iPod Music Playlist - I Think My iPod Died Edition
Shoot. There's an iPod with a frowny face icon on my iPod. That's not good. I think it may have just died on me. Where's Ned? I need him to touch it (that sentence could be taken as any way you want). I'm supposed to bring it to the stupid Genius Bar at the Apple store but it right now, seems like the exact same way my friend's iPod died. Shoot. I would love the new ones with video (mine's only 3 years old but in iPod world, that's forever apparently. My screen isn't even colour) but I don't really feel like giving them another $300 right now.
So, while I've been meaning to put out another iPod music playlist post... well, now I have no iPod. So I can't hear Rihanna and Neyo's "Hate That I Love You" over and over again. Oh wait. Let me turn on the radio...
On some brigther news, Westlife has another album coming out! Over covers AGAIN (boo). And they are taking a "break" from each other after that. (boo, though I'm shocked they lasted this long already). Seriously, this is my favorite of all the boy bands and the ones with the best harmonies. Now if only they had better writers for songs (or any at all). Also, I just realised T.R. Knight looks like Kian (the blonde straggly haired one).
Here's Westlife ripping off Michael Bublé's "Home"
I'm a little worried because you described my iPod also. And the battery life seems to be less than it used to be. I am hoping mine lasts until Christmas (and a kind souled person hooks me up with a new generation version).
Although may I suggest plugging it into your power adapter thingie (yes I call things thingies) and press they center button, that has always recessitated mine.
And I wouldn't be so quick to call on Ned because something else could die after a minute and that could be your computer or TV.
thanks for the tip Scooter! Though just tried and didn't seem to work. Sadly, my battery was actually really good still.
anyways, my computer (at home) is so old it sort of deserves to die. but lord not my TV... gasp...
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