Loves Lost - Lost, Degrassi:TNG and More
I'm actually going to combine a post for Lost and Degrassi: The Next Generation! I know, I'm crazier than one of the Losties! (Also, there wasn't that much new scripted television so far this week).
Degrassi: The Next Generation - Lost in Love: Part 2, Bad Medicine - Eps. 809, 810Um, is it wrong that I was slightly turned on by this week's Degrassi: TNG? It's a second episode dealing with Riley (Argiris Karras) dealing with coming out, and I like the total opposite character direction from Marco, with Riley dealing with his personal struggles by relying on steroids and being the closeted hero football player, all while secretly meeting up with an old friend from camp (why is it always camp?). I also like how Peter, the object of desire for Riley, can also be a good and understanding friend. It's a nice sweet touch!
While Riley's anger at Sav, under all the 'roids, saves it all from being too idealistic and rings some truth. Karras does a nice job with his emotionally confused Riley and can play up the awful intensity while still keeping him likable.
Meanwhile, everyone else is in love. Emma and Kelly (Even Williams) are getting it on!Jane and Spinner are on again!
And there's drama with the new niners! I love the new kids, including the adroable Melinda Shankar's Ali, A.J. Saudin's Connor, Samuel Earle's K.C. and Aislinn Paul's Clare (below with Earle). They are so cute and I'm liking them a lot more than the Lakehurst batch they tried to stick on us in the last few years.
More on Bones, Lie To Me, Scrubs, Lost:
Bones - Fire in the Ice - Ep. 412
I didn't realize there was a SECOND episode of Bones last Thursday following the excellent Circus one, but I guess FOX was catching up with a double dose to make up for Bush's farewell speech that bumped the 2009 premiere by a week (boy, President Bush. That seems so long ago now! Thank god!).
Global in Canada is actually running the episode this week (since they had The Office to air at 9pm).It was another great episode that really proves that this show is excelling at making a typical "procedural" into more.
A totally gross ice-fishing trip, Booth playing hockey with my favorite new squint Wendell Bray (Michael Grant Terry), and an appearance by Luc Robitaille (looking FINE!)! Plus guest appearances by Nick Warnock (from The Apprentice) and Nathan West (looking more handsome than his days in Bring It On!).
And again, the continuing interplay of relationships between Sweets, Camille, Hodgins and Angela back in the lab, is simply darling. I liked squint Vincent from the previous episode but I LOVE Bray and how he gets along with everyone (plus who knew he played hockey with Booth?)
Plus poor unconfident Bray, who is probably the most liked replacement squint of the rotating bunch (within the show), but love when Camille tried to get Bones to boost his confidence and instead calls him out on his mistake. Oops! Awww...
I even somehow bought Marisa Coughlan (Boston Legal) as Special Agent Payton Perotta, an obvious plant to become the third wheel Camille never ended up being. It worked, even though it probably shouldn't have.
Lie To Me - Moral Waiver - Ep. 102
SARK!!! David Anders guest stars in his regular American accent. It's a little jarring actually. I think I prefer his fake British accent. LOVE his fake British accent. Second episode and the lie detector tricks are still fascinating for now. I like the cast of four but I guess we will see how they can stretch it all. They will really have to build an audience rapport like the crew from Bones have.
Scrubs - My ABC's, My Cookie Place - Ep. 805, 806Oddly enough, I was trying to clear out stuff I taped and ended up watching A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa (I know, like more than a month late and out of season) right before I caught up with this week's Scrubs and then got a double dose of Muppets. Which is not a bad thing! Though seeing Elmo all over a girl was a little disconcerting. And the best joke of seeing the hands in the X-ray of the sick muppet was already shown in the commercials.
Courtney Cox is gone and I already miss her presence, as I thought it added a nice new twist, while I'm not loving the newbie interns as much as everyone else seems to be.
At this point, I'm most interested in Elliot's stories with Sarah Chalke's performance anchoring the 8th season.
Lost - Jughead - Ep. 503
What a bombshell! Desmond, Faraday, Locke, Richard Alpert. How DO they all fit together?
I'm seriously enjoying this season even though I've let my brain go now and decided not to even try to figure it all out. I'm just going with the flow and realizing that we probably won't REALLY understand anything until May 2010.Loved the discovery of Jones' (Tom Connolly) true identity.
Kay wait. Did we know that Desmond and Penny had a baby before this? Who is this Ellie connection?
Still loving the interactions between Faraday, Charlotte and third-wheel Miles. I didn't even notice that we didn't even see most of the rest of the gang in this episode. At least until the preview for next week! Oh man, I can't wait!
Thanks to Laughcrylive for the Bones screencaps!
Vance at
1 comment:
I so wish they could get Riley and Nate back together again. I really liked Jordon's character.
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