Thursday, April 30, 2009

Funny Friends - The Office, The Big Bang Theory And More

My friend Anthony wrote tonight's The Office episode Casual Fridays! So WATCH!!! And because I'm completely biased, I know it'll be fantastic and just as great as last week's terrific episode.

And, Anthony also made his own little web show called Dwelling for Strike TV (the web venue that was born from the writer's strike). It's cute and gets better (currently with 4 episodes) once they establish everything. So check it out!

The Office - Two Weeks, Dream Team, Michael Scott Paper Company, Heavy Competition, Broke - Ep. 519-523

Alright, so Michael quit Dundler Mifflin, started his own company, brought along Pam and Ryan, went broke, and got bought by Dundler Mifflin. I kinda loved that whole arch, especially when it ended in such a fairytale way, especially for this usually unlucky gang.

And now Pam gets to be a salesperson! And Ryan's back at Dundler Mifflin!

And as much as I love Jim, I'm glad someone finally didn't. When Idris Elba wasn't dealing with Beyonce and Nikki/Jessica (seriously, he was in Obsessed, and it was #1 last weekend? Is that a joke?), he was not becoming friends with Jim, and I enjoyed the way Charles loomed over the office folks.

More on 30 Rock, The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Corner Gas, Party Down, Greek:

30 Rock - Apollo, Apollo, Cutbacks, Jackie Jormp-Jomp, The Ones - Eps. 316-319

Dennis came back! Love Dean Winters. Love that he's hot and can play slimy and can go from serious (in Oz) to completely wacky (like here). Dennis slept with Jenna. Tracy goes into "space". Elisa is a crazy killer. Jenna "dies". Even Lutz had a funny moment. Kenneth saves the day, again. And Tina joins the ladies who lunch (with Xanadu's Kerry Butler!) and punch.

It's all getting so kooky it's becoming a blur, but while the stories are all kinda blending together with more zaniness on top of more zaniness, I've got to say, I still laugh out loud during the whole show.

The Big Bang Theory - The Dead Hooker Juxtaposition, The Hofstadter Isotope, The Vegas Renormalization, - Eps. 219-221

They've zeroed in on the Penny Sheldon comic dynamo so much that the other boys seem to have been relegated to side stories. Still, I'm LOVING it right now, so can you blame them?

Though I think I still laughed hardest when Rajesh woke up in bed with another woman, looked horrified, then accepted his position and enjoyed with a smile. Still, as funny as Rajesh can be when he's drunk, and the only time he can talk to women, they're gonna have to get Raj back into the action without needing to be inebriated everytime or else he'll move farther away from the Penny/Sheldon comedy.

I must have also lost some brain cells but I'm totally enjoying (and totally buying) Penny's date with Stuart (Kevin Sussman, WALTER! from Ugly Betty) and both his and Sheldon's response to Penny's romantic advances.

And loving any response Howard is giving (especially after finding out Raj and Leonard bought him a hooker) and ALL of HIS romantic advances (Or attempts actually).

How I Met Your Mother - Old King Clancy, Murtaugh, Mosbius Designs, The Three Days Rule - Eps. 418-421

Never one to pass up a Canadian joke, the whole Robin episode going back to her Canadian past kind of fell flat. At least Aaron Hill (BEAVER! on Greek) was on!

And while the ladies are hiding behind strategically placed plants and furniture (and with Lily conveniently absent from the bar lately as she has her real life baby), Marshall and Barney get even MORE attention, though if you think of it, considering Jason Segel is doing so well in films now, and NPH is... well... NPH!!!, it's credit to the show and the ensemble that the show isn't just the NPH/Jason Segel show and that they're hilarity blends in nicely with the rest of the show. (Though Barney's little outburst with Marshall when he rejected/loved Robin was genius).

Now if only Ted can get some more decent storylines like the last two episodes. I was reminded that I actually LIKE this character in the last two weeks, who I almost forgot up to this point.

Corner Gas - R2 Bee Too, Crab Apple Cooler, Happy Career Day to You, Get the F Off My Lawn, You've Been Great, Goodnight - Eps. 615-619 - Series Finale

I'm actually going to miss this show. A lot. It had a nice slow dry rhythm to it. And it was consistently funny. Kinda like a low rent Seinfeld, a show about nothing except this time in a place where there's nothing: the middle of Saskatchewan.

And as stupid as the jokes were, I kept laughing at all the F-in jokes (no really, the "F" and the "E" from Ruby's Cafe sign blew off and were flying around the town of Dog River. Letting them run with the F jokes all episode long. And I kept laughing).

The series finale got a bit too meta for me (I love the meta stuff but for this shows charms were in the daily boring and absurd lives of the townsfolk of Dog River. Well, except when the Canadian celebrity cameos popped in. Kiefer Sutherland's (which hinted at Jack Bauer) was completely out of the blue (and thus totally hilarious)) and actually reminded me a bit of Seinfeld's meta arch with his NBC show within the show.

Party Down - Pepper McMasters Singles Seminar, Investors Dinner, Sin Say Shun Awards After Party - Eps. 103-105
Greek - Engendered Species, Big Littles and Jumbo Shrimp - Ep. 213-214

I'm behind an episode on both these awesome cable comedies, but I'm LOVING them so much!

Always loved Adam Scott so glad he gets such a great role in Party Down, though as always Ken Marino totally steals all his scenes, giving his Ron Donald such a sadness to his goofy role.

Still, the entire cast is awesome (Martin Starr! Jane Lynch! Ryan Hansen! Lizzy Caplan!), and still love the rotation of guest stars and the links to Veronica Mars. Can't wait for Kristen Bell's appearance!

On Greek, I know Jesse McCartney doesn't have to do much to be the nice affable Andylicious and to be honest... I don't really care. He's totally dylicious looking. As is Andrew J. West as Fisher (below), Ashley's new hired maid/secret boyfriend. (Also loving the new trio of Rebecca, Ashley and Casey).

Plus, while I wasn't sure where they were going with downtrodden Evan, it gave us his brother Patrick (Robert Hoffman!!! Who I just spoke about last week!) and a reunion of sorts with Cappie! Evan, Cappie and Robert Hoffman in one room! Wow. That's a lot of white bread hotness going on there. And bonus points to Evan for dumping Frannie!

Loved Cappie's line of the incestuousness on campus, while talking to his little brother Rusty about Rusty's big sister Casey.

Oh, and an appearance from Janeane Garofalo? As a womans studies prof? Excellent! (Though she's looking mighty plasticized, which I'm kinda shocked about).

Vance at

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Comedybility of Conan

Just to counter all the attention NBC is lavishing on the-unfunny-man-with-the-big-chin, here's a very cute promo for Conan O'Brien and his June 1st premiere on The Tonight Show. With a very hot and bearish looking Paul Rudd, and faves Tina Fey and Megan Mullaly and Martha Stewart trying to be funny!:

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What A Drag! - La Cage Aux Folles - Musical Review

La Cage Aux Folles - Playhouse Theatre - London, UK - ***1/2 (out of 5)
Music and Lyrics by Jerry Herman, Book by Harvey Fierstein, Directed by Terry Johnson, Choreographed by Lynne Page

Years have passed since the original French play (in 1973) and the original French movie (in 1978) of the musical La Cage aux Folles and the acceptance of gays and drag queens in popular culture has come along way. Heck, it's come a long way since the Hollywood remake The Birdcage came out, and yet, maybe sometimes we haven't come as far as we had hoped. While the musical (originally premiered back in 1983) no longer shocks or surprises, the acceptance of LGBT's into society still resonates and puts a nice emotional core at the heart of this fun and frolicky musical. Because seriously, it's when the drag queens Les Cagelles come out, the show is a romp!

Graham Norton and Steven Pacey currently headline (until May 2nd) as Albin and Georges (respectively) and while Norton doesn't quite have the voice to knock out those Herman songs, his comedy background and hosting skills (most famously from his own hilarious talk show So Graham Norton) buoy his Zaza/Albin to entertaining heights, and he manages to pull off the emotional punches required from the songs his vocals can't.

Steven Pacey is terrifically solid as Georges. Stuart Neal manages to remain likable in the difficult role of Jean-Michelle, who essentially is a bit of a turd for wanting to hide his gay parents.

But the hardest workers are The Cagelles who do everything in their might to entertain us. And entertain us they do! As I always say, the party never really starts until the drag queens show up!

Vance at

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

American Idol - I Smell A Rat And His Name Is Simon

American Idol - Top 5 - Performance Night - Theme: The Rat Pack, Guest Mentor: Jamie Foxx

It's Rat Pack week. Time for the standards! Though really it could also have been called musical week since all the standards were originally from musicals. Just saying.

I sort of thought the Jamie Foxx mentorship was a bit dubious at first but he actually proved pretty great. Plus, he said would make an album with Kris Allen right now. So you know he's got taste!

Meanwhile, I'm still smelling a rat amongst the judges and the way the judges (and particularly Simon) are responding. I mean, can they make it more obvious with the way they are pushing the original plan to happen? Plus the producers are pimping out the "favs" Danny and Adam again in the final two spots. Seriously, maybe it would be more convincing if the judges actually looked like they were watching the performances.

Kris Allen
23 years old
Home: Conway, AR
Audition: Louisville, KY
Song: "The Way You Look Tonight" (by Dorothy Fields and Jerome Kern, for the musical film Swing Time, later made famous by Frank Sinatra)

Grade: A-

That was perfect wedding music... MY WEDDING MUSIC when I marry Kris Allen (I need to start some nasty rumour so that his wife divorces him so that we can finally be together and he can sing to me at the reception). I'd comment more on his performance but I was already imagining everything about our big day. I've even started to pick out the china patterns. Simon wasn't feeling it. WTF? Conspiracy anybody?

Allison Iraheta
16 years old
Home: Los Angeles, CA
Audition: San Francisco, CA
Song: "Someone to Watch Over Me" (by George and Ira Gershwin for the musical Oh Kay!)

Grade: A-

Allison smothers her gruff and rough voice around this standard and it sounded GREAT! And Simon wasn't feeling it. WTF? Conspiracy anybody? Seriously, what does the girl have to do to get some respect?

Matt Giraud
23 years old
Home: Kalamazoo, MI
Audition: Louisville, KY
Song: "My Funny Valentine" (by Richard Rogers and Lorenz Hart for the musical Babes In Arms, later made famous by Chet Baker)

Grade: B

I liked it a lot more than I usually like Matt, but as the judges Kara and Randy pointed it out, it still somehow felt empty and hollow. Meanwhile, Simon and Paula loved it. Simon really appreciated it. WTF?

Danny Gokey
28 years old
Home: Milwaukee, WI
Audition: Kansas City, MO
Song: "Come Rain or Come Shine" (by Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer for the musical St. Louis Woman)

Grade: B+

As much as I hate him, I thought it was pretty good, at least until he had to start his whole yelling schtick at the end again. Funny that THAT somehow equates to singing, according to Randy. And... Simon LOVED IT. LOVED IT. WTF? It was REALLY good. I'll give Danny that. Better than a lot of his overpraised weeks during the Top 13, and he's made a sort of resurgence since last week, but this was OVERPRAISE for a fine performance that is a way too obvious way to cement his spot in the Top 3.

Adam Lambert
26 years old
Home: Los Angeles, CA
Audition: San Francisco, CA
Song: "Feeling Good" (by Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse for the musical The Roar of the Greasepaint—the Smell of the Crowd, most recently made famous by Michael Bublé)

Grade: B-

People are going to LOVE this performance. I did NOT. In fact, I liked Danny's more and I usually prefer Adam over Danny by miles. I'll agree with Simon that it was a great entrance but the judges looked horrified, and then had to lie through their teeth with praise to keep the frontrunner going. I was fascinated with what he did at first, but the the screeching came back and any hope that I could appreciate went

The Final Round Up:

Best of the Night: Tie: Allison Iraheta and Kris Allen
Third Best of the Night: Danny Gokey

Worst of the Night: Adam Lambert
Second Worst of the Night: Matt Giraud

Bottom Three Predictions: Allison Iraheta, Matt Giraud, Kris Allen (I'm scared y'all. I'm scared)

Going Home: Allison Iraheta
Should Be Going home: Matt Giraud

For more on American Idol:
Click here for the most recent posts.
Season 8:
Top 2 Performance
Top 3 Performance, Top 3 Results
Top 4 Performance, Top 4 Results
Top 5 Performance, Top 5 Results
Top 6 + Matt (Top 7 Redux) Performance, Top 7 Redux Results
Top 7 Performance, Top 7 Results
Top 8 Performance, Top 8 Results
Top 9 Performance
Top 10 Performance
Top 12 Performance, Top 12 Results
Top 13 Performance, Top 13 Results
Top 36:
Group 1, Group 2, Group 3
Wild Card, Wild Card Results
Pre-Top 36:
Who Are You Going To Vote For?
Handicapping the Alleged American Idols

Thanks to Rickey for the videos!
Vance at

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Monday, April 27, 2009

The TV Blog Coalition - Maybe May?

May Sweeps starts this Wednesday. Thus it's season finales' time (with Chuck already finishing tonight, hopefully not for good). It's MAY ALREADY???

Here's what the other TV bloggers were talking about this week:

Buzz took a look back at some midseason replacements (Dawson's Creek! The Wonder Years!) she's loved over the years. (BuzzSugar)

Going to use this time as a last minute plea to watch Chuck on Monday at 8pm EST. That's all. (Give Me My Remote)

Ever wonder what Dunder Mifflin would look like if it were a real company? Terracycle of Garbage Moguls may be the closest thing. (Scooter McGavin's 9th Green)

Vance enjoyed Kris Allen's disco schtick on American Idol. (Tapeworthy)

This week, Jace reviewed the final three episodes of Pushing Daisies and had exclusive interviews with showrunner Jane Espenson about next year's Caprica series and former Veronica Mars writer/executive producer John Enbom about the hilarious Starz comedy Party Down. (Televisionary)

Time for a mid-season wrap-up! Marisa gave all the new shows an evaluation, from Demitri Martin to Surviving Suburbia. (TiFaux)

It's early, but after seeing the series premiere on DVD, Matt is willing to give Caprica a chance in the fall. (TV Fanatic)

Vance at

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

What A Golden Girl!

First Estelle Getty, now Bea Arthur. RIP. And as RantsofaDiva suggested, have some cheesecake in her honour.

Vance at

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Friday, April 24, 2009

That's So Gay! - Books And Better Off Ted

Dan Savage's The Kid The Musical? Seriously? Considering it's one of my favorite books, one that I recommend to ANYONE having a baby, whether you're gay or straight, and a book (full title: The Kid: (What Happened After My Boyfriend and I Decided to Go Get Pregnant) an Adoption Story) that could make me laugh and cry, all within a single paragraph, why not a musical? (Here's EW's review)

And for all those getting married, gay or straight, I highly recommend Dan Savage's other book The Commitment. It's a good book to read before you get married, whether you have doubts or not (and especially if you have doubts).

While I'm on gays I love, Better Off Ted's geeky labrat and out-in-real-life Jonathan Slavin speaks out about actors playing gay with his views here and here.

And how awesome was this week's Better Off Ted?

Better Off Ted - Through Rose Colored HAZMAT Suits, Racial Sensitivity, Win Some, Dose Some, Goodbye, Mr. Chips - Eps. 103-106

Actually, with the exception of the 3rd episode, which kind of fell flat, the whole series has been hysterical.

The racially sensitive motion sensor? The white guys hired to shadow the black employees? The accidental drugging of Linda? Anything Portia de Rossi as Veronica? Kristoffer Polaha!?! (above with Jay Harrington, who has finally found a great show to exude his charms and likability).

And Veronica stealing all the ID cards to secretly help out Ted? Awesome!!!

WHY IS NO ONE WATCHING THIS SHOW? Oh sure, you're all gonna discover it on DVD years from now, just like you did for Arrested Development, and then wonder why they didn't make more seasons. I hate you all.

Vance at

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Love Is Hard - Bones, Survivor: Tocantins, American Idol

Bones - The Doctor in the Den, The Science in the Physicist, The Cinderella in the Cardboard, The Mayhem on a Cross, The Double Death of the Dearly Departed, The Girl in the Mask - Eps. 418-423

Sweets in full makeup and goth rock gear? The continuing rotation of my favorite newbies Wendell Bray (Michael Terry), Dr. Clark Edison (Eugene Byrd) and Nigel-Murray (Ryan Cartwright)? Plus Daisy (Carla Gallo) still in the picture and making Sweets really horny? Angela's on-going chastity discovery post-lesbian breakup and the sparks that continue to fly between her and Hodgins? Stephen Fry!?!

Seriously, when is this show going to finally get the respect it deserves!?? At least the numbers seem to be doing better, as the show actually has decent numbers in the Thursday slot, though why Fox seems to be placing the show EVERYWHERE as though they were burning them off, I don't know, since I've felt like I've been doing a Bones marathon for the past few weeks, but I'll take it. I just need to remind myself never to eat dinner while watching the show (which somehow, I ALWAYS do).

And to think I haven't even gotten to the Bones and Booth sparks yet? Love all their couply bickering and loved when Bones couldn't comprehend the whole marriage thing.

I also enjoyed delving more emotionally into Cam's life for once, as we saw some of her past come out when her former lover died. I hope we see more of the girl/surrogate daughter she took in.

And I think I almost spit out something when that frozen turkey bounced back up to hit Angela in the face, instead of shattering like Hodgins thought it would.

Stealing the dead corpse from the funeral was a nice twist on things, where usually the bodies are so horribly mutilated, that one wonders how this show is also one of the most romantic shows on TV.

And as an Asian, I should probably be totally offended by the Japanese scientist storyline. Not the whole killing, but the person whose sex the squints cannot figure out. Hysterical. Because it's so true. And has happened to me SOOO many times at bubble tea places.

Survivor: Tocantins - The First Fifteen Days, One of Those Coach Moments, The Dragon Slayer - Eps. 1809-1810

Okay, I'm sad to see my future husband Brendan get voted out (though apparently I don't have to worry, he's still rich, co-founder of Bear Naked). He was my last hope on the game.

I'd crush on J.T. but he's allied with Coach so that just won't do. Plus I have no idea what he's saying most of the time. (As opposed to Coach, whose words I understand but still have no idea what he's saying most of the time).

So how awesome was this week's blindside? I know the term now has been way overused this season, but with Sierra being the poor little hurt rabbit being devoured by the other vultures (not that I love her or anything but seriously, easy pickin's), it was all the more satisfying when Tyson slowly realized he was actually in trouble after he kept badgering Sierra and after his name kept popping up alongside Sierra's at tribal council.

BOOYA! Get your scrawny naked ass outta there and sit it next to Brendan's! Loved Brendan's reaction!

Okay, so at this point, I'm kinda hoping Stephen actually wins it. He amuses me. Plus, I don't know if I want anybody else to win at this point.

Debra has me loving her one moment, hating her the next. Taj would probably be next closest but more because she hasn't pissed me off, rather than actually having me root for her. Sierra no. Coach HELL NO. J.T.? he's cute y'all but he's become gross by Coach association. Erinn? I keep forgetting she's even on this show until this episode.

American Idol - Top 7 Redux - Results Night - The Cut from 7 to 5

I guessed Lil Rounds 4 weeks in a row. FOUR WEEKS. And she's even one of my pool picks. FOUR WEEKS. FINALLY!!! Later not-the-diva-we-thought-you-would-be-except-only-in-'tude.

And Anoop. ANOOOOOOP. See ya. I kinda liked you. I kinda liked laughing at you. I so wanted you to become so much more but alas, you rarely achieved that (as opposed to Lil who never achieved that so you're still ahead).

You had a nice smoldering voice. Still, I wouldn't quit your day job. Oh. Too late.

On the other hand, how cute was David Archuleta? Seriously, is he 18 yet? Love that he still sounds nervously jumbled when he talks. He's better at the PR machine but there's still something refreshingly boyish in his answers (basically because he's still one).

As for his female counterpart this year, Allison's showing in the bottom 3? Shame. Shame on you America. I had a bad feeling but I put my hopes in you and wrote down Matt Giraud. You didn't fail be last November but you failed me here. Shame.

I don't even know if you deserve this (but for my sake, I need to put a smile on my face, because yes, that is a disco stick in my pants):

For more on American Idol:
Click here for the most recent posts.
Season 8:
Top 2 Performance
Top 3 Performance, Top 3 Results
Top 4 Performance, Top 4 Results
Top 5 Performance, Top 5 Results
Top 6 + Matt (Top 7 Redux) Performance, Top 7 Redux Results
Top 7 Performance, Top 7 Results
Top 8 Performance, Top 8 Results
Top 9 Performance
Top 10 Performance
Top 12 Performance, Top 12 Results
Top 13 Performance, Top 13 Results
Top 36:
Group 1, Group 2, Group 3
Wild Card, Wild Card Results
Pre-Top 36:
Who Are You Going To Vote For?
Handicapping the Alleged American Idols

Photos of Kris Allen from the American Idol website courtesy of Fox Corp.
Vance at

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Crushworthy - Caitlin Crosby's Mantourage Includes Robert Hoffman

I have no idea who this Caitlin Crosby chick is and her song "I Still Have My Heart" is cute but I don't know if I love it or anything, but the video has some of my favorite future-ex-husbands in them including Zachary Levi (Chuck), Robert Hoffman (She's the Man, Step Up 2), Ryan Hansen (Party Down, Veronica Mars), Jesse Spencer (House) and Albert Reed (that hot model dude who did Dancing with the Stars a few years back).

Seriously, the bits with Hoffman and Hansen are hysterical!

Here's some behind the scenes clips including more of Robert Hoffman doing whatever the hell he's doing. Seriously, the guy needs to do ANOTHER dance movie to show off his skills. Step Up 2 was good but not enough!

Here's a really weird creepy video of Robert Hoffman falling in love... with himself. Then again, if I were Robert Hoffman, I would fall in love with myself too. (May NSFW near the end because of the nice bum shot!)

I must have talked about how much I love She's the Man and everyone in it (including Channing Tatum, James Snyder (Cry Baby, Bare The Album) and of course, Amanda Bynes herself) but seriously, LOVE Robert Hoffman!

Soon to be seen in Ashley Tisdale's They Came From Upstairs and We Got The Beat with Hansen in a movie about the first ever boyband. OMG.

More of his videos here. He's kind of an ass with his pranks and stuff but it's kinda funny too. And hey, he does call himself punchrobert. It helps that he can actually dance so he kinda gets away with it all. (more videos below)


If there was any doubt:

Vance at

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Kyle Riabko Touched Me - Spring Awakening - Musical Review

Spring Awakening - National Tour - Canon Theatre - Toronto, ON - ****1/2 (out of 5)
Music and Lyrics by Duncan Sheik, Book by Steven Sater, Directed by Michael Mayer, Choreographed by Bill T. Jones
Currently in Providence, begins Boston stop next week.

You know I love the show. You can read that here, here, here, here, here, here, and here as well as my review of the current National Touring cast at the start of the Toronto run when Matt Doyle joined the cast while Kyle Riabko was temporarily away.

So let's get down to it. Kyle Riabko came back as Melchior for the final week in Toronto.

And Kyle was... very different. Very different than any of the Melchiors I had seen before. Very different than the naive and innocent but strong Matt Doyle. Very different than the sheepishness and shyness of Perry Sherman. Not as bold and upstanding as original Jonathan Groff. And not as alluring as Hunter Parrish.

But Kyle brings a different Melchior to the stage and while it wasn't my favorite of the interpretations, it was still strong in its own way. Kyle's diction is incredibly precise, and he brought on a "British theatre acting" (a term that just sort of came to my head while watching him, even though it doesn't actually refer to anything specific) to the role. He also seems to have a slower rhythm that has less naturalism but seems to bring out a lot more of the humour and comedic beats that Broadway had that had been missing on the tour so far. Kyle's different rhythms seems to also change the rhythms of his fellow cast mates and I found Toronto laughed at very different spots during the final week compared to when Matt Doyle was on. It was interesting to see the little things change so much with the different leads.

Kyle Riabko also tends to have an air of cynicism or seems a bit like a preppy ass (he's smart and he knows it, as opposed to the others who played it as he's smart but didn't know it), it makes his final breakdown at the end far more emotionally compelling and it was probably the most heartfelt and disturbing final scene.

Kyle's voice wasn't as strong as Matt's and he couldn't always hit the high notes on "Mirror Blue Night", yet he did one of the better "Left Behind"'s, which is usually the hardest one to hit.

On some side notes, I noticed that Ben Moss (Ersnt) REALLY stays in character, as twice, during "I Believe", the swinging platform would smash into his face but he refused to move to stay in character along with everyone else. Now THAT'S commitment. Yet slightly horrifying since his gorgeous face CANNOT get damaged.

And "Touch Me" still might be my favorite number. It wasn't the first time but it kept slowly rising up in the ranks. Still love "Mirror Blue Night" and the choreography that goes with it, and "My Junk" is performed with such zest by the touring cast that it started drawing huge applause by the end of the Toronto run (finally!) and brought back the sparkle that song always had for me.

Vance at

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Best Musical Nominee [title of show]?!! And Other Predictions

ModFab beat me to it but new the [title of show] show! This time it's Official Tony Season Launch Show Campaign Special! Cause don't forget Tony selection committee! [title of show] is in fact eligible for Best Musical this year at the Tony's and I hope it gets a nomination!

And Jeff has made his AMAZING Jeffigibility Chart of ALL the possible nominees. I'm seriously going to have to come back to this and analyze it some more.

Now I still haven't seen all the possible musicals (and there are far too many new plays and play revivals that I haven't seen so I'm not even going to bother guessing), but I could probably make some guesses as to who will get nominated and who I would WANT to be nominated. Of the 13 musicals (9 new musicals, 4 revivals), I've seen 6 on Broadway, 5 in the pre-Broadway run (White Christmas, Hair with different main casts), and I only haven't seen Rock of Ages and Tale of Two Cities in any incarnation so far.

Now, the Outer Critics Award nominations came out but they were sort of a joke. And the Drama League Award nominations were announced (yay for Black Watch!) yesterday but between the Off-Broadway and Broadway combinations and a general list of actors nominated, it doesn't really help with the Tony's (plus some shows that transferred from Off-Broadway weren't eligible since they were already considered in previous years).

Here are my random totally uneducated predictions and preferences for the Tony Awards:
(I'm totally going out on a limb with my picks. Especially the Will Win/Should Win!)

Best Musical:
Should Be Nominated:
Billy Elliot
9 to 5
[title of show]
My Dark Horse: Next to Normal

Will Be Nominated:
Billy Elliot
9 to 5
Next to Normal
Rock of Ages

Dark Horse: [title of show], Shrek
Will Win/Should Win: Billy Elliot

Best Revival of a Musical:
There are only 4 choices so they will all get nominated.
Pal Joey
Guys and Dolls
West Side Story

Will Win/Should Win: Hair

Best Actor in a Musical:
Should Be Nominated:
Gavin Creel for Hair
Hunter Bell for [title of show]
Jeff Bowen for [title of show]
Matt Cavanaugh for West Side Story
David Alvarez, Trent Kowalik, Kiril Kulish for Billy Elliot
My Dark Horse: J. Robert Spencer for Next to Normal

Will Get Nominated:
Matt Cavanaugh for West Side Story
David Alvarez, Trent Kowalik, Kiril Kulish for Billy Elliot
Gavin Creel for Hair
Brian d'Arcy James for Shrek
J. Robert Spencer for Next to Normal

Dark Horse: Hunter Bell for [title of show], James Barbour for Tale of Two Cities
Will Win: David Alvarez, Trent Kowalik, Kiril Kulish for Billy Elliot
Should Win: Gavin Creel for Hair

Best Actress in a Musical:
Should Be Nominated:
Alice Ripley for Next to Normal
Josefina Scaglione for West Side Story
Allison Janney for 9 to 5
Stephanie J. Block for 9 to 5
Stockard Channing for Pal Joey
My Dark Horse: Kate Jennings Grant for Guys and Dolls

Will Be Nominated:
Alice Ripley for Next to Normal
Josefina Scaglione for West Side Story
Allison Janney for 9 to 5
Sutton Foster for Shrek
Lauren Graham for Guys and Dolls

Dark Horse: Kate Jennings Grant for Guys and Dolls, Amy Spanger for Rock of Ages
Will Win: Alice Ripley for Next to Normal
Should Win: Allison Janney for 9 to 5

The two Featured Actor and Actress categories are probably hardest:
Best Featured Actor in a Musical:
Should Be Nominated:
Greg Jabara for Billy Elliot
Christopher Sieber for Shrek
Will Swenson for Hair
Marc Kudisch for 9 to 5
Aaron Tveit for Next to Normal
My Dark Horse: Adam Chanler-Berat for Next to Normal

Will Be Nominated:
Greg Jabara for Billy Elliot
Christopher Sieber for Shrek
Will Swenson for Hair
Marc Kudisch for 9 to 5
Aaron Tveit for Next to Normal

Dark Horse: Aaron Lazar for A Tale of Two Cities, James Carpinello for Rock of Ages, Titus Burgess for Guys and Dolls
Will Win: Christopher Sieber for Shrek
Should WIn: Honestly, I'm down with Jabara, Sieber, Swenson, Kudisch or Tveit winning at this point.

Best Featured Actress in a Musical:
Should Be Nominated:
Karen Olivo for West Side Story
Hadyn Gwynne for Billy Elliot
Martha Plimpton for Pal Joey
Jennifer Damiano for Next to Normal
Susan Blackwell for [title of show]
My Dark Horses: Heidi Blickenstaff for [title of show], Allie Trimm for 13, Megan Hilty for 9 to 5

Will Get Nominated:
Karen Olivo for West Side Story
Hadyn Gwynne for Billy Elliot
Martha Plimpton for Pal Joey
Jennifer Damiano for Next to Normal
Megan Hilty for 9 to 5

Dark Horse: Susan Blackwell for [title of show], Kathy Fitzgerald for 9 to 5, Cassie Levy for Hair
Will Win: Hadyn Gwynne
Should Win: I'm down with Olivo, Gwynne, Plimpton or Damiano for the win. Or any of the [title of show] ladies if they made the cut.

Best Director of a Musical:
Should Be Nominated:
Diane Paulus for Hair
Michael Berresse for [title of show]
Stephen Daldry for Billy Elliot
Michael Greif for Next to Normal
My Dark Horse: Jeremy Sams for 13

Will Get Nominated:
Diane Paulus for Hair
Arthur Laurents for West Side Story
Stephen Daldry for Billy Elliot
Michael Greif for Next to Normal

Dark Horse: Joe Mantello for 9 to 5
Will Win: Stephen Daldry for Billy Elliot
Should Win: Diane Paulus for Hair

Best Choreography
Should Be Nominated:
Andy Blankenbuehler for 9 to 5
Karole Armitage for Hair
Peter Darling for Billy Elliot
Christopher Gatelli for 13
Dark Horse: Sergio Trujillo for Next to Normal

Will Be Nominated:
Andy Blankenbuehler for 9 to 5
Karole Armitage for Hair
Peter Darling for Billy Elliot
Kelly Devine for Rock of Ages

Dark Horse: Sergio Trujillo for Next to Normal or Guys and Dolls
Will Win: Peter Darling for Billy Elliot
Should Win: Karole Armitage for Hair or Andy Blankenbuehler for 9 to 5

Best Score:
Should Be Nominated:
Jeff Bowen for [title of show]
Elton John for Billy Elliot
Dolly Parton for 9 to 5
Jason Robert Brown for 13

Will Be Nominated:
Jeanine Tesori and David Lindsay-Abaire for Shrek
Elton John for Billy Elliot
Dolly Parton for 9 to 5
Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey for Next to Normal

Will Win/Should Win: Elton John for Billy Elliot

Best Book:
Should Be Nominated:
Hunter Bell for [title of show]
Lee Hall for Billy Elliot
Brian Yorkey for Next to Normal
Dan Elish and Robert Horn for 13

Will Get Nominated:
Lee Hall for Billy Elliot
Brian Yorkey for Next to Normal
David Lindsay-Abaire for Shrek
Patricia Resnick for 9 to 5

Will Win/Should Win: Lee Hall for Billy Elliot

Best Scenic
Should Be Nominated:
Billy Elliot
Next to Normal
9 to 5
West Side Story
My Dark Horse: White Christmas

Will Be Nominated:
Billy Elliot
A Tale of Two Cities
West Side Story

Will Win: Billy Elliot
Should Win: Next to Normal

Best Costume:
Should Be Nominated:
Pal Joey
White Christmas

Will Be Nominated:
Billy Elliot
Pal Joey
White Christmas

Will Win: Shrek
Should Win: Hair

Best Lighting
Should Be Nominated/Will Be Nominated:
Next to Normal
West Side Story
Billy Elliot

Will Win: Billy Elliot
Should Win: Hair or Next to Normal

Best Orchestrations
Should Be Nominated:
Billy Elliot
Next to Normal

Will Be Nominated:
Billy Elliot
Next to Normal

Will Win: Billy Elliot
Should Win: Hair

And there you have it. My Tony Award picks. Let's see if my nominations are right on May 5th and the awards on Sunday, June 7th (on CBS).

Here were all my reviews from the musicals that I've seen so far:

Billy Elliot (Musical) - Imperial Theatre - Broadway, New York, NY - **** (Review)

Guys and Dolls - Nederlander Theatre - Broadway, New York, NY - *** (Review)

Hair (Musical Revival) - Delacorte Theatre Central Park, New York, NY - (Review) *****

9 to 5: The Musical - Ahmanson Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - ***1/2 (Review)

Next to Normal (Musical) - Arena Stage Theater - Washington, D.C. - *** (Review)

13 (Musical) - Goodspeed's Norma Terris Theatre - Chester, CT & Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre - Broadway, New York, NY - (Review from Goodspeed, Review from Broadway) ****

Pal Joey x2 (Musical Revival) - Studio 54 - Broadway, New York, NY - Original Review ****, Now ***1/2 (Review)

Shrek (Musical) - Broadway Theatre - Broadway, New York, NY - ** (Review)

[title of show] (Musical) - Lyceum Theatre - Broadway, New York, NY - (Review) ****

West Side Story - (Musical Revival) - National Theatre - Washington, D.C. - (Review) ****1/2

Vance at

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