How I Met Your Mother - Introducing My Home And Native Land
Sandcastles in the Sand - Ep. 316It's THAT episode! It's also THAT EPISODE... OMG (well not THAT episode but another THAT episode)!!! But I'll save that for the end of the post after the jump! OMG!
So, things we learn aboot Canada in this episode of How I Met Your Mother:
Apparently we all soond like mildly retarded Irish men.
We all went to Degrassi (that is actually slightly troo). (Troo fact, I currently work 2 blocks away from the real Degrassi St., where the show was based on, and I used to work in the vicinity of the fake Degrassi currently on The N/CTV).
Oor deep north is the equivalent of yoor deep south.
Summer here is a week at the end of July. If even.
Canadian things make good euphemisms for sexual things. See Maple leaf, Fur trade, Inuit etc. Alan Thicke is the father of our country. He's our Bill Cosby for Canada, except he's very white and with an inferior 80's family sitcom.
Things they got wrong aboot Canada:Of the two Dawson's Creek alum, they actually got the NON-Canadian to play the Canadian? I'm slightly offended that they had The Beak represent us instead of Joshua "Pacey Witter" Jackson. That being said, James Van der Beek was quite hilarious as the washed up loser that returns to Robin's life where she falls in love with all over again, despite knowing what a loser he's become.
Tiffany is not Canadian or has anything to do with us. So why is she in the video other than being an 80's reference? At least they could have gotten Alanis. Not Morissette, just Alanis. Seriously, that would have been a coup.
Other things we learned this week:
Lily's friend Michelle brings out the gangsta rap suburban white teenage party girl in her.
Marshall and Ted call that phenomenom Revertigo.Lily and Marhsall are extremely concerned about Robin's drinking habits. Habits they had just helped by buying the last round.
Neil Patrick Harris as Barney is still awesome. And gives awesome pep talks to Robin after Simon dumps Robin in a van, for his ex-girlfriend, AGAIN.
Robin finally lets Barney see Robin Sparkles' second single (which was a total bomb (in both sense of the word)) that features Tiffany and Alan Thicke! Here's the full video finally!:
Sandcastles in the SandI think I liked the part about being on the pill and learning to french-on-a-bench the best!
So, we don't find out who the mother is (but if the news of Sarah Chalke returning (with more news that Britney will return as well) is any indication, Stella might have something to do with it) we get a different shocker, one that they kept hinting at since the beginning, but they never let it go that far.Or shall I say, Robin never let Barney go that far with her, but after his comforting ways and the repeat viewing of "Sandcastles in the Sand", and Barney actually acting genuinely honest and nice, Robin and Barney learn to french TOGETHER. Not on a bench, but a couch will do. Barney. Robin. Frenching. TOGETHER.
Oh Canada!!?!
1 comment:
Pretty sure that Tiffany was there not as a Canadian but as a peer -- lame 80s mall singer, that is.
I think the Barney-Robin thing actually "works" though his consoling of her seemed to be some of NPH's worst acting on the show...which was odd.
That being said, I LOVED Lily's gangsta-sista ... she rules.
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