Friday Night Lights - Taylor Made
There Goes the Neighborhood - Ep. 210Okay, I was never into that greasy longish haired look that Tim Riggins sported but Taylor Kitsch made me love him, but could we love Tim even more after this past week's episode? How great was Tim and how sad was that ending?
I love Eric Taylor's tough love, especially as he tries to play the upper hand by teaching his boys respect on and off the playing field when a guest football team moves in on Panther territory and acts like children, but boy did that tough love just make a big mistake of kicking Tim Riggins out of his home when Eric catches Tim in a compromising looking position on top of Julie when Tim had just pulled Julie out of being drunkenly seduced by another boy to lay her back safely at home. I was loving Tim Riggins going into big brother mode, and I loved the Taylors having a surrogate son amongst the household (how cute was Riggins with baby?) with Eric getting the son he never had, but alas, Riggins is back on the street and Aunt Shelley (or Julie) no longer has anybody to ogle at and Tami no longer has to stress about that.
After Eric takes in Tim, a tornado (real, not metaphorically) storms through Texas including Dillon and nearby town Laribee. This forces Laribee High to move in with the Dillons (wait, just like Lakehurst at Degrassi? and the uncanny similarities continues (both ways mind you)) and forces the Laribee Lions football team to share locker and football field space with the Panthers and the clashes begin, with no help from the jerk coach from Laribee.
Lyla finds out her mom is getting remarried and Buddy is emotionally wrecked when he finds out, going back to her to beg to take him back, without any success.
Landry continues his pursuit for Tyra who emotionally lets her guard down for a moment telling Landry he makes her feel too much emotion. Now with the whole murder plot out of the way, it looks like this relationship is being explored on the right track again, in heartbreaking realistic ways.
But this was Tim Riggins episode through and through. In fact, I wished his stay at the Taylors lasted a little longer at least, with plots feeling slightly rushed (I guess to get it all in before the strike happened?) that could have been milked a little longer (and how often do we say that about shows these days?).
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