The TV Blog Coalition - Copy This F#$KER!
Vance at, in case you were wondering why I've linked to myself in every post recently, it's mainly cause I've been Blog Hijacked. Someone out there has been stealing all my posts and reposting them as his own (and yes, with my detective skills, I've traced him down to his address, number and everything, even though his blog has NO info whatsoever. all it has is stolen posts (from various websites, minor AND major) and ads. It's amazing what you can find on the web btw.).
So yes, I'm linking to myself for now cause I heard it was one (very small and slight) way of deterring blog hijacking. If you have any other tips, let me know.
I was not actually being egotistical (though I am that too. ha!).
Anyways, while I get annoyed about all that, you can ignore my bad mood and check out what the other TV bloggers are talking about this week:
From the Gossip Girl spinoff to Chuck's dad to the rise of Adrianna on 90210, Buzz scooped up some news at the TCA press tour. (BuzzSugar)
Sandie watched for the first time and fell in love with The Biggest Loser. (Daemon's TV)
Rae's excited about the return of Burn Notice this week and participating in a conference call with Bruce Campbell only increased that excitement. (RTVW Online)
Scooter sits down with John Lehr to talk 10 Items of Less and what it was like to host I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! And for those that hate reading, the interview is presented in pristine video format. (Scooter McGavin's 9th Green)
Despite some flaws and some overly Diablo Cody-speak, Vance really enjoyed Toni Collette's new show The United States of Tara and can attest that the episodes get better from there. (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace posted an advance review of Season Three of Skins and interviewed series co-creator Jamie Brittain. (Televisionary)
Marisa had long since given up on The Real World, too, but the show's new setting of Brooklyn lured her back. This week she compares the MTV BK with the real thing. (TiFaux)
Heather got to sit on a darkened screening room and watch the first two episodes of the fifth season of Lost and mighty fine she says they were, too... (TV Spy)
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