Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What is Hate? The Worst Song EVER

I thought of it! The answer to one of the meme questions I left blank the other day. The worst song EVER.

And I can't believe I forgot about it too. I guess I blocked it out of my head. Cause I HATE IT. It's the WORST SONG EVER.

"What Is Love?" - Haddaway

(I feel a head bop coming on.)

There were some good contenders though:

Liz from Glowybox mentioned Gwen Stefani's "If I Were A Rich Girl" but I could make an argument for every Gwen Stefani song post-No Doubt career.

I could agree with ModFab that Margarittaville" - Jimmy Buffett sucks.

There's always Chumbawumba - "Tubthumping"

maybe "My Humps" - Black Eyed Peas

the latest entry is definitely "Crank That (Soulja Boy)" - Soulja Boy

Blender came out with the 50 Worst Songs. Many I agree ("Barbie Girl". A few not ("We Built This City"? Is totally AWESOME. Okay, maybe in it's 80's cornball rockness but I guess I grew up with it so I heart that song).

What other "worst" songs are out there? Though "What Is Love?" takes the raspberry for me.


Anonymous said...

Man, I don't even know that Soulja Boy song (which is a good thing, sounds like). So many to choose from!

Anonymous said...

Embarrassing admission: I believe I've got a cassette single (yup, they made them, and I bought them) of "What Is Love?" still kicking around at my parents' house.