Gossip Girl XOXO's Spring Awakening Cast Members?
Another reason Gossip Girl is better than 90210?
90210 may put on Spring Awakening but Gossip Girl uses its actors.
First Jesse Swenson as Jenny Eric's boyfriend, now the ever cute Matt Doyle will appear as... well..., Eric's boyfriend in Episode 207 (airing October 27th 2008).
Here's Matt Doyle hanging out with Chace Crawford. (Ugly Betty's Michael Urie made a visit on the same day).Anwyays, here's a video of the cast of the current Spring Awakening watching 90210:
It's too bad Kyle Riabko is already on the tour (Weeds's Hunter Parish is currently the new Melchior) since he and Shanae Grimes floated around the same sets (he was on Instant Star, she was on Degrassi: The Next Generation which shares the same studio space and sometimes the same sets). I wonder what he would have said about 90210. Since apparently all the former girls on DTNG are being catty and Shanae is being a Shannon Doherty ALREADY (though I don't really believe that one).
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