So You Think You Can Dance Canada - Thriller Night
Top 14 - Results Night - The Cut from 14 to 12 - Ep. 112
Judges: Jean-Marc Genereux, Tre Armstrong, Rex Harrington, Mary MurphyTop 14 Group Performance
Song: "Dragula (Hot Rod Herman Remix)" - Rob Zombie
Choreographer: Melissa WilliamsIt's thriller night! Just in time for Halloween, the vampire are out and ready to suck your blood and ready to dance. Uh, okay. It was a weird group performance which looked good when everybody had to dance in unison but the rest seemed theatrically pointless (vampire teeth not withstanding). UPDATE: Here's the video:
So my Bottom 3 Predictions from last night were:
Caroline and Jesse
Natalli and Francis
Vincent and Lisa
The actual bottom 3 pairs were:
Lisa Auguste and Vincent Noiseux
Lara Smythe and Miles Faber
Caroline Torti and Jesse Catibog
Um. EXCUSE ME? I know it wasn't a great week for everyone but two of my most favorite couples, Miles and Lara and Lisa and Vincent in the bottom 3? NOOOOOOOOO. (I know. I even predicted Lisa and Vincent but STILL).
UPDATE: It just occured to me that both of Benji's routines are in the bottom 3. Hmm...
Lisa dances for her life:
Grade: B (UPDATE: I rewatched it again and like it a lot more now for some reason. A-)Lara dances for her life:
Grade: A-Caroline dances for her life:
Grade: BVincent dances for his life:
Grade: A-Miles dances for his life:
Grade: B+Jesse dances for his life:
Grade: B+Here's the video of all the solos for the bottom 3 girls and boys:
I didn't think Lisa's was special but there's something about the way she moves that is so neat. Strangely, she's paired with her dance twin since Vincent doesn't seem particularly special until he moves and somehow puts his own unique twist and grace into regular contemporary moves.
The only good thing about seeing Lara and Miles in the bottom 3 is that we get to see their solo dances and remind us how they never seem to get a pairs dance that is close to their own styles.
Caroline has a lot of fiery passion but again, I didn't think it was that special (like Lisa's) but she lacks Lisa's uniqueness. Jesse is great at his own style but it's his partnering is what sinks him (plus the fact that he's doesn't have chemistry with Caroline and he's had the bad luck of getting dances far from his own genre).So it's time to announce the cuts and Jean Marc chokes up with Lara and is about to give me a heart attack, but thank GOODNESS she's safe. Then he chokes up about Lisa... and about to give me another heart attack and thank GOODNESS she's safe. I know, usually it would be obvious but considering they cut Romina, it's not always.
So in the end, Caroline is cut from the competition.
As for the boys, they just cut right to the obvious chase and announce Jesse's departure. He seemed nice enough, and like he was having fun, but alas, it's not enough.So so long to Caroline Torti and Jesse Catibog.
So another week, another pair that are cut. The third in the four weeks the Canadian edition has done. Ouch. But alas, it was the right cut this week and only one more to go before the final Top 10 and the pairings start switching it up.
(UPDATE: Here are early spoilers for the Top 12)
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For More So You Think You Can Dance:
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For more on So You Think You Can Dance Canada:
Top 12 Performances, Results 12 to 10
Top 14 Performances, Results 14 to 12
Top 16 Performances, Results 16 to 14
Top 18 Performances, Results 18 to 16
Top 20 Performances and Results
Introducing Canada's Top 20
Toronto Week - The Cut to the Top 20
Vancouver, Halifax, Calgary, Montreal - West, East, Middle and Quebec
Toronto - Toronto's Best Foot Forward
The Judges, The Host, The Teaser, All Photos from CTV
So You Think You Can Dance - Season 4:
Top 4 Performances
Top 6 Performances and Results 6 to 4
Top 8 Performances, Results 8 to 6
Top 10 Performances, Results 10 to 8
Top 16, 14 and 12 Weeks Recaps by Vance again
Top 12 Performances, Results 12 to 10 - Guest Blogger Linz McC
Top 14 Performances, Results 14 to 12 - Guest Blogger Linz McC
Top 16 Performances, Results 16 to 14 - Guest Blogger Linz McC
Top 18 Performances, Results 18 to 16
Top 20 Performances, Results 20 to 18
Introducing the Top 20
Callbacks in Las Vegas - The Top 20 Revealed - What Happens In Vegas
Milwaukee, WI - How The Midwest Was Won
Charleston, South Carolina and Washington D.C. - S.C.D.C. The New Electric (Boogaloo) Term!
Salt Lake City and Dallas - Yeehaw Utah!
Los Angeles - It's Time To Put On Those Dancing Shoes Again Kids!
So You Think You Can Dance - Season 3:
Live Tour - Toronto, Pasha's Solo Video, Neil's Solo Video
Finale - Winner Result
Top 4 Performances - Finals
Top 6 Performances, Top 6 Results
Top 8 Performances, Top 8 Results
Top 10 Performances, Top 10 Results
Top 12 Performances, Top 12 Results
Top 14 Performances, Top 14 Results
Top 16 Performances, Top 16 Results
Top 18 Performances, Top 18 Results
Top 20 Performances, Top 20 Results
For So You Think You Can Dance Season 2:
Favorite Video Clips
Song List Live Tour 2006 - Toronto
Live Tour 2006 - Buffalo, Pics, More Pics
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