It's Hot All Of A Sudden
(Somehow life and work got crazy busy again so even though I have posts in the works from finally catching up with The Office, Beauty and the Geek, and most of Gossip Girl and Greek (damn you Canadian channels for still not putting these two shows ontime along with their US counterparts) plus reviews of Saved the Musical, Altar Boyz (again, this time with SYTYCD3's Neil Haskell, see below), and The Visit (the musical at the Signature in DC), plus my Best of TV post, a Crushworthy Broadway Boys post (in addition to this one) and more on Men in Trees (the show, not actually men in trees. I wish) it will all have to wait. In the meantime, here's some cheap gratuituous photos for your enjoyment!
I was in DC over the weekend where it was quite hot, and now that I'm back in Toronto, the weather has (finally) turned really warm too! Woo!
So just in time for the HOT weather, AfterElton has announced their Hot 100 for this year (nice segue eh? Not subtle at ALL).(Well apologies to my straight male readers or lesbian female ones. That list probably won't interest you. Maybe this one will.)
Since I haven't actually produced any posts, this will be it for now, because it's easy and I'm shallow. So discuss (the hot 100, not my shallowness).Here's a starter: Luke MacFarlane (Brothers & Sisters) jumped from non-existent on the list to #3. Nice! (and 2 CDN's made the Top 10!)
Incidentally, these two candid (stalkerish paparrazzi photos I took creepily while waiting for my friend in front of the New World Stages Theatre in New York the previous weekend) photos show two of my favorite hotties that didn't make the list (well, they are too obscure in the general public but kind of known to the gays that fawn over them).
The weird thing about the first photo was that I had JUST discovered Jeffrey Self's hilarious youtube videos, where he seems to be friends with half of Broadway including Hunter Bell ([title of show]) and Michael Arden. Then there he was (back turned to the camera), with Michael Arden (Bare: A Pop Opera, The Return of Jezebel James), on 50th Street.And then Neil Haskell joined them (he and Arden co-starred in The Times They Are A Changin'). Sadly he was in a rush to get to the theatre (for the Altar Boyz performance I was seeing) because if he hadn't been so quick I would have taken a better picture/kidnapped him for my own pleasure:
I also just had to add these photos of Jamie Bamber who made it onto the Hot 100 list... just because..
Here are some other Crushworthy's:
Cheyenne Jackson, Damn, Xanadu Me!
Jeffrey Donovan as Michael Westin in Burn Notice
Fernando Meirelles and Slings & Arrows
::Drool:: Jamie... ::Drool::
And you don't even watch BSG. Well, at least now you know what you are missing.
And... You saw Neil on the street? In person?? And didn't tell till now??
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