SYTYCD7 - Threedictions?
So You Think You Can Dance - Season 7 - Final 3 Performance Night - Ep. 722
Judges: Nigel Lythgoe, Mia Michaels, Adam Shankman
Top 3. So let's not think about what would have happened if there were no injuries and enjoy the final 3 dancers we have here, because from what the fates would provide, I think we have three pretty great dancers. And this final 3 performance didn't really make it any easier to separate them, especially when each dancer had 4 paired dances to do AND a solo. I'm tired just thinking about the rehearsal schedule coordination someone must have had to figure out.
But it was worth it!:Kent Boyd with Lauren Gottlieb
Choreographed by: Nakul Dev Mahajan
Style: Bollywood
Song: "Om Mangalam" - Kambakkht Ishq (Soundtrack)
Grade - Dance: A-
Grade - Contestant: A-
They sure throw a lot of things off stage now that they have wings. I guess they figure now that they have a fugly set, we'd better take advantage that the audience isn't in the round anymore.
So anybody else feel they've stacked the decks for Kent by giving him Bollywood? Something that can be technically demanding and precise but requires a big cheesy smile? Sure feels that way, because this seems tailor made for him. And it was fun to watch, granted for some reason I enjoyed it a LOT more the second viewing around. Love or hate Kent, you gotta admit he can hit those steps and technically he is great. Yes he has a cheesy smile ALL. THE. TIME. But hey, he's a kid from the hicks now on national tv at 18 yrs old, of COURSE he's gonna be excited, so in a style that fits his permasmile, it all works well.
There were a couple of tiny missteps but other than that, this was sort of designed for Kent.
Here's the video of Kent and Lauren's Bollywood:Lauren Froderman with Stephen Twitch Boss
Choreographed by: Napoleon and Tabitha D'umo
Style: Hip-Hop
Song: "Power" - Kanye West
Grade - Dance: A-
Grade - Contestant: A-
The whole power political debate concept was kind of neat and added a nice spin for what was essentially a simple synchronized hip-hop routine.
Since it relies so much on the synchronicity between the two dancers, any off beats were glaringly obvious and there were a few moments though after a few repeats, I wasn't really sure if it was Lauren's fault or Twitch's and in fact, one major one almost looked like Twitch went slower to the beat. Still, it was a lot of fun and Lauren did a bang up job hitting the points. Enough to keep her as a real contender.
Here's the video of Lauren and Twitch's Hip-Hop:Robert Roldan with Mark Kanemura
Choreographed by: Tyce DiOrio
Style: Jazz
Song: "Whip It" - Devo
Grade - Dance: B+
Grade - Contestant: A-
Tyce choreographing? oh....
Well, at least it's a Jazz routine and not Broadway. Tyce's Jazz routines suck less at least.
But didn't really matter what he did since the pairing of Mark and Robert was going to sizzle no matter what. I've been saying for a while that Robert, while not as quirky as Mark, has a quirky element to his dancing (but not in the copying feel that Kupono felt) so with their dark hairs slicked up and matching outfits, I couldn't tell who was who half the time.
While I will say that I think Mark puts an extra zest that his quirkiness throws into all his dances (which is why we all love him), Robert held his own and would be a perfect double.
Here's the video of Robert and Mark's Jazz:Lauren Froderman and Robert Roldan
Choreographed by: Dee Kaspary
Style: Contemporary
Song: "That Home" - Cinematic Orchestra
Grade - Dance: A
Grade - Lauren: A
Grade - Robert: A
I wasn't won over by the choreography at first. I thought the partnering elements were beautiful and a clever use of the pillow of course, but I wasn't sure what to make of Robert's fluidity but upon second viewing, he felt more like some sort of playful oracle disturbing Lauren's sleep more than a partner who was just wiggly, and it felt more layered than what I first captured.And Robert and Lauren? They looked like they were floating in some pillow world and were absolutely magnificent (Oh, Adam uses the word too, doesn't he?!)
Here's the video of Lauren and Robert's Contemporary:Lauren Froderman and Kent Boyd
Choreographed by: Mandy Moore
Style: Jazz
Song: "Hip to Be Square" - Huey Lewis & The News
Grade - Dance: C+
Grade - Lauren: A
Grade - Kent: A
Maybe it's cause I loved the glasses on the two, but I thought the costumes and the square lighting and the whole idea was cute, but the dance was light in comparison to Tranji's nerd dance from Season 2.Kent and Lauren did a great job of what they were given, which seemed pretty simple. Nigel didn't seem to think they were challenged enough.
Here's the video of Lauren and Kent's Jazz:Kent Boyd with Allison Holker
Choreographed by: Stacey Tookey
Style: Contemporary
Song: "Sundrenched World (Live Session)" - Joshua Radin
Grade - Dance: A
Grade - Contestant: A
Allison finally gets to perform in the final 3! Too bad it's not her own season. Allison is the best dancer never to have reached the final 3. She is just so awesome.Stacey Tookey, in her continuation to chip away at Mia's mantle brings another emotionally packed contemporary piece that works with some beautiful movements between Kent and Allison. Kent's continuing maturity proves the naysayers wrong and proof that once he grows past this "I'm 18! I'm from Wapakoneta! I'm so happy to be here", that he'll turn into an All-Star dancer of his own.
Here's the video of Kent and Allison's Contemporary:Robert Roldan with Kathryn McCormick
Choreographed by: Spencer Liff
Style: Jazz
Song: "Cool" - West Side Story (1961 soundtrack)
Grade - Dance: A
Grade - Contestant: A
As the judges kept saying, Jerome Robbins choreography for West Side Story is legendary, so Spencer Liff has got balls to re-interpret it. But this is Liff and not... ah I'll be nice and I won't go there.. but Liff does an amazing job making it his own, while honouring Robbin's style. Loved the jailhouse/lawyer story and it worked well with the song.
Meanwhile, anytime Robert and Kathryn dance together, it's pretty spectacular, and here is no different, with Robert's ease showing through with his stylish dancing. Robert is finally cooling down and feeling more comfortable and less studied and serious, which were his few weaknesses. I get what Mia was asking of Robert, that her minor critique be that Robert simmer during the lower cool points but I wasn't really bothered by it. I just loved it ALL.
Oh yah, and Robert tore his pants. TIGHT!
Here's the video of Robert and Kathryn's Jazz:Lauren Froderman with Pasha Kovalev
Choreographed by: Tony Meredith and Melanie LaPatin
Style: Cha Cha
Song: "Not Myself Tonight" - Christina Aguilera
Grade - Dance: A
Grade - Contestant: A
To Lauren's credit, she looked like Anya here, especially now that Anya is sporting a blonde look nowadays. Lauren danced her ass off and looked fantastic next to Pasha.But really, I'm still always just looking at Pasha. I can't help it.
Here's the video of Lauren and Pasha's Cha Cha:Kent Boyd and Robert Roldan
Choreographed by: Miriam Larici and Leonardo Barrionuevo
Style: Malevos
Song: "The Chosen/Drum Addict" - Taylor Long
Grade - Dance: B
Grade - Kent: B+
Grade - Robert: A-
I think the baggy costumes did not help the dance, which is supposed to be strong and macho. It didn't help define the lines that Robert and Kent had, and made it look sloppy even though they weren't really that sloppy. I know it was supposed to be a gangster look but some tight pants on Kent and Robert never hurt. Especially together? That would have been awesome.Instead, Robert's maturity (despite the fact that he's still super young) gave him the edge over Kent here as Robert looked more in tune with the style here and gave a cleaner dance that verged on homoerotic the more it tried to remain "macho".
Here's the video of Kent and Robert's Malevos:
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The SolosKent Boyd
Style: Contemporary
Song: "The Finish Line" - Train
Grade: A-
Ha nice choice of song. I wonder if the producers helped him with that one. I'm loving that even his solos are maturing and while sometimes they fall into the contemp solo cliches, they are still pretty spectac and his skills are not to be dismissed.Robert Roldan
Style: Contemporary
Song: "The District Sleeps Alone" - The Postal Service
Grade: A
I love that his solos bridge between Travis Wall's beautiful sleep solos and Mark Kanemura's quirkiness and makes them his own.Lauren Froderman
Style: Contemporary
Song: "I'm Goin' Down" - Mary J. Blige
Grade: A-
I still think Lauren's solo's are her weakest point but they've been generally improving (though I still find them up and down) but luckily I think she ended on and up note.
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The Final Roundup:
Damn, that was a lot of dancing for the finals. And damn, they were all pretty good. Ranking this might be near impossible.
The Dancers - Pairs Routine:
1st - Best of the Night: Lauren and Robert
2nd: Kent (with Allison)
3rd: Robert (with Kathryn)
4th: Lauren (with Pasha)
5th: Kent (with Lauren)
6th: Robert (with Mark)
7th: Lauren (with Twitch)
8th: Lauren and Kent
9th - Worst of the Night: Kent and Robert
The Routines:
Best Routine of the Night: Spencer Liff's Jazz (Robert with Kathryn)
2nd Best Routine of the Night: Stacey Tookey's Contemporary (Kent and Allison)
3rd Best Routine of the Night: Dee Kaspary's Contemporary (Lauren and Robert)
The All-Stars:
All-Star MVP: Allison
All-Star MVP 2: Pasha
All-Star MVP 3: Kathryn
All-Star MVP 4: Mark
All-Star MVP 5: Twitch
The Predictions:
Should Happen:
1st: Robert
2nd: Kent
3rd: Lauren
But damn it's pretty close based on tonight alone so I'm taking into account of the whole season.
Will Happen:
1st: Robert
2nd: Kent
3rd: Lauren
Kent's been the front-runner ever since Alex had to drop out but I think the underdog Robert, who has survived several bottom 3's is finally peaking at the right time. Granted, not even so much peaking, but finally being noticed for his excellent dance skills and losing his perceived arrogant personality that people had because he had a dark handsome and smoldering look that didn't jive with the nerdy goofy silliness and humility that he showed on stage and in the video clips.
This is how I rank all the dancers overall (#position from last week in parenthesis):
Overall Ranking:
1. Robert (1)
2. Kent (2)
3. Lauren (3)
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For So You Think You Can Dance Season 2:
Favorite Video Clips
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Thanks to Rickey for the videos.
Vance at
1 comment:
As usual, your recaps are thorough and on point. I was in a really cranky mood for the first few numbers because it seemed asif the judges were just going through the motions with their pre-scripted remarks. Then they woke up with Robert and Lauren's duet and gave us some sincerity. although I admire qualities in Kent and Lauren and think any one of them could win, I hope it's Robert. His dancingn is the most pleasing to me, and I genuinely like him. Lauren and Kent have a little growing up to do, but what dyanamoes, each of them. I won't even think about the loss of Alex and Billy Bell, who both remain favorites.
I thought Tyce took the Robert and Mark opportunity and made an absolute hash out of it.
I had to go back and watch Lauren's cha-cha again, looking at her, because the first time through I just couldn't take my eyes off Pasha. She did extremely well for a non-ballroom dancer in getting many of the elements right, but he had to cover for the fact that she's too inexperienced to have that elastic connection, that weight exchange, that happens with a partner in the Latin dances. But he's such a pro at showing off his students, he covered it completely.
to see Robert and Lauren dance so beautifully together made me miss the days of the "power couples" but to see Allison Holker and Kathryn perform so beautifully made me glad the competitors had such great partners. I'm torn about what changes Nigel should make since he says he will be making changes..
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