American Idol - That Old Awkward Phase
Top 11 Performance Night - Theme: Beatles Night, Again
Was it me or did the whole night feel off? Almost every comment was about song choice, no one rocked the songs, and while yes, The Beatles were one of the best bands ever and had a great songbook, it felt either like we were now getting secondhand choices or that they were the greatest songs... for the 60's. Hello, let's move it along here now...
Oh, I'm typing this just as Simon says that it might have been a bad choice to do Beatles night again during the commentary for Jason Castro.
So let me backtrack for the night with my peanut gallery commentary this week:
Amanda Overmyer lost any ground she made last week in impressing me.
Kristy Lee Cook lost all the ground she never really had to begin with. She may as well be floating in outer space for all I care.David Archuleta is still my favorite but he played it really safe this week after messing up last week, and while it could have been way better, his vocals were spot on. I just wish he took a bigger risk, but I can totally see why he didn't this week.
Michael Johns was sort of bland.
Brooke White was really weird performing that song, and I cringed because I want her to do so well. Except it was awkward.
David Cook was probably the best of the night. He might really be the major competition for David Archuleta.
Carly Smithson was not as good as Sarah McLachlin so it was another disappointment from one of the stronger females.
Jason Castro could have melted away into the sand and no one would have noticed. It was the anti-performance piece of the night, and while I know that's his schtick, the whole Jack Johnson thing (who I actually AM a big fan of), I still just get bored. Syesha Mercado saved herself with a better-than-the-rest-of-the-gang's performance of "Yesterday" the only sure fire major hit sung tonight. Yea Yea, I'm going to get a lot of backlash for saying that from some crazy Beatles fan aren't I?
Chikezie changed his song into some weird country version halfway through and you know what? I actually LIKED it. Simon hated it. I actually thought it was a good Chikezie week, because he seems to bounce from one end of the spectrum to the other.
Ramiele Malubay was... um... I JUST watched it and I already forgot it. Why is this happening a lot this season?
Best of the night: David Cook and Syesha Mercado
Next best: David Archuleta
Worst of the night: Amanda Overmyer or Kristy Lee Cook
Most forgetable of the night: Whatshername Ramiele Malubay
Going home? Ramiele.
All the videos of the performances are after the jump:
Amanda Overmyer - "Back in the U.S.S.R.":
Kristy Lee Cook - "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away":
David Archuleta - "The Long and Winding Road":
Michael Johns - "A Day In The Life":
Brooke White - "Here Comes The Sun":
David Cook - "Day Tripper":
Carly Smithson - "Blackbird":
Jason Castro - "Michelle":
Syesha Mercado - "Yesterday:
Chikizie - "I've Just Seen A Face":
Ramiele Malubay - "I Should Have Known Better" (seriously, she just makes it WAY too easy...):
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Thanks to Rickey for the photos.
1 comment:
I gotta agree. The whole night was just... weird. Sean said the same thing about the Sarah M. version of Blackbird. I guess I have never heard it. I didn't LOVE anybody really. The two remaining Davids did pretty well. Syesha did well but I still don't feel her, you know? Brooke was SO awkward, and she is one of my faves. As Randy said, the dancing was weird. Oh well, I am rather disappointed overall. They better pick it up for next week. I think Ramiele or Kristy are going home and I am 100% fine with either.
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