Rhimes With Gilmore
Grey's Anatomy - The Heart of the Matter
Private Practice - In Which Addison Has a Very Casual Get TogetherThis will be short(er) but since Grey's Anatomy has gotten good again all of a sudden (starting since last week), I just had to make a note of it, since it's been a long while I've thoroughly enjoyed watching this show. There's still Gizzie but to be honest, I didn't mind it last night mainly because it helped Sara Ramirez pull a ready-made Emmy clip for herself and meeting trailer trash Izzie in the caf for what Izzie thought was going to be a rumble was hilarious and devastating at the same time. Welcome back Grey's Anatomy. The melodrama is back! George running all over in an attempt to warn Izzie that he told Callie EVERYTHING added some much needed humour that the show had been lacking.
That, and Christina as the new nazi! Yet going too far was both nicely humourous and shocking as Derek warns Christina to pull back on the nasty against Lexie (while working on a patient played by hottie Matt Lanter who made a credible entry with Commander in Chief after the hilarious reality show debut on Manhunt: The Search for America' Most Gorgeous Male Model. haha... Still can't get over that). Richard's niece was back (and looking completely different? Was it always Bernie Mac's niece or did they just recast?).
Richard Gilmore the world's oldest intern gets passed onto Meredith's responsibility and they give the wrong woman the news that she's dying. Bailey and Callie treat a woman who ends up dying after over-exercising and undereating too much, all in an attempt to convince her boyfriend to move in with her. Well then, that makes me feel better for skipping the gym all this week. Still, it was nice to see Callie rip the boyfriend apart at the end after being all down and demure for the past few eps. Where is the strong Callie? At least Christina is back! Yey! (Which therein lies the problem with Private Practice. None of the women there have any backbone left).
Speaking of Private Practice, apparently they have to add a Gilmore alum too, with David Sutcliffe apparently joining the cast as a possible (please, we know they're going to do it) love interest for Addison. Damnit. Now I'll have to stick around until then at least. I LOVE David Sutcliffe. I know most of you were Christopher haters but I wasn't one of them (though I did believe Lorelai belonged with Luke in the end and always did but I knew she had to go through Christopher to get to that point). More after the jump:At this point, the only reason I think I'm still watching Private Practice is Paul Adelstein. I mean, the show as a whole is getting better but more like a millimeter at a time instead of a yard (there, I've confused both Canadians and Americans now!) as it should be. Of course, just as I say that, they ruin it by expanding on Paul's love for Amy (yes, I still can't remember the characters names and I can't even bother to look it up anymore). Paul deals with a kid who gets beaten up after Paul tells him to reveal his love for his crush, except his crush is a fellow skaterboy. Aw, cute gay kid storyline. Except they make Paul relate it to his unending love for Amy. Barf.
I love Chris Lowell but he's still Piz to me. Sorry. And this week in particular reminded me of how much more I miss Veronica Mars, maybe because of the anticipation of her appearance on this coming week's Heroes.
The rest, well, not much to say. They should just make Taye and Audra sing together. Change it up a bit. Have SOMETHING happen.
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