Some Cheesy Music Videos For The Weekend - The White Boys Edition
Yet again, I'm going to attempt to head out to NY tonight and hopefully no storm, sleet or rain will stop me (although it's raining again on a Friday in NY. What's WITH Mother Nature these days? Last week and previous attempts in previous years, ARGH. Always storms on Fridays and with LGA closing with a drop of rain...)
Meanwhile, here are a few cheesy songs from last year that I LOVE:
The first is from Josh Turner, and while I have a feeling I kinda don't agree with any of his religious beliefs, I still love him and his voice. Just check him out. It's like Christian Eye Candy. Plus his LOW voice. Totally great! Here's "Would You Go With Me". Okay.
another good track of james morrison to check out is "the pieces don't fit anymore"
Actually, "The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore" is my favorite of James Morrison, I just couldn't find the video Friday when I posted, so figure this video was the next best thing. haha. my bad.
that's cool..
you like jt?
have you heard any tracks from robin thicke? soulful r&b not sure if that's your flavour..
uh. I LOVE JT. haha... (I even went to his concert). Did you not check out my best of music list for 2006!?? check it out!
I FINALLY heard the Robin Thicke CD actually last weekend and I liked it more than I thought I would. Don't know if I LOVE it or anything, I was partially surprised since it wasn't what I was expecting but better than I anticipated.
oh yes of course i checked out the best of 06..the track i'm really diggin from robin thicke is 'lost without you' ... love it.
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