So You Think You Can Dance - Shock and Awe, The First (Top 10) Cut Is The Deepest
Top 10 Results - The Cut From 10 to 8
With another incredibly strong Top 10, this is going to hurt tonight.Top 10 Group Performance
Bollywood - Choreographed by Nakule
Song: "JBJ" - Jhoom Barabar Jhoom (Soundtrack)
I guess the Bollywood dance that Katee and Joshua did was so popular that they had to bring the style back. I'm glad they did! It was so fun and colourful with all the costumes but it's quite telling who starts standing out amongst the group. I found myself looking at Mark, Katee in the blue, Courtney and Gev in the yellow and Will. I'm surprised I didn't really notice Chelsie in the pink. Joshua was great when I could see him but he always seemed to be off camera and I am officially putting the camera person and director on notice. Seriously, what's with that?
Here's the video clip:
I can't even remember what they filled the results show with last year but this year there are additional group performances!!! One with the girls, one with the boys!!! Woohoo!!!
Top 5 Girls Group Performance - Choreographed by Mia Michaels
Song: "Ave Maria" - Celine Dion
Another surreal routine by Mia with some weird creepy ghost like makeup. I couldn't even recognize Kherington and Katee.
Here's the video clip:
Top 5 Boys Group Performance - Choreographed by Nigel Lythgoe
Song: "5 Guys Named Moe" - Joe Jackson
That was such a fun routine! I guess Nigel saved himself to work with the 5 strongets guys who in the routine, just proved that we should keep them ALL for another week. At least. See, they CAN just have dances with just the guys and it could be awesome!
Here's the video clip:
So my bottom four predictions were:
Joshua (I had a bad feeling even though I thought it probably should be Twitch if I had to pick anybody)
with Comfort and Mark going home.
So the bottom 4 dancers actually were:
Comfort and Kherington for the girls.
Mark and Gev for the boys. AW CRAP. Joe WAS sadly right.
On the other hand, I'm glad I was wrong about my bad feeling about Joshua. Whew... I need to stop second guessing things sometimes.
They all get to perform again but the end decision had been already made.
Comfort Fedoke - Solo Dance
Song: "Egypt, Egypt" - The Egyptian Lover
She looks like she's having fun and just going for it considering she figures this is her second chance and second time to be eliminated and when she's relaxed, she's really good.
Mark Kanemura - Solo Dance
Song: "Black Betty" - Ram Jam
Seriously, I just love this guy. It's so odd and quirky and almost artful with a sense of hipness to it that his uniqueness is a welcome presence on this show.
Here's the video with Comfort and Mark:
Kherington Payne - Solo Dance
Song: "Myphilosophy" - Inner
Love Kher but she's not a great soloist yet, but better than performance night at least.
Gev Manoukian- Solo Dance
Song: "Feeling Good" - Michael Buble
Did he just do that slow backflip? What was THAT? CRAZY AWESOME! This guy is dancing genius!
Here's the video with Kherington and Gev:
Finally the results are revealed:
Kherington is out. WHAT???
I'm shocked and yet not since I was thinking Comfort fans probably would have voted in droves to save her since they knew she was in danger (again).
Still, WHAT??? I gasped out loud.
Then Gev is out. WHAT???
I'm shocked.
I LOVE Mark but I sort of relegated that he had the bad luck of two bad dances (Country Two Step? Really? Is that fair?) and was going to be voted out in a strong guys field.
But Gev had the BEST Solos and was the best pairing of the night with an overall average of the best dances of the night... I'm truly shocked and a little bit angry now...
I guess the only silver lining is that Mark is still in and hopefully he can prove himself next week with better dances since I still think he has a chance to actually be in the Top 4 if not the winner.
So long Kherington PayneSo long Gev Manoukian
So with Gev out of the running, Mark is back in the top spot of favorite male dancer and if I were to pick a Top 4 at this point, it would have to be Mark, Joshua, Katee and Chelsie but Courtney is definitely gunning for it.
I do like Will a lot too but I also hear the complaints that he's almost a little cold. Great technical, but something lacking in the soul/pizazz department but at least he's WAY more likable than Danny from last year so I'm not going to complain. I enjoy Twitch a lot and when he's on he's ON and I think any other year I would be cheering for him but Mark is just really unique and weird which I love, Gev is just amazing me every week, whereas Josh has surprised me by excelling in styles that you would not expect him to.
Anyways, 8 dancers left. Wait, does this mean there's only 3 weeks left to the show? WHAT???
Next year, they really should do the Top 10 for like 3 weeks straight and then combine the scores or something. Seriously, Nigel, listen to my advice. You'd get three more episodes and ad money too? It's win win for all of us!
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So You Think You Can Dance - Season 4:
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So You Think You Can Dance - Season 3:
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For So You Think You Can Dance Season 2:
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I disagree, I think Kherrington deserved to go. She brought Mark down by not trusting him in the partnering, esp in the 2-step. Also, what's up with that bratty behavior off stage? Her "the judges hate me" and the "really? REALLY?!" comments after her performances were in poor form. I'm glad Lil' C called her on it.
Comfort is not my favorite dancer but you got to give it up to her for her tenacity.
I'm going to miss Gev. His solos were made of awesome.
Ill miss Gev too... His solos were awesome...
at least my fave is still on it... Katee rocks
I was looking around and saw this poll and I feel the results are a bit off, dont you think??
Did you hear Nigel's shout-out?
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