Just Hearing This Makes Me Happy Already!
Friday Night Lights Theme Song by W.G. Snuffy Walden and Bennett Salvay
Life's too short to waste on bad entertainment. Well, unless it's so bad, it's good. Or you're stuck in an airplane.
Friday Night Lights Theme Song by W.G. Snuffy Walden and Bennett Salvay
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Monday, October 29, 2007
Labelworthy 30 Rock, Friday Night Lights, Music, Veronica Mars
My favorite theme song on TV right now is actually the theme for Boston Legal--it's so danceable that I literally must dance each and every time I hear it. And, of course, The Office and How I Met Your Mother both have catchy, singable, loveable tunes.
I actually couldnt find a good The Office (lots of remixes or self made ones).. and didnt have time to go through them all yet on youtube... and was thinking of HIMYM but was thinking of posting it with a photo I was sent and now the work day is done and Im already late... so uh.. next time now.
I really hope that the Haitian erased the part of the brain that had the themes to Dukes of Hazzard and The A-Team in it because to omit them in a great theme song discussion is a crime against humanity.
And as great as it was, Veronica Mars should even be in the discussion (or at the very least in a different catergory) because the song was written a couple of years before the show aired.
Um... I don't remember the themes to Duke and A-Team... GASP... I wasn't allowed to watch a lot of TV when I was a kid (except Family Ties, Cosby Show and Fame, though I do remember the Dukes always jumping in and out of the car but that's it) which I think I'm making up for now.
And my criteria isn't the BEST opening songs. Just ones that make me feel giddy when I hear them right now. So VM works... but yes. I'm sure there are more... I'll make a new list in due time cause well, I love lists!
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