Monday, January 19, 2009

Because Someone Has To Pay For Our Beloved TV Shows

Vance at

Because someone has to pay for our beloved TV shows, here's some commercials worth watching (seriously people, if we want to keep TV "free", we need to accept commercials SOMETIMES. Cause they KNOW we are Fast Forwarding through them when we DVR/Tivo things and not REALLY counting those numbers even though the Nielsen's are finally reporting it).

Some of these commercials are already spreading around the web like wildfire but I loved them and had to post them anyways!

I love flashmobs (this time for TMobile in the UK)! Reminds me of ImprovEverywhere's Mall Musical mixed with Frozen Grand Central.

This next one (after the jump) is SOOOO cute and funny but maybe NSFW:

Speaking of Durex condoms, here's one that had been floating around that has a young Dominic Cooper!!! How did I miss this? (Thanks to Sophia for the headsup!):

On a side note, I couldn't find the Honey Nut Cheerios commercial with the guy singing the cover of Macy Gray's "I Try" but I found out the singer is Ben Taylor. Love his cover:

1 comment:

mike said...

Loved this post and the ads - if there were more ads like these being developed, we might see people fast-forwarding through TV shows to get to the commercials.