day. Luke is still out of town, so being forced by Mrs. Kim to bring a date, Lorelai first asks Michel, who ditches her for Celine Dion, and thus relies on Christopher. Lorelai gets drunk at the wedding, and then proposes a toast honoring basically Lane and everyone else that will get married before the unmarriable Lorelai. One of those moments where I had my hand covering my mouth in shock/horror/trainwreck even though we all knew it was coming.
Oh yeah, and Logan is apparently hurt in that Life and Death Brigade stunt they were pulling in Costa Rica, but at this point, who cares. Even though Christopher approves of Logan. Let us just rejoice in Brian and Kyon making out!
Posted by
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Labelworthy Gilmore Girls
New eps of Love Monkey (the final 5 eps they shot, following the 3 they aired on CBS) will be shown starting tonight on VH1 in the states at 9pm (Tuesdays)! (Which for the rest of us, means I'm sure, someone will post it on the net tomorrow so I'll be able to watch it on the weekend).
Posted by
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Labelworthy Love Monkey
Like they couldn’t see that truck coming from a mile away? They were in the middle of the field… or was that the whole point?
Not the greatest Christine, cause I think I already miss Burton, but if the whole show was just a set up to bring back Sad Dad (guest star Andy Richter), it was worth it. Also, loving Hamish Linklater in a comedic role (as Christine’s brother).
So What About Brian? I SO want another singles dating show, and now that Love Monkey is cancelled for sure, I was hoping this would be the one to fill in the gap between Felicity and thirtysomething, I’m not sure this is it, but STILL giving it a chance (remember, I’m the hopeless romantic, much like Brian, which is probably why I believe he stayed with crazy Car Girl for so long). Still, they could learn from their own show Felicity or Everwood and stretch out stories a little longer and develop them with much more depth. The whole open marriage arc within the first two episodes would have lasted half a season on Everwood (then again, since no one watches Everwood, maybe people just don’t want depth? and are you feeling my love for Everwood? Can I say Everwood any more often? The CW, are you listening?).
Posted by
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Labelworthy Prison Break, The New Adventures of Old Christine, What About Brian
So it wasn’t anybody we really knew in the car crash. Boring. Not only that? The guy has done it before (in Remember the Titans). Still, it causes Jake and Andy to argue over the differing decisions they want to make to help the guy, but in the end, spurs Jake to start an Anon meeting club in town, which Andy will help in the end. None of that however is quite as important as seeing Rose with a doobie. Rose and Denny/Sam and Deans father look-a-like (apparently Jeffrey Dean Morgan is already busy enough between Grey’s Anatomy and Supernatural to take the part) smoke up a joint to help dull the pain of the cancer, which Harold totally doesn’t buy.
Meanwhile, I can’t tell if Hannah or Amy is being a bigger snot as each lives start diverting into different paths, with a great fallout over family dinner at the Abbott’s when both Bright and Amy are called out for divulging Hannah’s secret ramblings. Personally, I think I’m leaning towards Amy, only because I guess my life probably diverted the same way more and I just don’t realize what an asshole I was.
Also, when did Reid integrate into the show? With his whole Academic Probation getting him his own storyline? Then again. When did Hannah? Or Jake? TV SHOW WRITERS. This is how you integrate new characters without using stunt casting and making it feel natural. So seamless and natural.
Posted by
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Labelworthy Everwood
Since apparently we have all of 2 readers left now (and I think one is me), I might as well just come out and say that as 98Degrees-leftovers as it may be, I'm loving Nick Lachey's "What's Left of Me", since there are really no readers left to even shame me anymore (Does a Blog make a sound when no one reads it?).
I'll also fess up that one of the two songs that I was trying to figure out last week ended up being Bo Bice's new single. Yech. Spit. Swph....
I need to clean out my mouth now.
The other is some black dude named Tebey singing the country song "Shook Hands (Man to Man)". Not a gay song. Too bad. But still a nice song about a father and son. Apparently Tebey wrote Rex Goudie's "Run" and a few other singles from other singers that we've heard on the radio.
Oh and hey, found a blog from the writer of Catwoman! Not only did he write the Razzie winning movie, he apparently went to McGill University! I think I found a new idol to follow footsteps in!
Posted by
Monday, April 17, 2006
Labelworthy Guilty Pleasures, iPod Playlist, Music
Monday April 17
Prison Break – Fox/Global 8pm
What About Brian – CTV 8pm/ABC 10pm
24 – Fox 9pm, Global 10pm
Everwood – The WB 9pm
The New Adventures of Old Christine – CBS/CH 9:30pm
Tuesday April 18
Gilmore Girls – The WB 8pm, Global 10pm
American Idol – Fox/CTV 8pm
Veronica Mars – UPN 9pm
Scrubs – NBC 9pm
House – FOX/Global 9pm
Pepper Dennis – The Wb 9pm
The Bedford Diaries – Pilot – CITY 9pm (The Unedited version apparently)
Teachers – NBC 9:30pm
Less than Perfect – ABC/SUN 9:30pm RETURNS (This show is still on?)
Boston Legal – ABC/CH 10pm
Wednesday April 19
The Amazing Race – CTV/CBS 8pm
Bones – FOX/Global 8pm
Everwood – Achannel 8pm
American Idol – Fox/CTV 9pm
Out of Practice – CH 10pm
Thursday April 20
The OC – CTV 8pm, FOX 9pm
Survivor: Exile Island – CBS/Global 8pm
Supernatural – The WB/City 9pm
Commander in Chief – CTV/ABC 10pm
Without a Trace – CBS/Global 10pm
Sunday April 23
The West Wing – NBC/SUN 8pm
Desperate Housewives – CTV/ABC 9pm
Grey’s Anatomy – CTV/ABC 10pm
Posted by
Monday, April 17, 2006
Do we need another show about a singleton and their troubles in dating amongst a world of seemingly happy couples? HELL YA.
Is this the show to fill that Love Monkey/Sex and the City/Ed/Friends/Felicity/ thirtysomething gap? I’m not sure, but it was a half decent start, though a little underwhelming considering JJ Abrahms name is attached (as executive producer), as it wasn’t the all-out Homerun that the pilots for Felicity, Alias and Lost all were.
Still, never being a Camden’s 7th Heaven Family fan, Barry Watson as Brian didn’t irritate me, and again another nice little touch of having “Julie” Amy Jo Johnson appear as a guest, since it seems a member of Felicity now must appear in every pilot JJ works on.
Still, the premise could work (well. Since it was basically stolen from an idea I had as well (not that its particularly THAT original), but the 3 couples problems seemed to be thrown so fast at us in the pilot, that we still don’t really know Brian all that well. What ABOUT Brian?
I’ll give it a chance. If only for “Madison” Sarah Lancaster (Everwood).
Posted by
Monday, April 17, 2006
Labelworthy Pilots, What About Brian
Josh Senter. Don’t forget that name. Because he wrote this weeks episode and it was by far the funniest episode this season. Plots that were about to get (if not already) tedious were hilarious, including Gabrielle’s baby snatching, Susan’s befuddled relationship with Karl, Bree’s legal battle with son Andrew, and especially Lynette’s neverending battle with her kids, this week, with Parker’s interest in the women’s hooha region.
Bree’s new link to Justin, to scheme back Andrew from moving in with his grandparents is an especially nice touch, although while nice to see Carol Burnett as Bree’s stepmother, most of the comedic touches continued to land between Bree and Andrew.
Oh, and we got a small role from Kyle Maclaughlin! Special Agent Cooper! Trey McDougal! Though still not sure what his character in this show is much use for at this point, but I guess InJustice was on hiatus?
Posted by
Monday, April 17, 2006
Labelworthy Desperate Housewives
Survivor Panama: Exile Island
I’m not sure who is more stupid, the Crazy Casaya people or Terry for not using his two immunities to his advantage more. This one was the one week Casaya could have drew the hidden immunity out of Terry (or Sally, if they though she had it), but they totally wasted it for some burgers, fries and coke. Only Aras knew he had to fight for it… UGH…I hope Aras wins now.
American Inventor
I saw the last 10 minutes as they played Westlife’s version of Josh Grobin’s You Raise Me Up, over and over again as they gave the final word to the contestants if they made it to final 12. have to admit, its cheap but moving, and it works. No wonder it’s a hit. Simon Cowell is involved in Westlife though which explained the music choice (since this is his show).
The Loop – The Rusty Trombone
That had BETTER not have been the Series Finale because damn that show is funny. Great casting of Adam Brody as Phillip Baker Hall’s long discussed gay son (also, Bret Harrison’s real life roommate).
The New Adventures of Old Christine – The Other F Word
Wanda Sykes is finally not annoying and funny again. Love the homophobic black folks, then the racist homo’s that Christine tries to invite to the “White Bread” school.
How I Met Your Mother – Nothing Good Happens After 2 AM
Finally, great way to break up Ted and Robin for good, though not enough time for Neil Patrick Harris to give his one liners.
Without a Trace – Expectations
Another Finally: Finally Martin is “better” and we can move on. Though I did like the bonding between him and partner Danny Taylor.
Scrubs – My New Suit
The only good thing to come out of the demise of Love Monkey is that Tom Cavanaugh can return as J.D.’s useless brother. The almost threesome with Keith and Elliott was so quick yet hilarious.
Supernatural – Provenance
I am NEVER buying an antique EVER AGAIN.
Commander in Chief – State of the Unions
Time to undo everything Steven Bochco ”fixed”/screwed up. Hope this show survives, it’s the ultimate fantasy show, plus I love that it can combine Oscar winner Geena Davis, should be Oscar winner Donald Sutherland, underated Ever Carradine and Anthony Azizi, and Manhunt reality show contestant Matt Lanter. LOVE THAT. Manhunt. Just thinking about it makes me laugh. Also, Meg and Jake Kane together! (more Veronica Mars Alum people…)
Teachers. – Schoolympics
I should be ignoring this show by now but somehow it’s comforting to me. Kinda like a Growing Pains episode. Not great but somehow cozy to watch. Or maybe it’s because its Sarah Alexander. After UK Coupling, I will give her more than enough chances after she being in the brilliant Coupling.
Modern Men – Timmy Can You Hear Me
If only for Eric Lively, who gives a new meaning to naïve but lovable dimwit.
The OC – The Dawn Patrol
Totally hooked into the manipulative and silly plot that is Seth and Summer breaking up, because Seth is too proud to admit he didn’t get into Brown. If only to get Summer to jump on the coffee bar to profess her love, or getting her to pair up with Taylor Townsend to do some scheming. But PLEASE don’t bring back drinking Kiki.
Posted by
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Labelworthy Desperate Housewives, How I Met Your Mother, Other, Scrubs, Supernatural, Survivor, The Loop, The OC, Without a Trace
Okay. Last week the Nerds sadly were in last place, as they made their way through Italy carrying stinky Swordfish. This week, they are off to Roma and Greece, trying to solve probably the simplest clue Da Vinci Code Movie style (in an even more blatant product placement than the Travelocity Gnome). Lake and Michelle continue to bicker, and wins the Tara and Weasel award this season, and thankfully the Hippies finally screw up and land themselves ALMOST in last place. Except Lake and Michelle REALLY can’t find directions on their Greek map (stop. Buy a new one. Go) and are eliminated. The first FF shows up, and of COURSE 3 teams attempt it, but Team Abs wins it, ugh… do they have the best luck ever or WHAT? I’m a bitter fat(ish) man. Meanwhile, Fran and Barry are still kicking it! WOO!! Still love Yolanda though, and Mojo are not irritating me anymore.
Posted by
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Labelworthy The Amazing Race
So Rose knows Locke’s secret past, and they both are better off on the island than in the real world, which explains a lot about Locke that I had forgotten. And “Henry Gale” gets even creepier! And Jack and Kate try to address “The Others” only to receive Michael!
I can’t believe people are saying this season has gone downhill… what are you people watching? This is fantastic!
Posted by
Thursday, April 13, 2006
1 Commentworthy
Labelworthy Lost
Are they going there again with House and Cameron? ugh.
Hey, it's Will Mackenzie as the father of the sick child. Didn't Kate kill him off? Wonder how Tutti is...
On Prison Break, glad LJ is back, but COME ON. JUST SHOOT the MOTHERF#$KING Bastard who killed your mom. Just SHOOT.
Still entertaining in all its convoluted plots, not sure if I still buy Dr. Druggie Dependent though.
Posted by
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Labelworthy House, Prison Break
There are currently two songs out there being played on the radio that I really like but still can’t figure out who sings it, or what it has been called, so it’s been driving me nuts.
In the meantime, my playlist is pretty short this week.
Teddy Geiger’s Underage Thinking Album.
Dixie Chicks – Not Ready To Make Nice
aHa – Analogue (All I Want)
Three Days Grace – Animal I Have Become
The Frays – Over My Head (Cable Car)
Posted by
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Labelworthy iPod Playlist
BIG BROTHER: ALL STARS! This summer! WOO!!! and Viewers will vote in the contestants from a pool of 20. Man, Janelle and Kaysar BETTER BE IN.
Posted by
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Labelworthy Big Brother, Guilty Pleasures
Oh Elliot, how I love thee.
I missed the first 15 minutes of Idol because the stupid take-out place was super busy (and rude) so our order took 35 minutes instead of 15, but that was okay, since we realized we missed Bucky and Ace, who both look excruciating in that final rundown of the performances. We also only caught the last second of Kellie Pickler but while not great, it was more impressive than one would think Kellie doing Bohemian Rhapsody would be. (I’ll have to rewatch it later this week though).
Paris was probably the other great performance of the night, who sang that song with maturity and strength, which I guess is weird coming from a teenage girl with a bubblehead voice.
The rest? Katharine and Chris sang songs I didn’t know and while they were their usual (generally okay, and great, respectively), it still seemed underwhelming considering they were singing Queen.
Taylor, when you miss the kickstand once, do NOT try again.
So, who is going? After last week’s results, who knows. I WANT Ace to leave ASAP, and he just might now, since Elliott and Paris fans will be back in full force voting again, after last week’s debacle, which I think leaves Kellie vulnerable, and perhaps Katharine again. I’m not sure who is voting for Bucky, but someone must be.
Posted by
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Labelworthy American Idol
I know why we all can’t stand the April storyline. Because while many men would do what Luke is doing, keeping April separate from his relationship with Lorelai, Luke would NOT do that. Which is why that whole storyline doesn’t sit well with everyone. The fact that they even had to resort to a storyline like that, worries me, but I gave it a chance, but yes, it’s the whole distancing that Luke is doing that feels off character somehow.
Meanwhile, if they can bring Jess back AGAIN, why can’t they bring back Marty? I know Wayne Wilcox lives in NY now, but apparently they were thinking of bringing him in, but then it wasn’t worth getting him a plane ticket over. You’re a friggin WARNER BROS. production. It’s MARTY. It’s worth the price of the plane ticket. Hell, I will shell out the plane ticket so they can bring Marty back.
Posted by
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Labelworthy Gilmore Girls
Harold Abbott writing “NO” on the adoption application under a question pertaining to any past Cancer or Heart conditions for wife Rose was probably as big of a shock as anything you can find on Prison Break. What wasn’t shocking was miniE’s (Kyle) big Outing cause I sensed that from day one when he was first introduced earlier this season (4 seasons and you KNOW they eventually had to introduce a gay character, and Nina’s ex-husband doesn’t count) but was surprising was that it was still emotionally heartfelt and somehow refreshing. I know that coming out story has been done to death, but I liked how we saw it through Ephram’s eyes as he realizes his own hesitations and mistakes in dealing with Kyle’s truth.
Meanwhile, Bright and Hannah have the seven-month itch (“Sounds like a long time to be scratching” says Bright) and try to spice up their life by contracting some weird fish disease. Weird and irritating watching them bicker (or maybe I’m just sad) but if only for that final hug on the bed at the end, it was all worth it!
Next week, whose car crashes? Supposedly the driver is drunk, but it’s not Jake since he’s with Andy Brown saving the guy.
Also, anybody know what that song was playing over the end montage?
Posted by
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
1 Commentworthy
Labelworthy Everwood
Because I love lists so much, and because we are approaching May Sweeps and all the season finales, this is MY list for what to watch. IN ORDER depending on how much time you have. (if you have time for one show. Watch the first show, if you have time for 5, watch the top 5. , if you are unemployed, you can watch them all, etc).
I decided it was partly useless to come out with this list after Season finales were over since you would all have to wait until the DVD’s came out. Again, I’m not watching 24 this season because I’m still catching up with Season 4, and I don’t get HBO so Big Love and The Sopranos are automatically out of the equation, as is The Shield or Thief on FX. Entourage and Weeds aren’t on the list because they won’t be back on the air until summer. Arrested Development, Love Monkey, Kitchen Confidential because they are all dead now (more on that eulogy later). I’ve also discounted all the Law and Orders and CSI’s cause they are basically on all the time.
So, here is what you should be watching. In order.
1. Lost
2. Veronica Mars
3. Everwood
4. Grey’s Anatomy
5. The Office
6. The Amazing Race
7. Scrubs
8. The New Adventures of Old Christine
9. Gilmore Girls
10. How I Met Your Mother
11. The Loop
12. Bones
13. My Name is Earl
14. Boston Legal
15. House
16. Prison Break
17. Sons & Daughters
18. American Idol
19. Supernatural
20. Everybody Hates Chris
21. Commander in Chief
22. Desperate Housewives
23. Alias
24. ER
25. Without a Trace
26. Survivor Panama: Exile Island
27. The OC
28. Freddie
29. Out of Practice
Lost is back in the top spot (though really, between Lost, Veronica Mars and Everwood, they basically keep interchanging because they are simply all amazing in their different ways). Lost is number 1 simply because it is mesmerizing and at the top of it’s own game.
You may have noticed Grey’s and The Office are moving up the charts, and The Amazing Race is back in the top 10 for me. Newbies Christine, The Loop, How I Met your Mother are all moving up fast.
If I HAD to stop somewhere, it would be after 20. Everybody Hates Chris. Everything above that is having a great season. Below are more staples that I’ve just kept up with because they are enjoyable still but sometimes frustrating because they could be better.
Posted by
Monday, April 10, 2006
Labelworthy Best of Lists, Everwood, Gilmore Girls, Grey's Anatomy, How I Met Your Mother, Lost, Scrubs, The Amazing Race, The New Adventures of Old Christine, The Office, Veronica Mars
Monday April 10
Prison Break – Fox/Global 8pm
How I Met Your Mother – CBS 8:30pm
24 – Fox 9pm, Global 10pm
Everwood – The WB 9pm
The New Adventures of Old Christine – CBS/CH 9:30pm
Tuesday April 11
Gilmore Girls – The WB 8pm, Global 10pm
American Idol – Fox/CTV 8pm
Veronica Mars – UPN 9pm NEW DAY
Scrubs – NBC 9pm
Sons & Daughters – ABC/City 9pm
House – FOX/Global 9pm
Out of Practice – CH 9pm
Pepper Dennis – The Wb 9pm
Teachers. – NBC 9:30pm
Wednesday April 12
Lost – CTV 7pm, ABC 9pm
The Amazing Race – CTV/CBS 8pm NEW DAY
The Loop – FOX 8pm
Everwood – Achannel 8pm
Bones – Fox/Global 8pm
Out of Practice – CBS 8pm
Freddie – ABC/SunTV 8:30pm SEASON FINALE
American Idol – Fox/CTV 8:30pm (1hr)
The Loop – CH 9:30pm SEASON FINALE
Thursday April 13
The OC – CTV 8pm, FOX 9pm
Everybody Hates Chris - UPN 8pm
Survivor: Exile Island – CBS/Global 8pm
The Loop – Fox 8:30pm SEASON FINALE
Supernatural – The WB/City 9pm
Commander in Chief – CTV/ABC 10pm RETURNS
Sunday April 16
Everybody Hates Chris - City 7pm
The West Wing – NBC 8pm
Desperate Housewives – CTV/ABC 9pm
What About Brian? – CTV/ABC 10pm NEW JJ ABRAMS SHOW!!!
Posted by
Monday, April 10, 2006
Supernatural – Something Wicked
Izzie’s Denny (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) returns in flashbacks as Sam and Dean’s father, and a bunch of ghost hunters asks the all important question during a perilous situation: WWBD (What Would Buffy Do?)
The OC – The Day After Tomorrow
Marissa got into Berkeley?
I’m also digging the whole Jeff Hephner bruised look. Also liking the Marissa plus skank guy, if only to remove her from the rest of the gang, especially the Summer and Julie Cooper Nichol Cooper Roberts bonding sessions.
The New Adventures of Old Christine – I’ll Show You Mine
Flat out funny. Though I’m sad to see Burton go. Girls, some of you should be watching this, because you have said the same thing right after you dumped a guy. Do I love him?
Teachers. – Field Trip
Isn’t it a little weird and disconcerting to watch Cosby kid Kenny (Deon Richmond) now all grown up?
My Name is Earl – The Bounty Hunter
So that’s how Joy and Earl got married! Poor Bounty Hunter. She should be back in comedies.
Posted by
Monday, April 10, 2006
Labelworthy My Name Is Earl, Other, Supernatural, The New Adventures of Old Christine, The OC
Posted by
Friday, April 07, 2006
1 Commentworthy
Labelworthy Shameless Plugs
No Office tonight but here is a funny comment from BJ Novak on his blog from a while back.
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Thursday, April 06, 2006
Labelworthy The Office
A whole episode basically to inevitably get Austin out, with a slight scare that Aras might go. NOOO… I need to stare at that ever shifting awesome hair that Aras has for some more weeks. Plus, now, they can get out Sally and Terry as long as the Crazies win immunity next week. (of the 6 left, 3 vote for Terry, 3 vote for Sally, or 4, 2 then tie Sally with Aras, so even when Terry uses his immunity, there is a backup on the hotseat)
Anyways, two things. Why is Terry the most popular with viewers? He’s ARROGANT. UGH.
Also, is that Immunity Necklace not the GAYEST THING EVER this side of Bob Mackie at a Cher reunion tour?
Posted by
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Labelworthy Survivor
Last weeks episode was simply AMAZING. One of the best in a strong season, from a strong show (though is saying it is a strong season when it only had two amazing seasons just kinda redundant or something?).
In “Dave”, it just kept getting better, with many of the rampant theories flying around the internet getting a straight up nod on the show. You know the writers may not have everything figured out but they sure are having fun flailing it around in front of our face.
We see Hurley and his crazy buddy Dave (Charlotte’s Jewish Husband, the lovable Evan Handler) in the psych hospital, with creepy doctor Bruce Davison overlooking them. Is Hurley crazy though? Since Dave isn’t real? Or is this whole island not real? Did the lottery ever happen? Is he still stuck in the Psych ward? Only Libby will ever know!!!
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Thursday, April 06, 2006
1 Commentworthy
Labelworthy Lost
I miss another night of television (because I was off at the thea-tah) and I get back and hear WHAT?
Kay, Mandisa singing Shania was NOT Her Best. Yes I admit that. But over ACE? or BUCKY (though he wasn't that bad this week)? or TAYLOR (at least this week?).
But everyone was right. Elliot, Paris and Mandisa were not BAD ENOUGH, and thus didn't get the little kiddies phoning like crazy to save them, since they are always assumed to be safe.
One night away from TV and this is what they do to me?
Posted by
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Labelworthy American Idol
Yah! Carla and Turk are finally pregnant! This week? Everyone doing anything nice basically get’s screwed. Turk does not want to be J.D.’s date on Thursday nights, Liver-giver gets screwed from giving his own liver to his brother, and Dr. Cox is forced to spend time with Keith, who Elliot and Jordan groom into Dr. Cox (aka whipped husband). The identically matching outfits were just too precious! Carla gets ignored by everyone for being the messenger for Kelso.
I love the game Liz and Jenna (on Sons & Daughters) played at the old people party, where they had a shot for every lesbonic moment between the two old aunties.
And where did they find that kid that plays Jenna and Whitey’s kid? SOOOOO CUTE!
As for Pepper Dennis? Or Ally McBeal meets Murphy Brown only with Rebecca Romijn who at least looks like she eats, and can probably eat up Calista Flockhart? Amusing, but a little tired. Entertaining enough but not sure if it is appointment television. I do like seeing Brooke Burns in a comedic role though, and almost makes you forget North Shore. Almost.
Ally McBeal alum Josh Hopkins is looking older, but I like him enough, though I still say they should have expanded his re-occuring character on Without a Trace (from the first season).
Posted by
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Labelworthy Other, Scrubs, Sons and Daughters
Logan returns to Paris’ to apologize to Rory, while Doyle, still dressed in Rory’s coat, comes to apologize to Paris. Rory ends up moving back in with Mr. Ho, while Doyle and Paris do the horizontal acrobatics. Lorelai finds out from this-week-real-estate-agent Kirk that Richard and Emily Gilmore have been looking at homes in the Stars Hollow area, and also spends some time with Rory while in town. Rory tries to pursue seeking out April’s mother, to the adamant objection of Lorelai. Zack asks Mrs. Kim for her permission to marry Lane, and Michel’s post-it notes system is screwed up from a fiddling Rory.
Oh yeah, and Mrs. Kim helps Zach write a hit song!
The allusion that all is still not rosy between Logan and Rory is only exacerbated by the knowing appearance that Jess is coming back in the next ep!
I'm so frustrated with the whole April-Luke-Lorelai thing... plus, April was just a little TOO precious... maybe if she wasn't so precocious, or like a mini Lorelai, this might have been interesting.
Posted by
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Labelworthy Gilmore Girls
Did Ryan Seacrest read the same article I did?
I’m not sure if I love the look or think it looks ridiculous yet though. At least he still looks better than Ace.
Okay. Let’s just get this out of the way. Ace. You sang Keith Urban’s “Tonight I’m Gonna Cry”. GREAT GREAT SONG CHOICE.
Simon was positive. WHAT THE FREAK WAS HE HEARING? Ace totally BUTCHERED the song and was completely off key. It was HORRIBLE. ONLY to be added to more HORRIBLENESS was the fact that he kept googlyeyeing the screen with his “I’m too sexy” look. Disturbing. WORST OF THE NIGHT. Which saves Bucky from being down there, who decently made his way through last night.
Taylor was boring, Kellie was good in those loud brash moments but sucked at anything quiet or low, and still looks like she just fell off the turnip truck (even though apparently, her grandparents are FREAKING RICH… though I guess money doesn’t necessarily buy someone intelligence or class).
When did Bailey start singing? Man. Chandra Wilson is one busy woman, being on American Idol AND Grey’s Anatomy.
Elliot again, had a GREAT voice on an okay song. Garth Brooks can do it, but don’t worry Elliot. Ronan Keating didn’t do that song well either.
Still, Katharine was the best of the night this week. She was bubbly and sultry and finally showed me she has the potential as American Idol. I didn’t even know that song but TOTALLY LOVED IT.
Meanwhile, my other top dogs, Mandisa and Chris were warbly but at least Chris chose another Keith Urban song, “Making Memories Of Us” which was another great song choice and at least done half reasonably.
So let’s hope Ace is bottom tonight (that sounds dirty doesn’t it?) and since Katharine was almost near the bottom last week, everything is still possible!
Posted by
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Labelworthy American Idol
I'm going to sneak in this post for Grey's Antomy, last week's Veronica Mars, and Prison Break this week.
How hot was George and Callie in the crazy hospital basement loft? How eerie is it that George and Thatcher really do look a bit alike? and How confusing is it that Chris O'Donnell looks like McSteamy (who apparently has been signed on for 13 eps next season), at least momentarily when we first see him?
George Michael and Maebe really should just move to Neptune next year and join Veronica at Hurst College.
I KNEW the guy wasn't dead on Prison Break! But, could't they just have faked a sickness or something then if they needed him dead? It's not like they NEEDED Lincoln to die, they just needed a scapegoat. Again, wouldn't a fake heart attack have been easier?
Posted by
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Labelworthy Grey's Anatomy, Prison Break, Veronica Mars
Seems like the guest stars have taken over;
I actually like the MiniE story for some reason, even though it’s really just a repeat of Ephram from the last 3 years, but I guess it lets Ephram sort of grow up, being a default mentor to this kid.
Meanwhile, I’m still not sure about Teri Bauer but, even though the abortion rights story has been done to death, leave it to Everwood to carefully tread this issue with precision and discomfort between Amy and Harold Abbott and revise this issue as to where it stands today, kinda resolved and yet not at all.
I’ve always loved Scott Wolf (and anybody from Party of Five, so isn’t it great to see the brothers each in a terrific show?) but shouldn’t Jake just die already so that Nina can move on?
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Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Labelworthy Everwood
That was the whole baby story and for bringing in Eddie McClintock? That’s it? He didn’t know it wasn’t his baby, but it was actually his brothers, which means Gabrielle and Carlos actually DON’T have the rights to adopt the baby, so Gabrielle ends up stealing it? Somehow I thought it could have been a whole bigger conspiracy.
Karl has actually been a welcome addition, and I’m glad they keep bring back Jay Harrington’s Dr. Ron, even though he really didn’t say much, but the pairing with Edie was great, and I forgot how entertaining Edie can be.
Also, any scene with Andrew is usually fantastic but I’m getting tired of this emancipation storyline fast, along with Bree’s AA storyline. Thanks for adding Oz’s Lee Tergesen but I’m bored with that whole fall-in-love-with-my-sponsor thing. Plus, he need’s a haircut.
Paul Young leaving the party after Felicia calls him out as a killer at another neighbourhood party, was hilarious!
Okay? So where did Mrs. Applewhite go? Watch for Alfre Woodard, who actually gets a few lines, this weekend in Take the Lead! (more shameless plugs)
Posted by
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Labelworthy Desperate Housewives
Monday April 3
Prison Break – Fox/Global 8pm
The New Adventures of Old Christine – CBS/CH 8:30pm
24 – Fox/Global 9pm
Everwood – The WB 9pm
Tuesday April 4
Gilmore Girls – The WB 8pm, Global 10pm
American Idol – Fox/CTV 8pm
Scrubs – NBC 9pm
Sons & Daughters – ABC/City 9pm
House – FOX/Global 9pm
Out of Practice – CH 9pm
Pepper Dennis – SERIES PREMIERE – The Wb 9pm
Teachers – NBC 9:30pm
Wednesday April 5
Lost –CTV 7pm, ABC 9pm
The Amazing Race – CTV/CBS 8pm NEW DAY
Everwood – Achannel 8pm
Bones – Fox/Global 8pm
Out of Practice – CBS 8pm
Freddie – ABC/SunTV 8:30pm
American Idol – Fox/CTV 9pm
Veronica Mars – UPN 9pm
The Loop – CH 9:30pm
Thursday April 6
The OC – CTV 8pm, FOX 9pm
Survivor: Exile Island – CBS/Global 8pm
The Loop – Fox 8:30pm
Supernatural – The WB/City 9pm
My Name Is Earl – NBC/Global 9pm
Ghost Whisperer – CBS/CTV 8pm
Numb3rs – Global 8pm, CBS 10pm
Sunday April 9
Free Ride – SEASON FINALE (ALREADY?) Global/FOX 9:30pm
Posted by
Monday, April 03, 2006
My Name is Earl - Boogeyman
Hey Michael, we found Walt! The Others didn't take him, Earl did! Sort of...
I'm too lazy this week but Scrubs, Sons & Daughters, The Loop, The New Adventures of Old Christine, were all great eps.
Teachers - Pilot
I so wanted to like this show, but it's not great, though it's not completely terrible either. At least it's better than Four Kings. I'll give this show a chance if only for Kali Rocha (Buffy, Grey's Anatomy) and Sarah Alexander (UK Coupling).
Posted by
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Labelworthy My Name Is Earl, Other, Pilots
Okay. I don't like Lake now. I know. He was a jerk before, and even in his life, but there was something amusing about them. Meanwhile, I'm trying not to like Team Abs and Hippies, just based on principal alone, but they DO seem like they are having fun and are amusing to watch. Old Couple Fran and Barry are the WORST at picking Detours, and WORST at locating the clue box, but you go team! They still seem to be doing quite well, landing in 4th this week. So we say goodbye to Double D's who don't quite make it in Italy ontime, and thus the flirting ends here. They kept talking about Double D's and Team Abs being the most romantically involved teams, but didnt Brennan and Emily get together (and still are apparently?) and Tara and one of the Boston Boys flirt their way to a relationship as well, right under her ex-husbands nose? (People, try to watch Season 1 and 2 again if you never have. BEST SEASONS EVER).
Posted by
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Labelworthy The Amazing Race
Locke Down?
I hope you saw this ep and not totally relying on this recap because this episode is so good and must be seen. Go download it. NOW.
Katey Segal is back as Locke’s lover, just as Lock is about to ask her for her hand in marriage. Asshole father however dies, they say their goodbyes, but then father reappears, playing a congame against some bad men he ripped off, and now needs Locke to claim his 750K in a safety deposit box.
Meanwhile, on the island, Jack leaves the Hatch leaving Locke and Henry Gale. All of a sudden, there’s a lockdown in the hatch, and Locke releases Henry out to help open the gates. Locke gets crushed by one of the gates, leaving Henry to attempt to sneak out through a vent so that he can press the 6 numbers. (Why didn’t they just use the vent in the first place?). Henry disappears, and the beeping of the flipping numbers are heard, and suddenly a map is flashed before trapped Locke, a MAP of all the Dharma hatches.
Suddenly the gates reopen, and Henry returns, but thank goodness, Jack, Anna Lucia, Sayid, Charlie arrive just in time to corner Henry Gale. Why? They found the parachute earlier, but they also dug up the “wife’s” grave, only to find the real Henry Gale in it!I KNEW that guy had something up his sleeve.
Posted by
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Labelworthy Lost