So You Think You Can Dance - Top 6 Performance Night - Ep. 520 Judges: Nigel Lythgoe, Mary Murphy, Guest Judge: Lil C
I used to love Lil C but he's kind of a downer tonight, and his affections for Ade and Brandon over Evan is so obvious that I respect him just a little less than normal.
On the other hand, I couldn't hear Jordan Sparks' song "Battlefield" this past week without seeing Jeanine dancing, plus then I would picture her tick tock on her toes from her solo and she's finally snagged my heart and my allegiance and I've totally fallen in love with her. Just in time for next week's finale! It's actually very similar to Sabra's journey who came from nowhere and week after week of strong performances, finally started coming out in the limelight near the end of the run.
Guys Group Dance - Ade, Brandon, Evan Choreographed by: Sonya Tayeh Song: "True Romance" - She Wants Revenge
Well aren't the boys always fun? That was fun, and with the exception of the start where Evan seemed a bit soft, the rest of it seemed pretty unified, especially considering the differences in sizes and looks between the three. There might have been some moments later on but by then, I sort of was just sitting back and enjoying watching the boys (... shut up... I'm meaning that in a nice clean way).
Lil C makes a backhanded compliment to Evan but I'm just going to ignore that.
I just don't get the whole Evan thing. He's not a very good dancer . . . well, he's way better than me, but I always feel like routines are dumbed down when he's in it. The quickstep tonight was the first time I really felt like I was watching him partner. And all those stupid faces he makes . . . ugh!
I totally concur with your call for Melissa & Ade to go home tonight. (And I do think all the "voting on the routines" is Nigel grousing about Melissa stealing Janette's spot.)
Evan's got a fanbase. I'm not sure Ade does (even with those new nekkid pictures). And I don't see Melissa picking up any of Janette's fanbase...
I mentioned something on twitter about the dancers ending their solos haphazardly. I did say it with more bitchiness. The 140 character tweet said something of seizures, laziness, yadda yadda yadda.
I was really pushing for Melissa (I really do like her a lot), but I do think the top two girls should be Kayla and Jeanine.
Somewhere else in my tweets of the night, I mentioned that Brandon's solo made me ponder upon the possibility of Roots: the Musical with Kunta Kinte being played by Brandon. At least that's what the solo drove me to write.
Yeah, I gotta say, I agree with Jeremy about Evan. Though I was impressed that he kept up during Sonya's routine last night - there were no concessions made to him, and he made it work. But all the same, cute though he may be, there's a little bit of a John Stevens thing going on there with the voters, I think.
Okay, that sounds harsh, so, emphasis that it's only a little bit. I still like the guy. Please don't hate me, Vance.
Anyway, that Disco routine was pretty nuts, and Lil' C's reaction to it was probably my favorite part of the night. It's down to Kayla and Jeanine for me, and though Kayla's a stronger dancer, Jeanine's got my vote.
Maybe it's because I watched last night in my very hot house (Seattle's been experiencing a record-breaking heatwave), but I couldn't get into any of the dances last night. I liked the Jeanine/Ade hip-hop and the Kayla/Brandon disco the best, but thought that the judges overpraised both performances. I don't know, my love for this season is just puttering out.
That said, from the beginning of this season I wanted Brandon and Ade in the finale and I'm hoping that I (and lil' C) get my wish. Kayla and Jeanine should round out the top 4. I am worried that Evan has such a crazy fan base. Seriously, I love the kid but he needed to go last week.
haha. Don't get me wrong. I think Ade and Brandon are great and I think I've been championing Ade a bit more, while Brandon has been technically excellent, just lacks... SOMETHING. BUT, in the last few weeks, I keep noting that Ade's female partners always seem to overshine him as good as he may be. Meanwhile, I DO give extra points I probably shouldn't to Evan for his personality and that he's different in style. To me, he's a bit more Benji/Ivan vs the technical excellence of Travis.
But people HAVE been complaining about lack of star power all season so I get people are waning (and ratings are dropping fast). It's not like the dancers are BAD, but are we expecting too much? Or are the dancers just boring?
Anyways, I love the differing opinions so keep them coming and I'll never get offended (well, almost).
For what it's worth, I can understand the complaints about a (comparatively) weaker season, but I find myself far more invested in rooting for Jeanine to win than I was for anyone last season.
can it really be a top ten list with only six dancers?
i'm glad you mentioned lil c's racism - it seemed so blatant
i'm enjoying this season as it's the first one that hasn't had a clear frontrunner and/or judge's chosen one; i have no idea who'll win (especially after the booting of janette) but i'm hoping it's going to be evan
The Good Wife (Season 2) CBS/Global 10pm ****1/2 (Low: 4)
Tapeworthy Shows On Hiatus
Grade system
***** - 5 Stars TAPEWORTHY AND WILL watch it LIVE for fear the recording will mess up. Do not attempt to call or try to make plans during this time.
**** - 4 Stars Tapeworthy and I will TRY to watch it LIVE
*** - 3 Stars Tapeworthy, will watch it live if I'm around but if not, will catch it later in the week.
** - 2 Stars Might tape it to watch later as long as I have space and no conflicting shows that have higher priority.
* - 1 Star Won't tape it but if I need something to watch while I fold my laundry (and I'm done all my tapes), I will watch it (ie. Reba).
0 - 0 Stars Will NOT turn on the TV for fear of coming across this show. (ie. According to Jim).
Grades only reflect current new airings. Does not necessarily apply to previous seasons. Grades are subject to change at any moment. Apologies to TV Gal for half borrowing her system.
I just don't get the whole Evan thing. He's not a very good dancer . . . well, he's way better than me, but I always feel like routines are dumbed down when he's in it. The quickstep tonight was the first time I really felt like I was watching him partner. And all those stupid faces he makes . . . ugh!
I totally concur with your call for Melissa & Ade to go home tonight. (And I do think all the "voting on the routines" is Nigel grousing about Melissa stealing Janette's spot.)
Evan's got a fanbase. I'm not sure Ade does (even with those new nekkid pictures). And I don't see Melissa picking up any of Janette's fanbase...
I mentioned something on twitter about the dancers ending their solos haphazardly. I did say it with more bitchiness. The 140 character tweet said something of seizures, laziness, yadda yadda yadda.
I was really pushing for Melissa (I really do like her a lot), but I do think the top two girls should be Kayla and Jeanine.
Somewhere else in my tweets of the night, I mentioned that Brandon's solo made me ponder upon the possibility of Roots: the Musical with Kunta Kinte being played by Brandon. At least that's what the solo drove me to write.
Yeah, I gotta say, I agree with Jeremy about Evan. Though I was impressed that he kept up during Sonya's routine last night - there were no concessions made to him, and he made it work. But all the same, cute though he may be, there's a little bit of a John Stevens thing going on there with the voters, I think.
Okay, that sounds harsh, so, emphasis that it's only a little bit. I still like the guy. Please don't hate me, Vance.
Anyway, that Disco routine was pretty nuts, and Lil' C's reaction to it was probably my favorite part of the night. It's down to Kayla and Jeanine for me, and though Kayla's a stronger dancer, Jeanine's got my vote.
Maybe it's because I watched last night in my very hot house (Seattle's been experiencing a record-breaking heatwave), but I couldn't get into any of the dances last night.
I liked the Jeanine/Ade hip-hop and the Kayla/Brandon disco the best, but thought that the judges overpraised both performances.
I don't know, my love for this season is just puttering out.
That said, from the beginning of this season I wanted Brandon and Ade in the finale and I'm hoping that I (and lil' C) get my wish. Kayla and Jeanine should round out the top 4. I am worried that Evan has such a crazy fan base. Seriously, I love the kid but he needed to go last week.
haha. Don't get me wrong. I think Ade and Brandon are great and I think I've been championing Ade a bit more, while Brandon has been technically excellent, just lacks... SOMETHING. BUT, in the last few weeks, I keep noting that Ade's female partners always seem to overshine him as good as he may be. Meanwhile, I DO give extra points I probably shouldn't to Evan for his personality and that he's different in style. To me, he's a bit more Benji/Ivan vs the technical excellence of Travis.
But people HAVE been complaining about lack of star power all season so I get people are waning (and ratings are dropping fast). It's not like the dancers are BAD, but are we expecting too much? Or are the dancers just boring?
Anyways, I love the differing opinions so keep them coming and I'll never get offended (well, almost).
I twas really quick, but did anyone notice that Jeanine did Showgirls Hands at the beginning of her solo?
For what it's worth, I can understand the complaints about a (comparatively) weaker season, but I find myself far more invested in rooting for Jeanine to win than I was for anyone last season.
can it really be a top ten list with only six dancers?
i'm glad you mentioned lil c's racism - it seemed so blatant
i'm enjoying this season as it's the first one that hasn't had a clear frontrunner and/or judge's chosen one; i have no idea who'll win (especially after the booting of janette) but i'm hoping it's going to be evan
Ha, you're right. Fixed it par3182. I guess of all people, you would know it's the Top 6 list.
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