Who Are Those Hotties? - American Idol Hairdo's Edition
Top 20 Week - Top 10 Boys Performance Night
Okay, I may as well just make it a theme this week, so apologies to the straight boys (I'll stick some photos of Eliza Dushku or uh, who is hot these days?).
So who got better this week? Who got worse? Who do I still love? Does the level of their performances stem from the decency of their hairstyles? Considering Colton Berry and Garrett Haley were kicked off last week, I say America does not want to see a bad hairdo anymore. The hotter the hairdo and the look, the hotter the performance?
And can anybody top David Archuleta at this point? (Oh wait, was that a bad choice of words?)(I'll try to add more current photos of last night later today)
Michael Johns, who I loved last week, dropped a few notches this week with a bland performance. He's got a good Tim Daly face but with a clean cut hairdo, he would be smashing!
Jason Castro. Um. How do I say this to not sound completely racist. Anyways, I don't even remember the song or performance because I had to turn away from the hair. Dude, you're white. You're not even on vacation. You can't get away with it anymore.
I didn't think it was excellent but I didn't mind Luke Menard's Queen song this week. Maybe it's just cause he's pretty. I'm very shallow that way (hence, the theme of this week). Hair? The whole look including the stubble could distract from any flaws in the performance. Well done!
Robbie Carrico: Bad Hair = Bad Performance. Man, that was tedious. Tedious to look at. Tedious to hear.
I didn't mind Danny Noriega, though I know his hair is "done" up but I'm not digging the skateboard with style do. I'm wavering on Danny.
David Hernandez. Clean cut, clean song. A bit bland and safe but it works, so why risk it? I'm talking both the haircut and the performance.
As for the other clean cut dude, Jason Yeager, he who has the little blonde streak in his hair, with the clean cut boy next door look. For a straight dude, it's kinda gay, and so was his very straight performance, it was kinda adorably gay as he tried way too hard to be hip, which made the whole thing kinda embarrassing yet lovable. Hmm... just like the hairdo.
So last week I hated Chikezie. This week, he went for a strong and simple performance, straight up R&Bish which he pretty much rocked! There's not much to his hair, pretty simple super short cut, which made him look crisp. Ha, Simon notes how much better he looks, and how much better he sounded. See? My theory continues to work!
David Cook looks like he needs to wash his hair not just NOW but like 3 weeks ago. I don't mind the scruffier look but since it looks like he's thinning on top, it's starting to look like a combover where he's trying to fake it by hiding blankness. Okay, I could pretend my theory works here with his fake rock & roll performance but to be honest, I didn't totally hate it and thought it was okay actually. Okay, the hairdo theory rule fails me now. Shoot.And finally, THE HOTTIE of this season, my favorite at this point (and apparently the audiences based on the screams) who I've already inappropriately fawned over in the past week TWICE, David Archuleta! (The Video of his performance is after the jump:)
Seriously, clean cut hair that is adorably suitable. Hands down the best performance. Holy, he should just win this thing now before it gets dragged on way too long. I don't want to see the other hairdo's anymore. I'll stick with this face:
Hey check out this blog, they have the mp3 of David Archuleta's cover of John Lennon, it's a great mp3 music blog, you can get the song here: David Archuleta - Imagine.mp3
Calm yourself, Vance! I don't know how they do things up in Canada, but Archuleta is like 12 years old.
I kid, I kid. He is great though. And what the hell was with everyone else being so snotty to Simon tonight?
Thanks for the link!
Uh yeah, I'm totally going to be arrested.
sorry but i have to say this..David A is overrated..they not in top 12 yet and anything can happen in 12 more weeks before finale..come on people!
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