Monday, June 30, 2008

Welcome to the Summer of Love!

Hair is back! No, I'm not talking about those Falcon, Raging Stallion or Colt boys (and if you don't know what I'm talking about, just leave it at that...but boy, that WOULD be a summer of love...).

I'm talking about Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical which will start at the Shakespeare in the Park in Central Park New York at the Delacorte Theater on July 22nd and it is FREE (well, if you're willing to line up for tickets or lucky enough to win them). I'll hopefully be there on the first day so go any day except that one please, unless you're behind me in line, then I don't care.

In an odd bit of cross-promotion that probably somehow feels WRONG, the cast was photographed for the current Vogue magazine in a fashion spread.

Of course, Hair may be a bit dated at this point, but I'm going because Spring Awakening's Jonathan Groff is in it! He looks adorable in the pictures (although, um, I'm not loving his hair. Isn't he supposed to shave it during the show?). Wait. ARE THEY GETTING NAKED AT THE END OF THE SHOW? (Maybe I wasn't totally wrong with the Falcon talk)

Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical is now a full scaled performance after the success of last years special concert presentation, although it's too bad Karen Olivo won't be able to rejoin since she's doing quite well in newly minted Best Musical In The Heights which now seems practically impossible to get tickets for. Damn, I knew I should have bought tickets again.

Well, money will only help here for Hair if you're willing to make a big donation, or to buy off somebody in the lineup (my sister and I (and any friends I can rope into lining up with me) will gladly take offers. Cash only please).

Book and lyrics by GEROME RAGNI & JAMES RADO
Directed by DIANE PAULUS
July 22 - August 31 2008

Performances of Shakespeare in the Park will be Tuesday through Sunday at 8PM. At the Delacorte Theater in Central Park

No distribution/Stand-by line only on: August 7
Limited ticket distribution on: July 30, August 8, August 12

Cast list: Ato Blankson-Wood, Steel Burkhardt, Jackie Burns, Allison Case, Lauren Elder, Jonathan Groff, Allison Guinn, Anthony Hollock, Kaitlin Kiyan, Andrew Kober, Megan Lawrence, Nicole Lewis, Caren Lyn Manuel, Patina Renea Miller, John M. Moauro, Darius Nichols, Brandon Pearson, Megan Reinking, Paris Remillard, Bryce Ryness, Saycon Sengbloh, Maya Sharpe, Kacie Sheik, Theo Stockman, Will Swenson, and Tommar Wilson.

For more on Spring Awakening
For my original review
See also
One Jonathan Groff To Live
One More Jonathan Groff To Live
No More Jonathan Groff To Live
Broadway Marathon
I Only Stalk Celebrities (Like Jonathan Groff) on Broadway

More After the Jump...

The TV Blog Coalition - Vance Ein Deutschland

I have no idea if that is a correct title but I'm here in Germany and still not used to the keyboard here. I've also learned that Heidi Klum, our beloved host of the upcoming Project Runway 5 (starting Wed July 16th at 9pm) is ALSO host to Germany's Next Top Model here. Doesn't she have kids? When does she find the time?

Here's what the TV bloggers are talking about back home in North America:

If thinking The Secret Life of the American Teenager could be cheesily addictive is wrong, Buzz doesn't want to be right. (BuzzSugar)

GMMR has been podcast crazy this past week. Two, count 'em, two podcasts! In addition to the usual GMMR/Ducky So You Think You Can Dance podcast (here), we devoted a separate TV Talk Podcast to what shows are taking over our TV this summer. (Give Me My Remote)

Marcia decided to spend the summer hiatus watching old episodes of Buffy and wondered if the show improves with repeat viewings. (Pop Vultures)

From Miami to Vancouver, this week Rae was on the set of Psych and she's only to happy to share what happened. (RTVW)

Viva la Vida or was Coldplay able to make an album this time around that doesn't sound like a Coldplay cover band? (Scooter McGavin's 9th Green)

School's out and Vance celebrates the end of an era now that Emma, daughter of Spike (from the original Degrassi) has now graduated from Degrassi High on Degrassi: The Next Generation. (Though The N will show those episodes this summer) (Tapeworthy)

Remember that episode about the helpless dude who delivered the baby in the elevator? Oh yeah, that was every series ever. By that token, Dan decided to coin the term "elevator baby" and cement his role in pop culture history. (TiFaux)

Tube Talk shared some scoop on the new season of Psych, after an interview with show stars James Roday and Dulé Hill, fondly remembered shows that were canceled too early, and asked for help in naming Tube Talk Girl’s future baby boy. (Tube Talk)

This week we finally spotted someone who has a Nerdier license plate than the TV Addicts and released what critics, and by critics I mean listeners are saying was our funniest podcast to date! [The TV Addict]

Kate is disappointed enough with this season of My Boys that she drafted an open letter to the show's writers. (TV Filter)

More After the Jump...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Yup, They're One Of Us! - Pride Day Edition

Happy Pride Day!

In honour of the gays of our lives, here's my favorites (okay, basically all the) gay boys on Primetime TV (gay characters or gay actors) (in no particular order):

Neil Patrick Harris as Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother

T.R. Knight as George O'Malley in Grey's Anatomy

Luke MacFarlane as Scotty in Brothers & Sisters

Kevin Walker played by Matthew Rhys in Brothers & Sisters

John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who and Torchwood

Eric van der Woodsen played by Connor Paolo in Gossip Girl

Calvin Owens played by Paul James in Greek

Marc St. James played by Michael Urie in Ugly Betty

Salvatore Romano played by Bryan Batt in Mad Men

Eric Millegan as Dr. Zack Addy in Bones

Andrew Van De Kamp played by Shawn Pyfrom in Desperate Housewives

Here are some other gays we love that were on TV in the last year.

Saul Holden played by Ron Rifkin on Brothers & Sisters
Lee McDermott played by Kevin Rahm on Desperate Housewives
Bob Hunter played by Tuc Watkins on Desperate Housewives
Oscar Martinez played by Oscar Nunez on The Office
Luke Snyder played by Van Hansis on As The World Turns
Noah Mayer played by Jake Silbermann on As The World Turns
Sanjay played by Maulik Pancholy on Weeds
Steve played by Michael Ian Black on Reaper
Tony played by Ken Marino on Reaper
Marco del Rossi played by Adamo Ruggiero on Degrassi: The Next Generation

Did I miss anyone?

More After the Jump...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Go Love She Loves Me

One of my favorite old little musicals that I just caught at the Huntington Theatre in Boston now transfers over to the Williamstown Theatre Festival (in MA) starting tonight! Here was my original review of the terrific performance of an incredibly lovely musical.

And I noticed the Huntington was kind (and smart enough) to put up clips on youtube so check them out! (I also added them to my original review post):

Here's Brooks Ashmanskas singing "She Loves Me":

Jeremy Beck as Arpad Miklos.

Here is Mr. Maraczek (Dick Latessa) singing "Days Gone By":

The cast singing "A Romantic Atmosphere":

She Loves Me - Huntington Boston University Theatre - Boston, MA - ****(4 out of 5) This production now transfers over to the Williamstown Theatre Festival from June 27 - July 12th 2008 so catch it while you can!

Thanks to the Huntington Theatre Blog for clips and photos!

More After the Jump...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance - So Long, Farewell

Top 16 Results - The Cut From 16 to 14

Hey, loyal Tapeworthy readers! It is me again, guest blogger Linz from Linz McC's Completely Pointless Blog. It's time to say goodbye to another two dancers.

Top 16 Group Performance - Choreographed by Mia Michaels
Song: "The Dance" - Charlotte Martin

Here's the video clip:

This dance looked more like a Wade Robson routine than a Mia Michaels routine to me, probably because it specifically reminded me of Wade's Rama-Lama (Bang Bang) routine in Season 2. I don't like when I can't tell who the dancers are. But I was intrigued by this dance. I don't think I got it, though...

Side note 1: While I was hunting for that Rama-Lama link, I found this amazingness.

So my bottom three predictions were:
Comfort & Chris
Chelsea & Thayne
Courtney & Gev

So the bottom 3 teams were:

Chelsea & Thayne
Comfort & Chris
Kourtni & Matt

Side Note: For some reason, I am always intrigued at what the dancers wear for solo night. I think because it reflects their dance personalities.

I am not really disappointed that Chelsea & Thayne and Comfort & Chris are in the bottom 3. I HAD predicted them to be there. I was happy for Courtney & Gev to make it through, even though I had predicted them in the bottom 3 (and that means I was wrong!). I am REALLY disappointed that Kourtni & Matt are in the bottom 3 over Jessica & Will, since I was kind of ready to say goodbye to Jessica.

Quest was the guest dance group tonight. They performed what I will call a lab experiment gone terribly wrong (and wonderfully right!) to the song "Chemical Calisthenics" by Blackalicious. I enjoyed it and I am always glad to see our old friends Ryan (season 1), Dominic and Hok (both from season 3)

Time to dance for their lives!:

Chelsea Traille - Solo Dance
Song: "A Song for You" - Donny Hathaway

I think Chelsea is really beautiful to watch
Here's the video:

Grade: B+

Thayne Jasperson - Solo Dance
Song: "Always" - Bon Jovi

I didn't feel like Thayne's solo was any more, better, different than last week's. He was fine but not spectacular.
Here's the video:

Grade: B

Comfort Fedoke - Solo Dance
Song: "Just Fine" - Mary J. Blige

We got a little more from Comfort out of her solo than we did last week. IT was better but still not what I keep hoping to see from her.
Here's the video:

Grade: B+

Chris Jarosz- Solo Dance
Song: "After Tonight" - Justin Nozuka

Chris is best at portraying his emotion during his solos, but I still didn't think it was enough.
Here's the video:

Grade: B

Kourtni Lind - Solo Dance
Song: "Fire Door (Live)" - Ani Difranco

I really like Kourtni and I wanted to like her solo more than I did. She is wacky and kind of goofy. I hope she isn't going home tonight.
Here's the video:

Grade: B+

Matt Dorame - Solo Dance
Song: "I'm Yours" - Jason Mraz

I like Matt's solos. He uses the length of his body to make really pretty lines.
Here's the video:

Grade: A-

During the judges' deliberations, Jordin Sparks performs her new single, One Step at a Time. My husband commented that she always dressed like she is 12. Why is that?

Nigel first warns these dancers because they are all repeat Bottom 3-ers. Chelsea is cut without any discussion. I am not too sad to see her go but I would not have guessed she would be the one going.

Matt is called forward and Nigel tells him how amazing he was tonight. Chris is sent home (I never realized how tall he is) and Thayne will now be paired up with Comfort. That should be a fun change.

So long Chelsea... ("When You're Gone" by Avril Lavigne)

So long Chris... ("All We Are" by One Republic)

For More So You Think You Can Dance:
Check here for the most Recent current postings and Latest News on SYTYCD

So You Think You Can Dance
- Season 4
Top 18 Performances, Results 18 to 16
Top 20 Performances, Results 20 to 18
Introducing the Top 20

Callbacks in Las Vegas - The Top 20 Revealed - What Happens In Vegas
Milwaukee, WI - How The Midwest Was Won
Charleston, South Carolina and Washington D.C. - S.C.D.C. The New Electric (Boogaloo) Term!
Salt Lake City and Dallas - Yeehaw Utah!
Los Angeles - It's Time To Put On Those Dancing Shoes Again Kids!

So You Think You Can Dance
- Season 3
Live Tour - Toronto, Pasha's Solo Video, Neil's Solo Video
Finale - Winner Result
Top 4 Performances - Finals
Top 6 Performances, Top 6 Results
Top 8 Performances, Top 8 Results
Top 10 Performances, Top 10 Results
Top 12 Performances, Top 12 Results
Top 14 Performances, Top 14 Results
Top 16 Performances, Top 16 Results
Top 18 Performances, Top 18 Results
Top 20 Performances, Top 20 Results

For So You Think You Can Dance Season 2:
Favorite Video Clips
Song List Live Tour 2006 - Toronto
Live Tour 2006 - Buffalo, Pics, More Pics

More After the Jump...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance - Is it HOT in here or is it just me?

Top 16 - Performance Night
Judges: Nigel Lythgoe, Mary Murphy, and Adam Shankman

Vance here, but not really, because I'm away on vacation in Europe for the next 2 weeks and I will try to pop in and chime in with my own opinions (with some help of the net! thank goodness for the net!) but in the meantime, I have my wonderful guest blogger Linz from Linz McC's Completely Pointless Blog filling in for me while I'm away. So Linz, take it away!

The opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent those of Vance but I respect Linz and her opinions so it's cool, even if she didn't like Jamie :P!

Thanks for the intro, Vance (and, I am sorry, I just thought Jamie was too cheesy...)! I apologize to anyone used to getting this post earlier than now because I am on the west coast, and therefore subjected to several hours of waiting after the show has started for readers on the east coast. But I am going to try my darnedest so no one goes without some SYTYCD discussion. Let's get started now.

For starters, Cat is looking like she is ready to walk down the aisle 20 years ago with big hair and a mini-dress with wedding lace. But, alas, I am just jealous. Adam Shankman reveals that we can look forward to the Adam Sandler Christmas movie just so we can see some of our favorite dancers from previous years (I am SURE he said Travis...). Oh, Mary, she went crazy with the bedazzler tonight before the show. Yow!

The intro videos let the dancers tell us something we don't know about their partners.

Kherington Payne and Twitch
Style: Hip Hop - Choreographed by Tabitha & Napoleon
Song: "Don't Touch Me" - Busta Rhymes

So first we find out that Twitch has a growly (bear-like?) laugh and Kherington really likes to shop. I really liked the choreography. Kherington let a couple of smiles in when she should have been looking gangsta, but for the most part, she was surprisingly good. And Twitch was plenty entertaining, as one would expect, but I found myself focusing on Kherington.

Grade: B+

Here's the video clip of Kherington and Twitch's performance:

Courtney Galiano and Gev Manoukian
Style: Rumba - Choreographed by Tony Meredith & Melanie
Song: "Wishing on a Star" - Rose Royce

So, Gev used to be a girl as a child and Courtney wants to be a special education teacher (good for her!). Gev looked really nice in his vest and tie. Courtney, in the words of my husband, was "yama hama." They had really good chemistry and I think this was due to Gev having a huge crush on her. I am totally surprised at how well they did the rumba. I would never have imagined they would have been able to pull this off and make it believable.

Grade: B

Here's the video clip of Courtney and Gev's performance:

Comfort Fedoke and Chris Jarosz
Style: Jazz - Choreographed by Tyce Diorio
Song: "Beautiful People" - Marilyn Manson

Chris is food mooch and Comfort is a former pageant girl! I get nervous about prop dancing because I am not sure the judges are fans. So the "African jazz" choreography is very raw and down-n-dirty. I don't think of raw when I think of Chris. There are some other dancers in this competition that would have done a better job with this dance. Chris and Comfort weren't really in sync when it was needed and still don't have the chemistry they need to get people voting for them.

Grade: B-

Here's the video clip of Comfort and Chris' performance:

Jessica King and William Wingfield
Style: Disco - Choreographed by Doriana Sanchez
Song: "Heaven Must Have Sent You" - Bonnie Pointer

Jessica is AKA Ariel because of her long red hair. Will is a gentlemen (I figured). Doriana choreographed this dance in order to put Jessica in the spotlight but I am still staring at Will. He could be a pro disco dancer. While there were some very impressive tricks (and a couple of painful-looking mess-ups), I felt this performance only showed how much better Will was than Jessica. Again.

Grade: B

Here's the video clip of Jessica and William's performance:

Kourtni Lind and Matt Dorame
Style: Contemporary - Choreographed by Sonya Tayek (a new choreographer!)
Song: "Wrestlers" - Hot Chip

Kourtni has a tat and Matt is a ninja. The pressure is on because both Kourtni & Matt are contemporary dancers. The choreography is based on a comic book and was very wacky. I liked their chemistry and their goofiness. It helped to show their personalities. They were completely in sync . Completely bizarre, but I really liked it. And Nigel doesn't give the public enough credit for "getting" dances that are different.

Grade: A-

Here's the video clip of Kourtni and Matt's performance:

Chelsea Traille and Thayne Jasperson
Style: Quick Step - Choreographed by Heather Smith
Song: "You Can't Hurry Love" - Phil Collins

Thayne loves fashion design and Chelsea steals flowers. Thayne is a dork and I like that. Thayne did a good job of leading Chelsea. They kept the appropriate cheesy smiles on their faces. Normally with these two, I stare at Chelsea the whole time, but this time I watched Thayne for the most part. It was a strange song choice for me, but overall I enjoyed the performance.

Grade: B-

Here's the video clip of Chelsea T. and Thayne's performance:

Chelsie Hightower and Mark Kanemura
Style: Hip Hop - Choreographed by Napoleon & Tabitha
Song: "Bleeding Love" - Leona Lewis

Mark has crooked pinkies, and Chelsie is a tomboy. I was nervous about these two doing hip hop, even though I really like them both. This felt more contemporary than hip hop to me but I liked the choreography. They have great chemistry. Maybe they weren't technically on (I wouldn't actually know), but they were pretty equal on their abilities. I really liked this one (and they are my fave pairing!).

Grade: A

Here's the video clip of Chelsie H. and Mark's performance:

Katee Shean and Joshua Allen
Style: Samba - Choreographed by Tony Meredith & Melanie
Song: "Baila Baila" - Angela Via

Joshua is a softee teddy bear and Katie screams like a boy. These two sure looked smokin' tonight! Whatever concerns they had about their chemistry seemed to have disappeared. I am not a huge Katee fan but thought she was really good. These two were hot tonight! How funny was Nigel with "Did you get those buns from your daddy?"

Grade: A

Here's the video clip of Katee and Joshua's performance:

Best Dance of the Night: Hmm... I can't decide: Katee & Joshua or Chelsie & Mark
Worst Dance of the Night
: Comfort & Chris
Favorite Individual Dancers
: Joshua, Mark, Chelsie H., Matt
Worst individual dancers: Chris
Dancers I Like Anyways
: Joshua
Dancers I Do NOT Like
: Not really anyone. Maybe Jessica.
Bottom Three Predictions
: Comfort & Chris, Chelsea & Thayne, Courtney & Gev

For More So You Think You Can Dance:
Check here for the most Recent current postings and Latest News on SYTYCD

So You Think You Can Dance
- Season 4
Top 18 Performances, Results 18 to 16
Top 20 Performances, Results 20 to 18
Introducing the Top 20

Callbacks in Las Vegas - The Top 20 Revealed - What Happens In Vegas
Milwaukee, WI - How The Midwest Was Won
Charleston, South Carolina and Washington D.C. - S.C.D.C. The New Electric (Boogaloo) Term!
Salt Lake City and Dallas - Yeehaw Utah!
Los Angeles - It's Time To Put On Those Dancing Shoes Again Kids!

So You Think You Can Dance
- Season 3
Live Tour - Toronto, Pasha's Solo Video, Neil's Solo Video
Finale - Winner Result
Top 4 Performances - Finals
Top 6 Performances, Top 6 Results
Top 8 Performances, Top 8 Results
Top 10 Performances, Top 10 Results
Top 12 Performances, Top 12 Results
Top 14 Performances, Top 14 Results
Top 16 Performances, Top 16 Results
Top 18 Performances, Top 18 Results
Top 20 Performances, Top 20 Results

For So You Think You Can Dance Season 2:
Favorite Video Clips
Song List Live Tour 2006 - Toronto
Live Tour 2006 - Buffalo, Pics, More Pics

More After the Jump...

A Sign I'm In Need Of A Vacation

I actually watched the entire premiere episode of I Survived A Japanese Game Show.

And I laughed hysterically.

I think this is a sign that I need a vacation. So I'm going. Tonight. Sadly I'm going to be missing live airings of So You Think You Can Dance but I'm going to have the marvelous Linz fill in for me as a guest blogger so go check out her site Linz McC's Completely Pointless Blog in the meantime!

Meanwhile, back to I Survived A Japanese Game Show. Seriously. Hysterical.

I'm not sure I can watch this everyweek but the premiere episode was hysterical especially with the whole set up.

I mean, we all know already that Japanese Game Shows are hilarious enough on their own, but to have 10 unsuspecting Americans whisked away to Japan and then literally thrown right into the middle of a taping of an episode and to find out that they are the contestants was simply brilliant.

I could have done a bit without the regular post-game bitching between all the contestants, though the awards that let the Americans explore Tokyo added a Mole or The Amazing Race international travel element to it which was nice. Still, they managed to create a competition reality show mixed with the Japanese Game Show and the Japanese get an episode out of it, and we get the whole making of the episode out of it. What brilliant production coordination.

Anyways, thank goodness Bilinda was saved because I like her. I like that she knew they were loud obnoxious Americans in Japan and needed some proper etiquette lessons from Mama San.

Anyways, I can't wait for the time they will have to do the Human Tetris. They'd BETTER do the Human Tetris! (If you don't know what the human tetris is, check out the videos after the jump below).

I also caught a bit of leadup show Wipeout but it wasn't as funny as the commercials made it out to be. It was a bit of a ... wipeout... (Okay, I admit I kept laughing at the commercial though when people kept bouncing off those giant red balls set upon the water).

At this point, I'm sure it seems like everyone has seen the Human Tetris but lets watch again since it's ALWAYS funny! (9Million hits?!):

Or check this out

Or this new version of the Olympics

Seriously. Oh those wacky Japenese! And you thought it was all sushi and electronics making. Come on, these are the people that invented Karaoke.

On a different note, okay, this is not the Human Tetris game as I know it but it's still pretty amazing:

Wow, some people have WAY too much time on their hands ... (like those watching I Survived A Japanese Game Show) (OMG they have a whole series of videos including Pole Position, Space Invaders and Pong!)

More After the Jump...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Bachelorette - Because Graham Doesn't Begin With A "J"

Episode 406 - 4 Remaining Bachelors - DeAnna Visits the Bachelors Home episode

Um, did DeAnna just ask Graham to leave just to spite him for not opening up?

Man, DRAMA between Graham and DeAnna. Intense.

I actually think Graham really was in love with DeAnna and considering she admitted that she was starting to fall in love with him, AND her last comment after she kicks him out : "First and foremost I want to be in love, now I don't know if that's going to happen now."...

Did DeAnna just make a HUGE mistake? Graham wasn't my favorite (that would be Jason, below) but Graham certainly had a sexiness to him and his reaction in the limo cemented that even more. I think these two would have been hot and heavy already if it weren't for the cameras and the whole show and this may have played out better in the real world. Graham really wasn't suited for the dating-on-tv thing.

So yes, at this point, I think DeAnna should pick Jason who seems like such a gentlemen and sweetheart and DeAnna seems like she could really fall into a nice lovely daily groove with him and his son.

Jeremy seems like the great boyfriend material but that's it. A really good fling that is hot and passionate but I feel like if another girl swooped, he would be just as happy.

Meanwhile, as much as I like Jesse, he's just not ready and he's more like a fun diversion for DeAnna as she tests out her comfort zone.

Can she bring back Graham and send Jesse home? Is that allowed?

Next week the Bachelors tell all. I LOVE those episodes. I'll even watch those episodes when I haven't even seen the season for The Bachelor. ACK... why is it on the week I'm away? Crap.

And Graham, if DeAnna doesn't call you back, call me...:P

More After the Jump...

For A Good Time, Call - Weeds, Secret Diary of a Call Girl

WeedsLady's a Charm - Ep. 402
Secret Diary of a Call Girl - Ep. 102

So I guess you will love or loathe Secret Diary of a Call Girl (the new show that follows Weeds on Showtime, with original airings on Mondays at 10:30pm and on Showcase in Canada on Thursdays at 10 and 10:30pm) depending on your acceptance that Billie Piper can play Hanna as someone who actually enjoys sex and is willing to work in the sex industry as a call girl named Belle. Luckily, Billie makes it a lot easier to love Hanna/Belle who is smart and sophisticated and makes few apologies about her career choice. Well, except that she keeps her career choice a secret from her best friend Ben and her family, leading a double life that includes splitting her apartment into her personal home, and the professional world.

There's the straight up talk-to-the-camera sex talk from Hanna as she introduces us to her world, explaining what she does, how she does it, why she does it, and not apologizing for loving sex.

It's Paid Sex and the City. And the city is London so the British accents sure help make everything seem more legitimate and more intelligent!

Each episode is sort of another vignette into her call girl life, as we slowly see Belle live the double life. I LOVE double life shows. And since I really have less hangups about sex and sexuality (as opposed to say, my problem with the fact that most shows rely on violence or acts of such as titillation) I've always been intrigued by the double life game that is set up through our society's taboos and moral quandaries despite the fact that it's the oldest profession in the world. Plus as a gay man, I think there's a very different view and acceptance of sex and industry with gay porn stars almost seen as superstars. So my mind is a bit liberally warped that way.

Granted, you could say that the show promotes the sex trade, and that many girls are forced into it whether by economics, social situations or such, but this is the story of a girl who has none of those problems, who isn't a drug addict or any of the usual excuses, and its just one girls story (a true story based on the blog and book called “Belle de Jour: The Intimate Adventures of a London Call Girl”) that was both fascinating while didn't seem demeaning, and I found myself addicted to the series, watching the whole first season in one weekend (thanks to an advance DVD! Yay freebies (and yes, while we are speaking of it, I can be easily bought)).

While I hoped there would be a bit more of a continuing thread of some of Hanna/Belle's love interests (like the guy she liked in the premiere or the guy she liked in the 2nd episode this week who she considered ditching her client for), I will say that I actually liked the relationship they have built between her and Ben, not exactly going where you would typically think it was going to.

Meanwhile, while the first episode of Weeds this season was really just a setup for the new premise, the second episode, with Guillermo testing Nancy was terrific and a nice return to the feel of Weeds.

I'm not a fan of Albert Brooks so I didn't really care for the season premiere but after this second episode, I'm liking this new premise. Though I wonder how they are going to work Celia and Doug back in, but at this point, the whole Celia in jail is painful to watch (but like a train wreck that we can't turn away).

Here's a video clip Hanging with Hunter (Parrish) because really, can there ever be enough? The funny thing is, he's still such a kid and not really like his surly Silas character and seems almost closer to the slightly gawky teen he played in Freedom Writers:

More After the Jump...

School's Out

They've graduated!!! (at least in Canada, The N will finish airing the final episodes of Season 7 starting July 11th)

Now what?

So after the original Degrassi's and now the spawn of Spike has all grown up and Emma and her friends, including Liberty, Toby, Manny, Spinner and Jimmy, have all graduated from Degrassi High, the over 25 years of Canadian television history has come to an end now that all the original Next Generation characters are graduating from high school and moving on to university.

All with the help from Natasha Bedingfield singing at their prom. A prom my sister also graduated from (you can see her on the left of the screen in a blue dress just after Natasha starts singing "Pocketful of Sunshine" and she's doing that fake dance bored look) when I managed to get her onto the set. Hilarious! OH, she's on the far right in the graduation picture below! HA!

Of course, the show is NOT actually over. There's a season 8 currently in the works, and even though seem to be shipping off Peter to Regina leaving poor Darcy alone at Degrassi, now we know that Darcy (Shenea Grimes) is moving to 90210 so who will be left?

It'll be interesting to see how they build up Holly and co. but considering Marco, Ellie and Paige will not even really continue with their university stories, I'm a bit worried that they haven't built enough care into their younger characters over the last few years for anyone to really care anymore.

For the sake of Degrassi mythology, I hope for the best and hope they can parlay more good scripts for yet another generation. And if not, there's always repeats!

More After the Jump...